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The New Legacy

Twenty Two .

I woke up to the sound of the front door slamming shut . I heard him throw his bag down in the bedroom and mumble things under his breath. I got up to try to go talk to him, but I just caught a glimpse of him before he disappeared into the bathroom. I spotted the bruises on his back from the slams, I could barely see the tattoo on his upper back because they were so bad. I could help but feel the guilt build up inside of me even more than it already had. I stood at the door, debating on if I should enter the room or not and how Randy would react if I did. I sighed and slowly placed my hand ontop of the door nob. I looked in and he was taking a hot bubble bath. I could see his faint reflection in the steam infested mirror.

" Randy... " I squated down next to the tub, keeping my eyes on his face... well trying to. His eyes closed, he didn't answer. " Randy . " I spoke a bit louder. He groaned,
" Get away from me. " My heart froze.
" R..Randy, I'm so- "
" Don't. It's not a big deal. "
" But it is though! If it wasn't you wouldn't be acting like this . " He lifted his arm up and pushed me. I landed on my back. Tear pricked my eyes as he spoke,
" Go. "

I left the bathroom, feeling my body cool off as I entered the cooler hotel bedroom. I sat down on the bed, running a hand through my hair. I fucked up, I fucked up. I had fucked up... Big time. I don't understand why I had to do that. Why did I have to walk to Mark's dressing room and make a match. Maybe if I wasn't so spiteful Randy wouldn't be so beaten up and I wouldn't be so heartbroken. Tears pricked in my eyes and began to fall, I couldn't stop them. I felt the lump in my throat, I tried so hard too keep it back but I couldn't help but sob. I covered my mouth to try to keep quiet but that didn't help either. Then, there was a knock on the door. I stopped the sobbing. I was never a crier, so for people to see me cry wasn't okay. I felt like it made me seem weak and that's the last thing I want people to think of me. I sniffled a bit, trying to wipe the tears away as much as I could before openeing the door. I opened it up and looked deep into the hazel eyes of my good friend, Phil.
" Gabriella ? Are you okay ? I heard what happened, Aj told me. I wanted to make sure you were okay. " I shrugged.
" He doesn't want me around him at all. I screwed up, Punk. " Tears pricked but I refused to let them fall infront of someone, espically Punk.
" He'll be okay, he just needs to cool off. " The tears, I couldn't stop them. " Shhh. Gabriella. It's okay. "
" Phil, but it's not. He's taking her side. He's falling out of love with me and lusting after her. " I sobbed into his chest and he pulled me out of the room, quietly closing the door. He just leaned against the wall, with me tucked under his arms, sobbing. I think we stood there for over an hour, with him trying to calm me down and me refusing and sobbing.
" Gabriella ? " Someone was coming. I shot up from Punk's chest and stopped crying. I wiped my tears away and looked over at Phil.
" What the hell ? " I shook my head.
" I don't cry infront of people. It makes me look weak . " I whispered as a few of the other super stars pasted us . Kelly hopped out of the crowd to say hello to Punk and I.
" You okay babe ? " She asked and I nodded, putting on a super fake smile.
" Yeah. I'm fine. " She smiled and hugged me tight.
" Okay, I have to go, I'll see you later! " She smiled and ran off with her group of people. I turned Punk. He crossed his arms over his chest, here we go.

" Crying in front of people doesn't make you seem weak , G , " He paused, watching me closely, " It shows you're passionate about things. " I shrugged.
" I've always seen it as a sign of weakness. " He shook his head and chuckled.
" No, stop thinking that way. You're a very stong human being and a wonderful person. " He pulled me into a bear hug. I laughed .
" I get it, Punk..., " I hugged him tightly with my arms around his neck, " Thank you. " I whispered.
" I'll see you later, ok? Call me if you need anything. " I nodded and he shook his head, " Anything. Seriously, anything. Ice cream, food, pillows, towe-" I cut him off.
" I got it Phillip ! " I snapped, laughing a bit, " Thank you. " He smiled and kissed my head, walking off down the hallway and disappearing around the corner. I turned around, facing the door leading into Randy and I's hotel room. I nibbled on my bottom lip, trying to decided on whether or not to go in or just run away, far away. Of course, I chose the first option. I slowly opened the door and slid inside. I tiptoed toward the bedroom and was greated with the now grey, blue eyes of my best friend turned boyfriend. I cringed seeing the look of anger in his eyes. He pushed past me hitting my shoulder with his, alsmot making me fall to the floor.
" H-Hey, love. Wh-Where you headed? " I stuttered, trying to hide the fear and sound sincere.

" Out. " And he slammed the door behind him.

I waited for him, for hours. I waited for him to come home, for him to come home so we could make up and lay in bed together, not fighting anymore. This isn't what I thought our relationship would end up being. I'm so in love with this boy there's nothing I can do to help myself. I waited for what seemed like days for him but only a couple of hours had passed. Thoughts running through my mind; Where is he? What is he doing? Is he with her? Why? What does she have that I don't? Why does the one person I'm in love with have to be lusting over someone else? I sat on the edge of the bed, facing the bedroom door, waiting for it to open, waiting for him to bust through those doors and tell me he was sorry. I was waiting for something that wasn't going to happen. I mean, I messed up too but I was actually willing to admit to it, Randy's too hard headed to admit to anything! I hoped and prayed he was going to just bust through that door and love me. I couldn't loose him. If I was going to loose him then I'd lose my whole life. My best friend. The love of my life. All because of some red headed bitch!

If she succeeded then I was going to make her regret it, and that, my friend, was a promise.
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