Status: Please comment and tell me what you think! If it sucks, if you love it, ect. I don't take offense easily so please be 100% honest!!!! xxx



I am empty. Am I falling through an endless black hole. I am floating through a weird Limbo kind of world. Life, for me, isn't even life anymore.

I can still smell him on my pillow. No matter how many times I wash it, the scent of cloves, peppermint, and stale smoke won't go away. He is everywhere. He is still in the empty frame beside my bed, even though I ripped his picture up. Burned it. He is sprawled out at the end of my bed, head tilted towards me. Listening to my rants.

His voice is within my head.

I love you.

I could never hurt you.

We'll get married one day. You'll see. I could never live without you.

And then, finally...I love someone else.

I go through to motions of getting ready, showering, brushing my teeth. I pull back on the tee shirt I slept in, and pull it back off when I realize that it's Jamie's. I settle for leggings, a sweatshirt, and Uggs. I tiptoe down the hall, making sure Mom doesn't hear me, and begin my walk to school out in the cold.

When I get there, there are prom posters everywhere. I faintly remember prom last year.

Lani, you are so beautiful. I could dance with you forever. I wish this night would never end.

I hear laughing, I turn around. I see him, beautiful as ever. His black hair curling at his ears, his jawline strong, his smile heart-melting.

His arm wrapped around Mary Weatherson.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, lame beginning! It will get better, and I have more to explain. I have trouble with starting stories. HANG IN WITH ME.
