Status: Active

When Night Breaks

Samantha: The Encounter

It would be basically impossible to meet or see every person in Elliot Springs. I'm sure there's thousands that I've never, and never will come into contact with. So it was merely by chance that I met Jay.

I was walking to my car one night while on campus at the local college after a football game. I had arrived late and left early, so I was forced to make the one fourth a mile walk alone. I left the stadium around 9, and the street lights were dimly lighting the road on which I parked. I soon regretted my choice of parking, due to the eerie feeling from this street. It was in the middle of town, and even if it was next to the college, it was still considered a rough part of the city.

Everyone has the feeling at some point in their life when they sense someone near them. That night, I felt the presence of another being. It felt as though I was being followed, like someone was slowly creeping up behind me. I kept a pink can of pepper spray attached to my key chain, and as I drew closer into the darkness surrounding my car, I clenched it tighter and quickened my pace. I clicked the automatic unlock on my keys, and as I reached out for the door handle, I saw a shadow pass by. I jumped in my car and locked the doors. I saw the figure in my rear view window. It was a young man darting away, as if trying to remain unseen.

I'm not sure what it was that drew me out of the car. Maybe it was sheer stupidity. Like in those horror movies where the brave girl ventures out to hear what went bump in the night. I always said I wouldn't be like those girls in the movies and be brave, but that night I was. I jumped out of the car, pepper spray in hand, and glanced over the car roof. I then saw him. Why he didn't turn and run, and why I didn't drive off, is a good question. But as I shouted out, "hey!" he stopped, froze, and locked eyes with me. For a moment I thought I had just provoked some sort of serial killer maniac who was to come charging after me. But it wasn't like that. This man appeared almost as scared and as frightened as I was.

There was something about him though, that wasn't quite human. His eyes were so pale blue, they were almost white. They looked as though they could see right through me. His face was that of a normal man, but I had a sense that was the last thing he was.
My suspicions of something strange were confirmed as I watched this man, this thing, run off. He moved with such speed and agility, that he was gone before I could even see what direction he took. He was completely out of sight with one blink of my eye. I didn't know at the time who or what I had just seen, but I found myself shaking as I slide back into my car. It took me a good five minutes to contain myself, in order to drive back to my apartment.