Rule 9


In the beginning there was earth. It was thought to be the only planet with life on it by the people who lived on it. They were wrong. All the other solar systems contained alternate versions of earth in different time periods with a certain change to each new version. Earth was just version 1. It was known as the golden evolution. For each time something was changed. If within two thousand years it was found to be good it was kept, if not the planet and it's evolution would naturally destroy itself. There was a race of beings known as the wanders or in they're language wundarikiin. For the sake of the reader as you watch the events unfold from their position their ancient language older than your earth it's self shall be translated. You also will need to know the changes of the newest world they remain on. Soon it will become their tomb and the beginning of something new and powerful. It is the ninth planet since your "earth" and there are 9 changes to this new world. It has deity's and mythical creatures you can actually see and feel not just spiritually but physically. Second desert is the most common form of land. Third the lessened gravity allows for faster movement and increased agility. Fourth the water contains minerals that act as a natural and healthy weak steroid, and since waters in everything you get stronger with any effort as you grow up to your bodies highest natural muscle build, so as not to make you unnaturally large. Fifth the average life span is increased indefinitely and no thing ever grows past it's prime making most human like creatures look to be about 20 to 30 fully grown although still able to die from causes other than old age. Sixth the world slowly expands to allow room for increasing population. Seventh all deity's have been cast down to earth along with their mythical companions forcing them to live among mortals. Eighth all human like creatures have been granted 9 lives. The ninth change has not been recorded yet because that what this story explains, the ninth change and the first mistake.