Sequel: Breathe
Status: Active and will try to update every few days


Chapter Twenty Two ~ Hello there, the angel from my nightmare.

*Mysterious persons P.O.V.*

Lolita and Chris have been starting to be distant all because of me, I warned Chris that if he kept on seeing her all of them will be dead but I love it how Lolita is starting to get upset about it, I can feel it in her blood. I’ve read Chris’ mind and he is thinking that he should maybe take Lolita on their first date but he isn’t entirely sure, which he shouldn’t or there will be trouble from me and others.

“Hey man what’s been happening between you and Loli?” asked Ricky as they got a break from the last interview they had since they have been busy with interviews,

“To be honest I’m not exactly sure. I do have to admit that I have been ignoring her but I’m not sure why I have been, I can tell that she is starting to get upset about it but I don’t know what to do man” Chris said lying to Ricky.

“I honestly don’t know what to do, it’s your choice not mine but with whatever you do, DO NOT fuck up this relationship” Ricky sternly warned him, ha-ha in his dreams. This relationship will be fucked up all because of Chris and well… Maybe me but let’s just blame it all on Chris.

“Yeah I know man” Chris said before having to go back to another interview. I really hope that Chris doesn’t break what he said he would do since he can now tell what Lolita is feeling and obviously she is feeling upset right now because of him.

*time lapse to when Ricky, Ryan and Devin are getting ready for their dates*

“You know yet what you’re gonna do with Lolita?” asked Ricky

“Nah not yet, I honestly don’t know what I will do” Chris replied back, well he better not do anything or else.

“Do whatever your gut feeling is telling you, that’s what I always do” Ricky said to Chris, fuck! Chris don’t you dare listen to him! Ricky walked off and a few minutes later A little while later Allie, Jess and Ricky were walking out to the front,

“Okay see you guys” they all shouted out to the remaining people left on the bus.

“Hmmm… what to do with Lolita” Chris asked himself as he started heading towards where Lolita should be.

“Chris you’re a complete dumbass right now, there will be trouble if you do what I said you can’t do” I said to myself as I kept watching on to see what is going to happen.

“I should just give up, I know she wouldn’t say yes to a date with me since I’ve been acting like a total ass to her” he thought. He was about to turn around and head back to the front lounge where he was before,

“Where are you going?” Balz asked behind me

“I’m giving up, Lolita’s not gonna want to go on a date with me since I’ve been acting like a total fuckwit with her” Chris said

“Are you sure about that? I’m pretty sure she’ll love to go on a date with you” Balz said. Chris was starting to think and said

“Fine I’ll ask her, if she says no I’ll kill you” he said walking towards the bathroom.

“Lolita” he said standing at the doorway of the bathroom

“Yeah?” Lolita asked looking back at me stopping what she was doing before

“Um, would you like to go on a…. ummmmm…. A date with me?” Chris asked nervously, there will be trouble now.

“Um sure, just let me just get cleaned up and we can head off?” Lolita said smiling,

“Awesome! I’ll give you an hour to get ready?” he said grinning

“Yeah that’s fine” Lolita said walking out of the bathroom.

“Oh Chris, what should I wear?” Lolita said just opening her suitcase

“Just some casual but nice clothing” I said

“Thanks” Lolita said looking down smiling like a fool.

‘Oh poor Lolita, you don’t know what Chris has broken. Now all of you will be dead because of his foolish mistake!’ I thought as I tried to get into Chris’ head,

“Hmmm, maybe I should take her on a date in the forest near where we are currently. That’s something different that Lolita probably hasn’t had yet, I’ll get her the finest blood and we can look around the forest” Chris thought to himself but little did he know that I was tapping into his thoughts.

“A forest hey? Well that’s a perfect way to kill them both” I thought to myself smirking and starting to walk towards where Chris said he was taking Lolita.

*time lapse to when Chris and Lolita are in the forest*

“So… you’re still not going to tell me where our date is?” Lolita asked

“Nope” Chris said smirking at her. About 10 minutes later they were heading towards the forest Chris said they be having their cute little first and last date together at.

“You’re not gonna kill me right?” Lolita said getting a tiny bit scared

“Yes, I’m planning on killing you for our first date” Chris said with sarcasm dripping in every word he said, he may not be planning on killing you but I will. They were walking straight ahead when they saw some lights flickering

“What’s that?” Lolita asked

“You’ll just have to wait and see” Chris said as they headed close to the lights, when Lolita could see what was in front of her she realised that Chris had set up a little picnic with candles all around.

“OH MY GOD CHRIS! THIS IS SO CUTE! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!” she said getting really excited and hugging Chris

“No worries, I thought you would like it” he said guiding her to the picnic rug

“Drink?” Chris asked getting out a bottle that looked like it had wine in it from the picnic basket

“Um sure, what kind is it?” Lolita asked

“Blood” Chris replied back

“Oh…” was all she said, of course it was going to be blood stupid girl!

“Still want some?” Chris asked,

“Sure” she said as Chris was pouring the blood into wine glasses

“Here” Chris said handing me the drink then I took a sip from it. She moaned at how good it tasted,

“Is it good?” he asked as he took a sip from his own glass

“Indeed” Lolita said sipping on some more blood.

“Chris, you didn’t have to do this” she said looking around thinking that all of this is a dream since the forest was beautiful

“I know I didn’t but I wanted to do something different like no other guy has done for you” Chris said taking her hand, she smiled at him. It was my time to put my plan into action, I started walking towards them from the tree I was hiding behind then I stepped on a twig which caused it to make a snapping noise. Lolita looked around frantically starting to panic, feeling like someone was watching them. Chris must have also felt that someone was watching them because as soon as he heard the snap of the twig, Chris went all in vampire mode with his glowing red eyes and fangs that are as sharp as knives.

“Who’s out there?” Chris growled

“Hello there toys” I said from the dark of night.

“Who’s there?” Lolita asked starting to shake with fear

“Your worst nightmare” I said walking more towards them

“Serena” Chris sneered at me when he could see me

“Hello there Christopher, remember our little deal that you have now broken” I said walking more towards them,

“If you take one more step towards us then I will snap your head off” Chris said shoving Lolita behind him. Oh how stupid can Chris be I thought to myself, I zapped up behind them and grabbed Lolita. Chris turned around to see me holding Lolita,

“Let her go or you’ll die” Chris said getting closer to me

“Never Christopher, you broke the deal and now you pay the price” I said just about to snap Lolita’s head off when Chris leaped towards me. He grabbed Lolita and threw her away from us,

“You will pay now” Chris said before we started to fight.

“Don’t worry Chris, I’m already sending people out for you, your band members, their girlfriends and your precious Lolita” I said grinning back at him, he was just about to snap my head off when I flipped him over.

“I can’t be bothered playing with my food anymore, I will be after you again. You better watch out because I will be back in a flash” I said farewelling Chris

“Oh and Lolita, you better find out what your boyfriend promised me that almost caused your death” I said to Lolita, after saying what I needed to say I flashed off to get hunters onto them.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is long! It took me a while to type up so sorry to anyone if they get confused, if you do maybe comment so I can try to explain things.

I would love to thank Mike.Fuentes for commenting and the 30 or 31 subscribers, thank you :D