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The New Legacy

Two .

" No , no . It's fine , it was my fault , " He spoke softly as I looked him in the eye , " Gabriella , right ? " He asked as a smile formed on his face . I felt my cheeks grow a shade of red .
" Um ... Ye - yeah . " I suttered .
" It's great to finally meet you . I'm John , John Cena . " He held out his hand and I grabbed it . He raised my hand to his mouth and gently place his lips against the top of my hand , causing me to blush even more . I'm sure at this moment my face had turned into a cherry tomatoe color .
" Nice to meet you , John . " I smiled up at him sweetly .
" Oh no , the pleasures mine . " A smirk strted to creep upon his face .
" Hey , Johnny ! " Aj popped up next to me , I jumped a little .
" Hey , Aj . "
" I see you met , Gabriella ! " She bumped my hip a little bit , grinning .
" Ugh , yeah . We have . " He smiled again with his dimples sticking out even more , causing my heart to melt. He was even more attractive in person . I drifted from reality a bit and was taken back when Aj nudged me in the ribs .
" Ow .. " I mumbled .
" Well , Johnny , we're gonna go get dressed for tonight . Gabriella debuts tonight ! "
" Oh you're wrestling tonight ? " He placed his hands on his sides .
" Oh , no . Just getting introduced to everyone . " I giggled .
" Well , sounds good . I'll see you girls later , " He started to walk past us and then slightly turned around , " It was really nice to meet you Gabriella . " He smirked .
" You too , John . " I nibbled on my lower lip before Aj and I turned to walk to the locker room.

" You want him . " Aj smirked as we walked down the hallway .
" What ? I do not ! "
" Woah calm down there , Sally . I was kidding . "
" Uhh ... I knew that . " Aj laughed at me as we walked into the locker room . I walked over to my little space with my things next to AJ and picked out my outfit to wear for my first night on the Raw roster . I was going to have a backstage segment with Aj an someone else I didn't know yet . I picked out my short white shorts to bring out my tan legs more , along with my purple v-neck shirt and my high top purple and white Nike Air Max . I was sitting around playing on my phone when I was approached by one of the girls .
" Hey , Gabriella ? " I looked up an locked eyes with Kelly Kelly, " Hiya , Kelly . " She shook my hand .
" Hi , Kelly , nice to meet you . " She took a seat next to me .
" So when is your first match ? " The locker room door swung open to reveal AJ .
" Guess what ?! " She skipped over to me and I just looked at her , " Change of plans , you debut tonight ! Against Kelly ! " My mouth dropped as Kelly and Aj laughed .
" Well , I guess that answered my question . Good luck tonight , Gabriella ! Don't go easy on me , I wanna see whatcha got . " I smirked .
" You got it , Kell . " She laughed and got up , walking back over to her spot .
" You should probably get dressed , your match is in about 20 minutes . "
" Okay . " I got up and started digging through my bag . I wasn't like the other girls who wrestled in the tight spandex. I wrestled in sort of what John wore . I slipped on some dark short shorts , a white cut off tshirt that came almost all the way down to my hips , showing off my rib tattoo of a dove with the words " Life is short , live without fear " written in Italian. I still had on my purple boob toob also. I took off my new purple and white Air max and traded them for a pair of older plain white ones . Aj helped straighten my hair and I left it down . It fell to my lower back . Kelly and I walked together and stood by the curtian . As her music came on , she hugged me , " Good luck , Gabriella ! See ya out there ! " She smiled and ran through the curtian . I heard her music shut off and then my new theme popped on .

" Everything she do is like me . From her head to her feet like me . Tryin' talk like me , tryin' walk like me , tryin' to get all the boys in the club like me . " Girlicious blared through the speakers as I busted through the curtian . I heard the whistles and the cheers from the croud . I smiled and placed my hands on my hips . I ran down an slid in the ring . Finally , home . I bounced myself back an forth between the ropes a few times and then stopped dead infront of Kelly . Since she was a heel , she had to be rude to me in the ring . She crossed her arms over her chest an gave me a nasty look .
" Welcome the newest Diva to the WWE Roster , Gabriella ! " Lilian Garcia's voice echoed throughout the arena . The cheers grew even louder and I glanced over my shoulder and smirked at Kelly who charged at me as the bell rang . I ducked and she smacked right into the turnbuckles . She tried to get up and come at me again when I armtossed her and she landed on her back . I picked her up by her long blonde hair and did a back breaker . When I tried to pick her up again , she punche me in the stomach then kneed me in the face . I fell backwards on to the mat as she dragged me over to the turnbuckles . I watched as she climbed to the top and jumped off but at the last second I rolled over and she smacked the canvas . I smirked to myself as I used to ropes to get up . We exchanged a few punches and I did a few more moves on her and she gave me a hard drop kick to the side of my knee . I fell down in pain as she went to cover me . I kicked out at 2 . I climbed up to my knees as she begn to charge me again , that's when I jumped up and hit her with my finishing move , Dark World. I pinned her for the 1 , 2 , 3 . I jumped up as the ref raised my hand in victory . Kelly climbed out of the ring and limped the back , glaring me down .

" Wow , Cole ! Gabriella is the real deal !! " I heard King say at the annouce table .
" She she is , King ! A real talent and a real pleasure to watch her in the ring . I can't wait to see what the future holds for this young lady . " Cole said . I rolled out of the ring and climbed the ramp and into the back .

I started limping after I passed the curtian . I looked up and saw Aj and Kelly jump on me with hugs .
" You did great !! " Aj yelped . They both got off of me and Kelly hugged me lightly .
" It was great to wrestle with you . You have a real talent , Gabriella . "
" Thanks , Kelly . It was an honor to wrestle you , seriously . " She awed me and slapped my arm gently.
" Just wait to wrestle me . Little chicks are crazy ! " Aj elebowed me lightly in the side .
" Yeah , yeah . If I make it that far . "
" Oh stop ! You will , right , Kell ? " We glanced over at where Kelly should of been but she had left our side and stopped to chat with Zack Ryder , " Well then . " We laughed .
" That drop kick to the knee did me in . I'm gonna head over to the trainers office to get some ice . "
" Okay , girl . See ya ! " Aj skipped off the locker room while I turned and walked to the trainer's office . When I approached the office , the door was open so I knocked lightly on the door to grab the trainer's attention .
" Oh hi , you must be Gabriella ! " A bigger man jumped up from his seat infront of the screen and shook my hand , " You had a great match out there . "
" Thank you very much . I was just wondering if I could get some ice for my knee . " I motioned down to it .
" Oh yeah , I saw that nasty drop kick . Just have a seat on the table real quick , " I sat down and he started digging through a cooler and pulled out a small ice pack , " Here just place this on your knee and I'll go get some ice . I'll be right back . " And with that he was gone . I started to watch the screen and fall into a deep thought until I heard a knock on the door . My head shot over .

" Gabriella , right ? "
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enjoyy !!! :)