Rule 9

Chapter 1

"FEAR THE NINE!" He was dreaming, he could tell. Unlike humans the Wanders could always tell when they were dreaming before they woke up. This was clearly a nightmare. He saw his village wither as if it were dying of old age. Only things didn't die of old age. One of the 8 known rules was that nothing died of old age. Besides the buildings weren't even living just woven of branches which had been dried out long ago so they wouldn't dampen anything. He watched the villagers stand and watch their houses rot in disbelieve. They were paralyzed with fear. They suddenly looked up and I saw what they were looking at. On the hill looming over the valley in the village was an army of dark men on pitch black horses. Oddly they wore no armor even though they Wanders were known as elite dimension traveling warriors. The Wanders snatched up their weapons and armed them selves with exotic looking swords, flails, and bows with poison arrows that were 4 1/2 feet long, a testament to their height and strength. The dark figures charged with a battle cry that sounded like a screech. The Wanders armed with bow fired and not a single arrow missed the mark it's masterful owned aimed to hit. Yet the army of shadowy creatures advanced still, in fact they didn't even stall or flinch when the arrows stuck into their chests at incredible speeds. The evil warriors charged still down the hill armed with only ragged black robes. I realized then why the felt no pain when I saw they're faces for the first time. They weren't living they where the hardened shadow our entire race feared to fight, they were wraiths. I was extremely glad that I was up on the hill and wondered why I couldn't make myself wake up. I normally could, in fact I was one of the best at it in our village. Most would've woke up by now especially me. I watched in terror as the wraiths reached the wanders and did not hit or punch them. They simply reached out and touched the wanders, and that was enough. I saw their souls get ripped from them and evaporate as their bodies withered and dissolved. Even from the hill I stood on I could hear them screaming in pain. Some started running but they didn't make it far. Some fell, others tripped, and most kept running. But the result was they same, the wraiths had horses and were simply to fast to escape from. In the end I only saw a handful get away. "Wait" I thought. One of the wraiths was coming towards me. "WAKE UP!" It shrieked in anger. "Believe me I trying to" I yelled but no sound came out. I tried to run but my body wouldn't move. It was literally paralyzed with fear, I couldn't move an inch, no matter how much I tried. It got right up to me and I could see it's shifting shadowy face. "WAKE UP!" It screamed in rage. "Wake up." It spoke quieter now and in normal tones. "Wake up sleepy head." I was very confused but I finally was able to do what it asked. I woke up.

"Sleep well?" I heard someone say. The voice sounded sweet and sincere yet playful. I opened my eyes and saw Sabrina. I knew her but I couldn't remember where from. She had light skin with a slight tan. Her green eyes were brilliant and shined with the intensity of emeralds. Full lips were graced by a wondrous smile. Fair dark hair cascaded from her head down to her shoulders and then down her back. She was beautiful, but all wanders had flawless appearance with out once looking like another. But who was she and what was happening to me? Wanders never forgot anything as big as who someone was. "Sleep well?" She asked again sounding slightly confused. "Are you going to answer me or stand there with that dumb look on your face?" "No I didn't." I answered hesitantly. "Another nightmare?" She asked. "How did you know about my nightmares?" I tried to remember who this woman leaning over my bed was. "I'd hope I knew about them by now." She answered sarcastically. "As your girlfriend I'm the one that knows the most about, kind of have too since we live together. Besides you've asked practically everyone in the village if they've ever had nightmare they couldn't wake up from." "Oh, yeah." I responded. "They must be getting worse, when I woke up it almost seemed like the dream was still happening and this was a part of it." She looked at me as if see just saw a arrow lodged in my head. "That's unheard of. Not waking up from dreams is one thing but not knowing if your dreaming or not has never happened." She looked quiet worried. "Are you okay?" "I'm not sure, but anyway I'm awake now." "Yes you are." She leaned down and gently brushed my lips with hers. "Now get ready to go. The offering is in less than an hour, and I don't want to hear any more nightmares while we're there." I got my clothes off and went into the cleansing room and felt the cool mist clean my body. I then went back to my bed room and put the standered white and gold robe worn to the sacrifice on. The sacrifice was an offering to our god to please him. He would look down from his throne and he would smile on us and turn our offering into another beautiful wanderer, as he had for millennium before. He had lead us from planet to planet for eternity and did so not for his benefit but to help us. He loved us and loved being with us, and so he protected us while following the old rules that allowed lesser beings to choose their own path. He could help an guide us but was not allowed to interfere in large events without the consul of the circle of seven. The seven good gods united against the evil gods. I went to the door and met Sabrina again. She looked beautiful again standing there in the door with some of her hair braided down her back and the rest flowing naturally. “Ready?” she asked smiling. “Yeah, let’s go.” We walked out the door and walked towards the shrine of Alloues. The path we followed led from our house and the village of houses woven from emerald green dried branches to the forest outside the valley. In the center of this small peaceful jungle was a golden temple with a large pillar on top. Alloues was sitting on the pillar 25 feet high in the air. He was a bronze tanned young man with golden hair that flowed to his shoulders. His eyes were diamond blue and his face was flawless. He stood 10 feet tall and had well built muscle. We followed the path in silence until we arrived at the forest. “I love this part of our land.” Sabrina was staring in wonder at the small birds who flew from the branches and curiously hopped to her feet. “Me too. It’s so strange that animals are only fearless in our land.” I spoke. “I’ve talked to people in other lands and they say their animals scurry away in fear of them.” “That’s because they hunt and eat their animals.” Sabrina look angry now. “I think that’s just a rumor.” I told her. “Whatever, at least I’m happy being 18 with my fiancee.” We took a break under the tree and ate fruit that fell from the Rambuluan trees. I thought about us while she layed her head on my lap and rested. We had plenty of time to rest, Alloues would still be sleeping anyway. He woke up at the suns first quarter height every day, but his mind was still very much at work talking to the other gods telepathically about keeping the dark demons land from encroaching on ours. We were already 18, incredible. We would get married when we turned 19 as was tradition in the village. Sometime while you were 13 you would find the person perfect for you. Everyone did, and if you liked that person then they would like you back. That was the way it worked, soul mate at 13 and married at 19. I couldn’t wait till then, I loved Sabrina as everyone loved their spouse, It was good to be loved. Sabrina woke up. “Ready Edemas?” “Edemas?” I asked. “Can’t remember your name now?” she laughed. “Oh, yeah I’m ready.” We began to walk again, hand in hand. On the way there we picked some fruit for the offering. We walked past ivory lions and wolves. We finally arrived at the gold temple and climbed the steps to the shrine. At the top we saw half the village the other half following behind us. “Hello friend.” I heard Alloues say not out loud but into my mind. “I’m glad to see you Edemas. Sleep well?” He laughed in my mind and all thought lost me, all I knew was that I never wanted to leave this god that filled me with happiness with a few whispered words. I wished he didn’t have to take to the sky and watch our village but instead stay here with us. But it was his duty to protect us from the dark gods. “Don’t worry about your dreams.” He always knew what was making me worry in my life. “They are trying to warn you, a storm is coming and this time I will not be there to protect you. Just remember that I choose you to defend the village.” I remember him saying that he choose me at last weeks offering. “Don’t forget me. I have a lot depending on you.” “I’ll never forget you!” I tried to yell but nothing came out. “I know.” He knew I loved him! I was filled with so much gratitude I fell to my knees. Then he left, he jumped up and it was as if he was diving into water. The air rippled and took him as he flew to the sky and disappeared in the liquid like air above the shrine. I turned towards Sabrina and grabbed her by the waist pulling her towards me. I pressed her body against mine and covered her lips with mine, she grabbed my back and ran her hands through my hair. She tenderly bit my lip and leaned into me as our tongues ran through each others mouths. She pulled back to breathe, “Thank you.” She sighed and kissed my cheek my neck and my lips switching between the three. I kept her warm soft body pressed into mine and kissed her on her forehead stopped her from kissing my neck and lifted her slightly shorter body up to my taller frame by her upper thigh. I held on firmly to her butt and kissed her deeply and passionately pressing her lips to mine. We both stopped and drank in air breathing deeply. “I love you.” she whispered into my ear. “and I love you.” I whispered back. “I would kiss your body a thousand times and never tire of your love.” “ I would be your wife through all times and never leave your side, my lover.” I looked deeply into her tempting eyes that drank me in. Then something marvelous and wonderful yet common and expected happened. Sabrina and I looked up and saw everyone and their couples and young children stop kissing and holding each other to get a better view. The food we brought burst into flames and turned into another breath taking child. This one was 5 years old, as was common. He was tan and dark haired with light blue eyes. The dying light from the dimming flames revealed his sharp dashing features and immediately you could tell he would be a handsome man when he grew up, then again all of them were. The boy pointed to a couple and ran to them. We knew he was told who to join they’re family by Alloues. The family who got a child started laughing and crying tears of joy. They hugged their child and kissed his forehead while he stood there calmly smiling. “They sure look happy.” Sabrina laughed. “You know that will be us one day.” I could hear the excitement in her voice. “When should we ask Alloues for a child?” I wondered. “Right after our marriage.” She said. “ We’ll pray too him, beg him for a child, and then you and me can show him how much we love each other as we would love our child.” Her eyes shone seductively. “ I can’t wait.” I tried to show her how seductive I could be too. “Do you have something in your eye?” Crap, that didn’t work well. Rather than tell her, I once again wrapped my arm around her back and pulled her lips into mine. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity and I could feel her heart beat with mine. We were wrapped around each other in a loving embrace. Her breath felt warm on my mouth and her tongue was sweet while being perfectly placed. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her, fueled by the desire, no the need to be as close to me as possible. I thought that would hurt her with how tightly she pulled into me. After all I could feel the pressure her with which her breasts were pushing into me. This wasn’t what she normally did, something felt... wrong. I pulled back and glanced at her in question. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into her again, I could feel more heat than usual radiating off her. It was as if she wanted to make love of the kind strictly done behind closed doors. But this was unheard of, people in the village didn’t get aroused but had love because they actually loved the person deeply and sincerely. What was going on, was something wrong? I gently rubbed my hands up and down her back and then slowly leaned away. She looked at me questioningly and then realisation dawned on her face as she blushed, clearly embarrassed. “I don’t know what came over me.” She looked timidly at the ground. “I just felt a rush of warmth through my chest, and then, and then...” She went from looking embarrassed to confused. “I don’t know what happened.” wrapped her in a hug and stroked her hair. “Shh, shh, it’s okay. I just didn’t know what was happening.” “But I don’t understand, this never happened to me before.” A tear rolled down her cheek and I smiled sadly while brushing it off her face. Suddenly I heard Alloues voice in my head. “Things are changing Edemas.” I heard how serious his tone was. “Very soon everything will be different. You saw a taste of it in Sabrina. A darkness approaches, it will change everything.” I could hear how serious he was and it scared me. He almost never talked in a way that wouldn’t bring a smile to your face without you even thinking about it. “I hear your thoughts Edemas. Don’t worry, this will be a crisis but unlike last time I have chosen my champion.” I remembered the last crisis. A legion of Orciruim warriors swarmed the valley. While few were hurt due to our soldiers elite skill, the surrounding forest burned and the animals we called friends died horribly. It struck a monumental blow to the Wanders. Orciruim were pale yellow/ green barbarians who sought out battle when ever possible. They follow the dark god OreKaziem, follower of violence and bloodshed. Who is your champion? I thought. “ You are Edemas. You have more power than you realize. The gods of all that is good and pure foresaw this and created you, the warrior of a clean heart who is blessed and cursed with the dreams of fortune.” I’m the chosen one? How, and what are the dreams of fortune? How can it be a blessing and a curse? “You are chosen,and the dreams of fortune are visions of clarity.They are a blessing because you can foresee what will happen as if you had a gods dreams and yet it’s a curse for the dreams shall ensnare you no matter how terrible of horrifing.It was not meant for any mortal to have to bear, I’m sorry Edemas, I really am.” The dreams are my future? “The dreams are the future of your entire race. Not all that you see will come to pass, if your careful you can prevent it. Edemas, I’m going away for a while. If things are dire and you need help, pray fire fire burning bright, carry me from this dark night.” I could tell he was leaving me and like a cloud uncovering the moon I suddenly saw reality around me again. I was still hugging Sabrina and brushing her hair while silent tears rolled down her worried expression. Around me everyone looked happy, but as if they were only acting happy to make every one around them happy. The way a child does when he gets a present he doesn’t like. I let go of Sabrina and softly held her hand. “Let’s go darling.” I said in my most calm voice. “What’s wrong? Why are we leaving so soon?” The worry on her face started to grow. “I’ll tell you on the way home.” I did too, I told her everything. By the time we were out of the forest she had fresh tears in her eyes. “What’s going to happen to us!?” The thought of something shattering their perfect world did seem horrific. “Nothing, no matter what happens nothing will happen to us.” I reassured her. “We’ll always have each other. Besides Alloues will protect us.” We went back and she insisted I go back to sleep as soon as we got home. Just like when I woke up her lips brushed mine right before returning to the deep, deep, deep sleep...

I wonder what it’s like to dream about the future. Sabrina was sitting in the kitchen thinking about Edemas, her beloved. There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” I wonder who it is. Alloues was there in the door way. The playful expression he’d had during the sacrifice was gone replaced by a look of fear. “Where’s Edemas!?” He actually talked, he never talked only used thoughts. His voice was musical but in his state of panic sounded like a bone chilling funeral hymn. “He’s in our bedroom sleeping.” I began to panic. “Should I go wake him up?” “NO! Whatever you do don’t wake him up.” He was pacing nervously, his steps were graceful and lightly brushed the ground. “Waking him up might cause more damage. Whatever happens he must wake up by himself.” “Why would he get hurt from waking up? I woke him up this morning.” “I told him about his dreams, now that he knows they are his future he will dream deeper than before. He’ll think it’s real so waking him up here will kill him there and because of his blessing and curse it will kill him here.” “Okay so lets just let him sleep.” “The gods have already had this dream, I’m worried it will harm him if he’s lucky. If he’s not then he’ll die or become a infected by the dark gods influence.” “What do you mean infected!?” Sabrina began to panic. “It means he’ll be evil and corrupted.” Knowledge dawned on Sabrina's face. “Then we can’t let anything wake him up.”
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Chapter 2 is in progress. Should be relased by November 25th 2012.