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The New Legacy

Twenty Seven .

" Go to hell, Randy. "

That was it and the door slammed shut violently behind her. I couldn't help but think to myself, looking at the door, 'What the hell have I done?'. I laid my head in my hands, realizing that I had just lost everything. She was my everything. I never meant to hurt her like this. Actually, I never meant to hurt her in any sort of way ever. I didn't know what to do or what to say to get her back. She was gone and it was all my fucking fault. I decided to walk down to catering and hopefully find John when I got there. He would be my only savior right now. He would know exactly what to do. I walked down the silent hallway, but it wasn't silent for long until I heard sobs coming from down the hall. I was stopped dead in my tracks by what I was seeing.

The girl of my dreams in the arms of another man.

Gabriella, in the arms of Zach Ryder. Fury filled every vein in my body, overcoming it. I swore I had been seeing red. I wanted to storm over there and beat him within an inch of his life, but I couldn't. I would loose my job for one and Gabriella wasn't mine anymore. It wasn't my place to do anything anymore. She wasn't mine... Yeah I fucked up... Big time. Zach was comforting her, something that I hadn't been able to do for a couple weeks now. I didn't want to break her down even more. I had already destroyed her happiness, so who would I be trying to destroy it now. I had hurt her more than I've ever hurt anyone else before in my life. I felt horrible. Of course, I wanted to hold her while she cried in my arms but again, it wasn't my place. I wanted to comfort her and tell her it would be okay but, it wasn't my place. I hung my head low and walked around so I wouldn't even come close to Gabriella. I walked slowly to catering. As soon as I walked through my head shot up and I was looking around eagerly to find John. Finally, I had found him, sitting at a table by himself, eating. I walked over and sat down next to him. He could just tell by the look on my face that I was in a foul mood.

" Hold on, let me guess, " He crossed arms, " Gabriella found out that you're a lying pig. " I let my forehead hit the table.
" Why do you have to make me feel even worse? " He laughed.
" Because you deserve it, Randy. You should feel like shit for what you did to that girl. She was the best thing to have ever happened to you! " He exclaimed. After that, I just kept thinking about Maria. She kept me in line and kept my ass straight. She kept me grounded and we were always able to have a great time together.
" But Maria -"
" Maria what, Bro?! " John snapped, " She's done nothing for you but cause trouble. Look where she got you now." I bit down hard, my head still leaning on the table.
" I don't know, John. " I picked me head up and looked at him.
" What don't you know? I don't know what's going on through your head right now, dude, but you need to fix whatever it is. You need to look at what just happened to you and what special person just walked out of your life. You know I love you. You're like a brother to me, but you need to get your shit together or you're going to be alone for the rest of your life." And with that, he stood up and left too. Maybe he was right. I mean, he's always been right when I've fucked up. I loved Gabriella more than anything in this entire world, she was my best friend, but Maria was just mind blowing. But that was it, I didn't love Maria. She didn't mean as much to me as Gabriella did. Hell Gabriella's friendship meant more to me than her. I slammed my fist down on the table, startling some people around me.

" Why the hell didn't I see this before? " I hissed under my breath.

I had to talk to her. I just had to, but first I needed to get rid of Maria. I needed to remove her from my life, but I had no idea how to. It was going to be like saying goodbye to an old friend who I'm never going to see again. I just needed to think this one over for a couple days. I'm sure Gabriella would call me by then and we would make up and everything would be okay. I was praying that, that would happen. I needed her in my life. I needed her so much.

I stood up to leave and right as I did, Gabriella walked in. Kaitlyn and Aj by her side, comforting her. They were so good to her, they were so loyal to each other. They were best friends, something that I wasn't anymore. My heart fell into my stomach and I just wanted to get out of there without being seen. It was sad actually, like one of those movies you see where you just feel for the main character and you just want to cry along with them. I was on the verge of tears and needed to get out of there. I couldn't stand the sight of her right now because it was going to hurt me even more. I let them pass by without even noticing me and I quickly walked out of there, into the hall. I sighed in relief as I started walking slowly back to my locker room, thinking about what I was going to say to Maria and Gabriella both.

I didn't know how to tell Maria, my bombshell, that I was leaving her and never going to speak to her again. She wasn't going to believe me at first and just laugh it off, but I would have to make it clear to her and I am never going to speak to her ever again. She was going to loose it. And Gabriella, I have no idea in the world about what I was going to say to her. I had no idea how I was even going to approach her. She wanted me dead, and if looks could kill I would already be dead. She wanted nothing more to do with me and that's what hurt me the most. I felt like if I even tried to approach her, she'd punch me directly in my face. Not slap me, but knock my lights out.

"Ooph," I said, colliding with someone, " Sorry about that. " I said again, looking down at whoever it was. Shit, it was Maria.
" It's okay, Baby. Wanna go get something to eat with us? " She said motioning to the Bellas on her side. I shook my head.
" No, thanks. I have to go get ready for tonight. " She just looked up at me with her breath taking, green eyes. She shrugged.
" Okay, babe. I'll see you later. " She leaned up and kissed me. Sad thing is, I didn't even bother to kiss her back because I felt so dirty and disgusting. I nodded without saying anything and pushed past the group. I made it safely back to my locker room without bumping into anyone else. I decided later that night that I was going to try to talk to Gabriella. Key word: try. I needed to do something, anything really.

I had nothing to loose.... Right?
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This is going to be in Randy's POV.