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Mistaken Moments

chapter 13

The next couple of weeks seem to drag on. Ella had gone back to work; she had to deal with a new doctor who kept asking her out. His name was Bradley Saunders, he was extremely good looking. Tall, blue eyes and light brown hair. Ella kept telling him that she was seeing someone, but he kept trying.

Ella got extremely frustrated with him, but Dr Saunders would smile and keep his pursuit. It was like he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Ella had just gotten to the hospital; she was in for the next 12 hours, overnight. Night shifts could either be busy and insane, or slow and boring. She hoped for a busy night. She had talked to Josh earlier on the phone and he seemed distant, even his text messages seemed different. It was weighing on her mind, she didn’t want to come out and ask him if there was something wrong.

“Excuse me Miss.”

Ella looked up from her charting. “Can I help you?”

“My husband has been in the waiting room for two hours now, we were told he would be seen because he was having chest pain but no one came back. He says it is getting worse.”

Ella gave the lady a soft smile. “My name is Ella and I am an RN, take me to your husband. I will have a look at him.” Ella said moving around the desk and following the lady back to the waiting area. Usually people with chest pain were first priority, but some nurses didn’t do their jobs properly.

“What is your name?” Ella asked sweetly.

“Corlynn Ramsay.”

Ramsay, Ella thought, she wondered if they were any relation to Josh.

She followed the lady out to the waiting area; she brought a vital cart with her. “Hi sir, my name is Ella I am an RN. I hear you are having some discomfort? Can you tell me your name sir?”

“Miles.” He said wincing.

Ella could tell there was something going on. Mr Ramsay was pale, and clammy, she could tell he was in a great deal of pain
“Miles can you describe the pain to me? On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being a slight pain and 10 being a pain like you have never felt before in your life.”

He looked at Ella and smiled a little. “I would say it is an 8. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest.”

Ella took his blood pressure and his pulse. “Miles I am going to have you come with me.” She smiled at him. “I am going to get you a wheel chair.”

She got Miles into the wheel chair and back into a trauma room. She hooked him up to some oxygen and gave him an aspirin to take. “I am going to get the doctor, I will be right back.” Ella smiled at both Mrs and Mr Ramsay.

She went out to the nurses station to have Dr Saunders paged, but he was coming towards her.

“Dr. Saunders. I have a male in aprox his mid fifties in room four. I think he may be having a heart attack. I gave him an aspirin before coming to find you. I also hooked up oxygen. Do you want an IV started?”

“Let me have a look at him.”

They walked back down the hallway into the room. Dr Saunders introduced himself to Miles and Corlynn. He examined him.

“Mr Ramsay, I think you are having a heart attack. We are going to do some blood work and a few tests, start you on some IV fluids. We may have to administer a clot buster as well. Ella will explain everything to you.”

With that said the Dr was gone out of the room. Ella loved how doctors didn’t have any bedside manner at all. She explained everything to them, and explained that they were going to take the best care of Miles. There was a whole team in the room, caring for him now. Ella took Corlynn aside; she could tell the poor woman was going to have a mental break down.

“Is there anyone I can call for you Mrs. Ramsay.”

“My daughters are on their way; my son is out of town. I am going to go call him. Is there a phone I could use? I don’t want to worry him though.”

“I think you should call him.” Ella said as two other ladies approached them.

“Mom how is dad?” one of the daughters asked.

Ella stood back and watched the girls with their mother. “They think he is having a heart attack.” Corlynn sobbed as both her daughters embraced her.

“Did you call Josh?”

“I was just going to.”

Ella felt her knees get week. She knew this was his family, she could just sense it. She felt sick.
“Ella.” She heard someone yell her name. She looked down the hall; it was another nurse who was in the room with Josh’s dad. “He is coding.”

“Damit.” She said before starting to run down the hall.

“Wait a minute dear.” Corlynn said stopping Ella in her tracks. “What is going on?”

Ella looked at the three women. “I am not sure at this moment. I am needed; I want you to have a seat in the quiet room just through that door. Call your son, and as soon as I know anything I will be right back.”

It had seemed forever since Ella entered the room. Miles Ramsay was having a heart attack, he coded, his heart had gone into an irregular rhythm and they had to shock him. They got him stabilized and he was moved urgently up to the cardiac care unit.

Ella had gone to talk to Josh’s family but they were already gone up stairs. Dr Saunders had went in and told them what had happened and what would be expected in the next 12 hours. Ella was overwhelmed. She went to the break room, sat down at the table and put her head on the table. She took her phone out of her pocket and checked it. There was one message there; it had come in at the start of her shift.

Just sitting here thinking of you. Fuck I miss you!!! I am just feeling really off today, I would give anything to feel your arms around my neck sweetheart. Sorry I have been distant but I am just missing you!! You are on my mind 24/7 baby. Xoxo.

She sighed; she couldn’t text him back, not knowing what she did right now about his dad. It was up to his family to tell him.

Babe, I miss you too! I am here for you no matter what. Xoxo.
Josh had just got to the hospital. His mother had called him last evening and told him that his father was in serious condition. He had gotten the first flight out; he was on the east coast of Canada so it was almost a seven hour flight. It was the longest seven hours of his life. Matt had offered to come with him, but he told Matt to enjoy his days off and hopefully he would be back for the show.
As he walked down the long hallway towards the cardiac care unit, he could see his sisters and Nikki. What the hell was she doing here? Obviously she didn’t tell his sister or mom that they were no longer together. Josh hadn’t told them either.

“How is he?” Josh said as he approached the three women. “Where is mom?”

“Josh, I am so glad you are here.” Sara said hugging her brother. He hugged his other sister Ange.

“Mom is in with him now.”

“He had a heart attack?” Josh asked running his hand through his hair.

“Yes he did, if it wasn’t for one of the ED nurses dad probably wouldn’t be here.” Ange said still hugging her brother. “Mom is going to be so happy to see you.”

“I want to see him.” Josh said softly.

“Mom will be out soon, and then you can go in. They only want one person in the room at a time.” Josh sighed.

“Josh honey.” Nikki started; she was rubbing his lower back. “I just feel awful. If there is anything I can do.”

Josh pulled away from his sister and looked at Nikki. Her eyes were full of concern. This wasn’t one of her games. She pulled him into a hug. Josh pulled her tightly to his body. She knew him better than anyone. They had been through so much together. Josh pulled back and looked at her, she use to be the one that he wanted to run to when he was upset.
She reached up and cupped his face, before Josh could stop her; she had placed her lips on his. It had taken him by surprise.

“You two are so cute.” Sara said. “Oh there is the nurse that helped dad last night.” Sara said watching the young lady approach them. She noticed a pained look on the nurse’s face.
Josh had pulled back from Nikki, he turned to look in the same direction as his sister, to see the nurse that helped save his father’s life. His heart skipped a beat and fell at the same time. From the look on Ella’s face, he knew she had seen Nikki kiss him.

“It is so nice of you to come.” Sara said walking over to Ella and hugging her. Ella wasn’t working today, she had a yellow sundress on, and the warmer temperatures had finally started in Vancouver.
Josh looked into Ella’s eyes as his sister was hugging her; she was the woman he wanted.

“I wanted to see how your dad was doing?” Ella said softly looking at Josh. “I have been thinking of you all since I left yesterday.”

As soon as Sara let go of Ella, Josh didn’t wait two seconds before he rushed over to her, and took her in his arms, he buried his face into hair, “Sweetheart she kissed me.” He whispered softly into her ear. Ella hugged him tightly.

“I know.” She said softly for just Josh to hear.

Sara and Ange looked on, they were confused as hell.

“You two know each other?” Ange asked.

“Unfortunately.” Nikki spat in an irritated tone.

Josh cupped Ella’s face. “Thank you for helping my dad.” He said softly looking into her eyes. He could see adoration when she looked at him, warmth that he had never seen before. He brushed his lips against hers, softly and quickly.

“Ella this is my sisters, Sara and Ange. This is Ella.”

They still both looked confused.

“I have been seeing Ella for a couple of weeks.” Josh said taking her by the hand. “Nikki and I broke up three months ago.” Josh said stressing the word broke up. He squeezed Ella’s hand.
Nikki rolled her eyes. “We were just on a break. I don’t know why you started to see someone so soon Josh.”

Sara looked at Josh and Ella, Ella looked like a piece of the missing puzzle. She could tell this was going to be good for Josh. “Nikki this isn’t the time or place. I really appreciate you being here. You have been a part of this family for the past three years. Dad really likes you.”

“I am going to go get coffee.” Nikki said. “Anyone want anything?”

“No thanks we are good.” Ange said smiling softly.

Josh and Ella had gone and sat down in the quiet room to wait for Josh’s mom to come out from being in with his dad. Josh still had Ella’s hand. He played with her fingers.

“How bad is he?”

Ella sighed. “I am not really sure. He was transferred after we stabilized him. I know he had a heart attack, and went into a difficult heart rate; we had to use the paddles on him. I wanted to call you and let you know, as a nurse I am not allowed to. Your mom is the next of kin.”

Josh sighed. “I understand. I wasn’t upset that you didn’t call me sweetheart. I just want to know that my dad is going to be okay.” Josh put his head in his hands.

Ella put her hand on his leg. “Babe……I know this is scary but your dad is in the best place. We have some of the best here. He is going to get the care he needs.”

Josh looked at her, there were tears fallen softly down his face. “I just want more time to make up for everything.”

She reached over and brushed away his tears. “You will have many years Josh. I promise.”


“Mom.” Josh said getting up and hugging his mother. “How is he? Is he awake?”

“He is awake, he is doing better. He has to have a stint put in to open up the blocked artery. He is lucky this time. I just thank god the nurse in the ED last night was so quick to get your dad seen.”

“Mom…….this is Ella.” Josh said directing his mom attention to the beautiful woman at his side. “I know you meant her last night but today she is here for emotional support for me. We have been seeing each other for a few weeks now.”

“What about you and Nikki?”

“Broke up months ago.” Josh said

“Ella it is nice to officially meet you and thank you for taking care of Miles.’’

“Just doing my job Mrs. Ramsay.”

“Call me Corlynn.” She smiled at Ella. “I am going to steal Josh and take him in to see his dad.”
Josh turned to her, “You are staying?”

Ella nodded her head. “I will be right here.”

Josh leaned down and kissed her softly before he left the room.
Ella sat down to wait patiently for Josh.

“Brownie points for Ella.” Nikki said coming into the room.

Ella looked up at her. The woman was dressed like a super model. “Was she a super model?” Ella asked herself. She was drop dead gorgeous. Ella just looked at her, she didn’t say anything.

“Enjoy every minute you have with him.” Nikki sneered. “He will be back in my bed sooner than you know. There are a few things you don’t know about Josh.”

“I know enough.”

Nikki grinned. “I know him better than anyone. He is into you now because you are new and shinny
to him, once he tires of you he will come back to me. I know how to fulfill his ever desire honey.”
Ella stood, she was going to leave the room before she got angry.
Nikki came towards her. “You a nurse for god sake. I just don’t see the attraction.” She reached up and touched Ella’s hair.

“Don’t touch me.” Ella snapped. “I am a nurse, I help people at the end of the day I have made a small difference. I think your pathetic, Josh doesn’t want you or need you anymore.”
“mmmph…….that is what you think.”

“Look Nikki I am not going to fight with you. I am here to be supportive to Josh. If you can’t respect that then I suggest you leave. If you continue to bother and harass I will call security and have you removed from the hospital.”

“You are a bitch.” Nikki said then left.

Ella closed her eyes, to fight back the tears. She was not going to let that sorry excuse for a woman get anywhere near Josh again.