Status: this is also on

The New Legacy

Twelve .

The rest of the night was spent with Randy, reminiscing on all the great times we've had together over the past 7-8 months . We talked and talked until the sun started to rise until we realized that we had a flight in less than 3 hours. We decided to go pack as quickly as possible and then meet down in the lobby so we could ride to the airport together and talk some more about things. I raced down the hall to my room and quietly snuck through the door, trying not to wake Kaitlyn or Aj. I slid in an packed my bags . Someone was in the bathroom but I didn't notice until the door opened and revealed Aj . She stood there with a towl around her an one around her hair , she just crossed her arms and shook her head as a smile appeared on her face .
" We saw you two last night . You didn't even notice us come in , " I felt my face get red , " You looked so happy, Gabriella. I guess you two are friends again ? "
" Ugh, yeah. He broke up with Maria and said he couldn't believe how stupid he was for letting her convince him that he couldn't be friends with me anymore . " I bit my bottom lip lightly as I kept thinking about our night together and the things he told me.
" That's great , babe . I guess you two are going to ride to the airport together ? " I nodded , " Ok , we'll all meet up at the gate . Be safe ! " She said as I walked out of the door with my things.

" Hey beautiful . " Chills, again, " You ready to go ? " I nodded and we walked out to the car. Randy helped put my bags in the back as I slid up into the passenger seat of his rental car. He slid in and looked at me.
" What ? " I asked , feeling a bit uncomfortable with him staring at me.
" Oh... nothing. I just thought I was never going to see you like this with me every again after what happened . " He shrugged and started the car .
" You know I'd never offically leave your side . You're my best friend , Randy . I don't think you understand how much you really do mean to me. " I smiled and grabbed his free hand.
" I do, trust me . You're the best thing to have ever happened to me . I mean it . " My heart started to race and we stayed quiet the rest of the ride to the airport . Spending this time with Randy actually made me believe that we could possiby be best friends again. I really did miss him and I was glad to have him back in my life .
" So, is Maria pissed ? " I asked , walking to our gate to meet up with Kaitlyn, Phil, and Aj. He chuckled, " Well , you could say that . " I giggled .
" We'll, what'd she do when you broke up with her? "
" Ehh, " he shrugged, " The typical shit where she was yelling about how I'd never find anyone like her ever again and blah, blah, blah . But, I know I found someone better than she could ever be, " My heat sank, " My best friend. " He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, causing my face to turn a bright shade of pink. I knew he noticed because he started laughing and pulled me in tighter. I slapped his stomach lightly as we approached the gate. Aj waved us down. We walked over there and I sat my backpack down next to Phil.
" Hey there . " He smiled an winked at me, making me laugh.
" Hey , hey , Punky! " His smiled fell and I laughed even harder. I leaned over an pinched his cheek, " Smile, Phillip ! I'm just kidding . " He smiled and grabbed my hand .
" I think you're seriously the only person to call me Phillip or Punky . " We laughed and Aj caught my attention .

" Wanna go grab a coffee my darling ? "
" Sure thing , babe . " I grabbed her hand and she helped me up . Aj and I went to Starbucks just a few steps from our gate. We both got carmel frapps and started talking before we went back to the gate .
" I know something you don't know. " She giggled and flipped her hair . I looked at her .
" What would that be ? " She shook her head .
" I'm not sopost to tell you , silly ! " I crossed my arms .
" And why not ? I wanna know ... "
" Becuase Phil told me not to , " She paused , " but if I do, you have to promise you won't tell him I told you! " I held up my pinky.
" Pinky swear. " She wrapped her around mine .
" Ok, I heard Randy has serious feelings for you and that's one of the reasons him and Maria broke up. Phil told me. " My hear fluttered and I felt my face get really hot. She waved her hand infront of my face after a few seconds.
" Sorry. Um, are you sure? " She nodded .
" Yeah, that's what he told me, but don't tell him or anyone that I told you! He'll kill me! " I laughed.
" Don't worry, I understand . "
" But , I can tell he does have feelings for you though , Gabriella . Just by the way he looks at you and the way he lights up when you're around. Everyone knew he was miserable without you . But hey, I'm not telling you to marry the man or anything but don't get hurt and don't bombard him with everything either. Just let it all play out and try being best friends again for a bit before anything happens . You don't wanna loose him again do you? " I shook my head , " Okay then. Let's go princess . " She grabbed my hand and we walked out of Starbucks and back over to the gate . I couldn't get Aj's words out of my head. I don't want to be the reason they broke up, that just makes me feel like a bad friend, but yet again, I hadn't talked to him at all during their relationship because he had abadoned me . I don't understand why he would have feelings for me , I mean , I'm just Gabriella . I'm just me .

" Bri, come here ." There he goes again, always taking me from my thoughts.

I walked over and he pulled me onto his lap . His eyes were a bright blue color that made my heart melt .
" Randy, I need to ask you a question. " He wrapped an arm around me .
" Shoot . "
" Am I the reason you an Maria broke up ? " I let out a heavy sigh and he shook his head.
" No. Well, yes. You weren't the reason, Bri. I lost feelings for her, she became someone who I wasn't in favor of and I can't date a girl who doesn't like my best friend and who tells me I can't see them anymore . You what I did was a mistake and I feel horrible about abandoning you like that and it's never going to happen again and I'm never going to let you go, ever. " He smiled and pinched my cheek . I giggled an wrapped my arm around his neck . I pulled out my phone and we started taking silly pictures together . I picked the one where he was kissing my cheek and I posted it as my twitter picture and made the caption,

Got my best friend back, love you @RandyOrton ! <3

I'm happy that I'm back with my best friend and no one can bring me down now.
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enjoy everyone !!! :)