Status: probably moving slowly

God Forgive Me

Took a boy to the forest

I don't know what it was that made a piece of him die
Took a boy to the forest
Slaughtered him with a scythe.
Stamped on his face
An impression in the dirt

"MAX!" I screamed, chasing after the brunette as he ran back towards the forest. For somebody who seemed so horrified by what he'd witnessed, he was eager to get back there. I was scared though, what had he seen? What the hell was even going on?

I heard heavy breathing from behind me, and turned back to see what it was. It was pitch black, the full moon providing the only light this evening, so I could barely see anything. I looked around nervously, looking for any signs that something or someone was there. I found none.

I turned back to the direction I had been running in, only to see Max nowhere in sight. Wait, what? Where the hell has Max gone? "MAX?!" I practically screamed, running the way that I assumed he would have gone, but really I had no clue. "MAX, WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled again, speeding up into a full-on sprint. "MAX!" I screamed once more, before I tripped over something, probably a tree branch or root, and went tumbling to ground with a thud.

I hit my head on a big rock, and I could feel some blood already seeping out. What the actual fuck is going on? I sat back up, bringing a hand to my head in confusion. When I pulled my hand back, it was drenched in blood, but that was the least of my worries. Where the hell is Max? I am going to kill him when I get my hands on him. I stared around me helplessly, searching for any familiar signs, such as my best friend. However, my search was in vain.

"Fucking hell" I swore under my breath, feeling tears well up in my eyes. I felt absolutely useless, and the fear was starting to set into my veins. It was only 9pm, but it was winter and it literally couldn't have gotten any darker if it tried. I was terrified. I'd always been scared of the dark, damn it, why did I agree to go with him? At least without an explanation. I'm such a fucking idiot, and now look at me, I'm paying the price.

"Your head's bleeding" a voice whispered from somewhere near me. My brain didn't even register it, or who was saying it, or what was even going on.

"Don't you think I know that?!" I snapped, glaring into the nothingness, "For fuck sake, I don't need this bullshit" I spat, before it finally, FINALLY, sunk in that- wait, who the fuck was talking? "Wh-who's there?" my voice trembled, hanging in the air.

No one replied though.

"Josh!" I heard Max shouting, somewhere in the distance, "Josh, where did you go?!" I wanted to call out to him, to tell him where I was, but I was glued to my spot and stuck in silence. Who had been talking to me? And, once again, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!

"JOSH!" I heard Max scream one more time, before I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. Whiteness was all that surrounded me, and a constant, annoying beeping sound filled my ears. I hate hospitals. I sat bolt upright, clutching my head as extreme pain shot through it. What is going on? I'm so confused. What even happened.

"Joshy," it was my mum, her hand was clutching mine and it sounded like she'd been crying. Oh god. "how are you feeling, sweetie?" she whispered, her hand rubbing my back, regardless of the fact that it was my head that hurt, not my back. Whatever. It must be a mother thing.

"A bit sore, but I'm alright," I smiled slightly, "but...where's Max?" I scrunched my face up, looking around confused. I needed to know he's okay, I wouldn't forgive myself for not looking after him otherwise.

"He's fine, sweetheart, he's at home resting, I think he's a little bit shocked by what happened in those woods. As we all are" she shook her head, tutting slightly.

"Mum...what did happen in those woods? I-I never found out" I stuttered, I was scared to know the answer. So scared actually, not to mention how freaked out I still was.

"A boy was murdered, a boy from your school. The police aren't sure who did it yet, do you remember anything or seeing anything?" she explained, a sympathetic look on her face as my mouth fell open in shock.

I shook my head, my mind swimming with a million thoughts.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am fully aware that this doesn't make a lot of sense rn, but I should hopefully clear that up soon (emphasis on the 'hopefully')
Thanks for the comments, subscriptions and recommendations so far, guyssss :')