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The New Legacy

Sixteen .

The next morning I woke up to a quiet hotel suite . Right then it hit me that I had confessed my love for my best friend last night before I passed out . I looked down an realized I was in nothing but a huge tshirt and shorts . Randy must of helped me change last night, that's sweet but that was probably before I told him that I loved him . I feel like I can't even face him right now , so I need to get out of here ASAP . I picked up my phone to text Aj to see if she was up yet . After a few minutes my phone started going off.

"Hey what do you need?"
" I need to get out of here . Now . "
" Why? What happened ?!"
" I kind of confessed my love for Randy last night .... "
" YAYYYY you finally did it ! "
" Shut up . I'll be over to your room in 15 minutes or less . Love you . "
" Haha, okay . Love you too . "

I climbed out of bed and walked in to take a shower . After my shower I changed into a pair of my yogas a black tang top and threw on my white VS sweatshirt over top . I peeked out of the door and didn't see Randy in sight. I quickly slid on my Nikes and headed for the front door.
" Hey, Bri. " Randy . I sighed softly and turned to face him . He looked good . Dressed in a regular grey tshirt with dark jeans and he was wearing the air max I bought him, that made me smile.
" Hi . " He just smiled at me .
" You hungry ? " He started walking over toward the kitchen .
" A little bit, but I was about to - "
" I was gonna ask if I could take you to breakfast. " He leaned down on the counter and looked up at me . I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my phone and then back to him . I thought of countless ways to ditch him that morning but I just couldn't turn down my best friend, even if I did make a fool of myself infront of him last night . I showed a small smiled and nodded .
" Yeah . Sure . "
" Ok, there's a diner less than a block away, is it okay if we walk ? " I nodded.
" Yeah. Of course. " He smiled and grabbed his walet off the table and we walked out of the door.
The walk to the diner was silent excecpt for our footsteps on the concrete. When we got there and sat down at the table that's when we finally broke the silence.

" Do you remember last night ? " I heard the laugh in his voice and I hid behind the menu, covering my face . I was so embarassed . Then I felt something hit my nose an fall infront of me, it was a straw wrapper rolled up into a little ball, that brought a smile to my face.
" Hey , I'm talking to you Gabriella . " I giggled and lowered the menu , " Theres that beautiful little face . " He smiled, making me blush .
" What , Randy ? "
" I asked if you remembered last night . " Shit, that..
" Yeah... " I hesitated .
" Do you remember what you said to me . " I nodded , just not saying anything , " You're cute when you're drunk . Well , you were kinda plastered . " I laughed and it hit me , he didn't love me back . I just humiliated myself for my best friend not to love me back , I've been offically friendzoned . This had to be the worst feeling in my whole life . What do I do now? It feels as if someone shoved their hand right through my chest and chrushed my heart . Breakfast was silent for the rest of our time there except for a few smiles exchanged inbetween bites and Randy asking how my eggs tasted . He paid and we started walking back home ,
" I can't believe you told me you loved me . You should really stop drinking . " My heart dropped .
" Why ? "
" Cause you tell one hell of a believeable lie when you're drunk. " He chuckled and I sighed .
" I wasn't lying Randy ... " Everything went silent . I sat down on a bench near the side walk .
" What ? " He stood infront of me with a confused look on his face , " I don't understand . " I stood up and shook my head .

" You never understand anything . Not one fucking thing , Randy . " I raced off to the hotel by myself . I just needed my girls .
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it's a short one , I knoww ! but i'll have a longer one for the next onee ! love you alllll !