A Day to Remember

Chapter 1:

What happened…. How did it come to this?.... What did I do wrong to upset him?
Why did it have to end like this..?

July 4th, 1776
The rain was heavy that day, the sky was nothing but the deep gray color of smoke. I stood there alone with no one beside me except for the one I loved most, no the one that I loved with all my heart was in front of me pointing a gun to my neck.
“ Hey Britain, all I want is my freedom. I am no longer a child.. nor your little brother. From now on consider me independent!” I could feel the sadness and anger well up inside me, all those times we spent together now it all means nothing to him. I ran towards him with all my might, my gun clashing with his causing it fly to the ground.
“ I won’t allow it! You idiot why can’t you follow anything through to the end?!” his men assembled already to shoot at me. I was so angry yet still I was on the verge of tears. My finger was ready to pull the trigger and send the last final bullet into his neck but… “there’s no way I can shoot you, I can’t.” I fell to me knees my gun following me, tears running down my face like now tomorrow. “ Why? Damn it why? It’s not fair!”
“you know why..” he looked at me with these sorrowful blue eyes before leaving me there, I was thinking where did it go wrong? I lost a friend, no a brother.. and yet the same time memories rushed through my head of once the little child I knew as my little brother,…. But know to me he is nothing but Alfred .f .Jones…
December 21st , Present day *Arthur’s POV*
I shot up from bed, sweating and breathing heavily. For the past week I keep having the same dream, the dream was about the day Alfred left my side. My eyes glanced at the small alarm clock on my side table which read the time 5:30 am, a groan escaped as I got of my bed fixing its blue and black sheets along with the pillows. Slowly I made my way over to my closet grabbing the usual dress shirt, coat, pants, socks and shoes along with some boxers and headed into the bathroom. I placed my stuff on the counter and turned on the water testing its warmth before stripping my clothes and hopping in.
“ugh…” I washed my hair letting the soap run down my neck and chest into between my legs. After 30 minutes of feeling sorry for myself in the shower I got out, dried myself and got dressed and started heading down the stairs when my cat came racing in between my legs and to the front door. “ Watch where you are going mister!” he wasn’t acting his usual self, he sat there near the front door and watched it anxiously like he was waiting for something. “What’s wrong?” I walked over to him, he gave a loud and sweet meow. “You want me to open the door?” he purred softly against my legs as he hopped onto the table in the entrance hall. “ Okay..” I opened the French doors, and I bet you could guess what was there… if you guessed a magical fairy unicorn you are wrong, but instead what was sitting there was an extremely fat cat with glasses and a kentucket curl!
This cat trotted into my house and walked away with my cat, occasionally giving it small licks on the face as it went along. But the cat wasn’t the only thing that showed up here about 20 seconds after this cat walked away Alfred came running onto my doorstep.
“ oh! Hey.. Britain.. have you seen my cat?” he was breathing heavily and my guess was that he ran all the way here for some stupid cat.
“ yes, it’s in my house…” I was feeling kinda bad that he had to run all the way here so I motioned for him to come in. “are you going to come in or what?” I looked away my face a brighter red than one of Lovino’s and Antonio’s tomatoes.
“ oh sure..”
* Alfred’s POV*
I slowly walked into Arthur’s house, let me tell you now it had changed a lot since I was here. Instead of having the bland pale green walls they have been painted over with a beautiful sapphire blue, and the floors are no longer the worn out birch wood I remember he now has darker brown oak. He has replaced the old furniture with more modern stuff and he even changed the stones on the fireplace.
“ Wow… I like what you have done with the place Britain” I gave him a small smirk and his face went a darker red as he closed the door and walked over to me.
“ I prefer Arthur if you don’t mind and thank you it took me awhile but I am happy with the outcome of it” I could tell, the way he was standing straight and head held high and the accent wasn’t helping it just made him sound even more fancy. “ Oh, that reminds me.” I looked at him very confusedly as he sat down on his couch and sighed. “ I was wondering if you know why your cat is here?” he turned his head to face me and I couldn’t help but stare at him for a second. Those beautiful emerald eyes and his blonde hair that fell perfectly onto his pale face.
“ oh! Um….” I sat next to him putting my feet up on the table and lying back. “ I’m sorry dude I have no idea. I was getting up and going to get the mail when my cat ran by me and out the door, so I decided to follow him and he led me here”
“ I see, I forgot to ask would you like to have anything to drink? We don’t have to leave for another 45 minutes~” he shot me the cutest smile I have ever seen which made a light pink blush rise to my cheeks.
“ ya, some coffee~ thanks dude.” He got up and walked to the kitchen but the weird thing is I found myself watching his every move as he did this, and of course I mentally bitch slapped myself. No Alfred!! No falling in love with Arthur!! After that I noticed a picture on the mantle of his fireplace so I thought I would check it out, I stood up and grabbed it. A single tear ran down my face at the sight of this, it was the first picture I had ever taken with Arthur, it was about when I was 2 years old.
When he came back into the room he saw me holding the picture in my hands, he smiled and walked over to me taking the picture from my hands and handing me my coffee. “ I had a feeling that you would find that picture..” I tilted my head to the side until I noticed and small wet spot on the floor and that’s when I got it… Arthur was crying. I placed my coffee on the table grabbing his tea from his hands and placing it beside my drink before pulling him into a giant hug.
“ Arthur, we had tons of pictures together.. what happened to them?” he looked at me with his emerald eyes and frowned and then stared at the ground. My hand grabbed his chin and lifted his eyes to meet mine “What happened to them?”
“ w-well once you left me… I spent the rest of the night ripping them to shreds…..I-I’m sorry..” more tears ran down his innocent face which were covered by his hands but something caught my eyes, I grabbed his hand and he jumped. “w-what?” he saw the rage rise in my eyes and he tried yanking his hand from my tight grasp.
“ Arthur…. What are these?!” I pulled down his sleeves to reveal scars of many cuts up his arm. He looked away at the clock, the look on his face was like time go faster. The only reason I could tell this is because I can read Arthur like an open book but don’t tell him!
“ They’re nothing…” more tears ran down his face and onto my arm as I gripped harder causing him to give a squeak of pain.
“Nothing..Nothing!! these sure look like something!! Arthur! Look at me!” he turned to face me and shut his eyes and cringed preparing himself to be hit by me. I raised my hand about to slap but slowly pulled my arm back to my side then hugged him closer my mouth 2 cm away from his ear. A small moan came out of his mouth as I licked up his ear and nibbled on the lope, pulling on the earring he had in his ear. “ Don’t do this to yourself you shouldn’t be harming your beautiful body that god has given you~” I whispered in his ear, and as I backed away from his face I saw that it was a deep red.
* Arthur’s POV*
That git!! Why would he say such a bloody thing?! Maybe… just maybe I know why..
I looked at the clock which read 6:25, I sigh escaped my mouth and I finally got my hand out from his grasp and pulled my sleeves back down and buttoning them. “If you don’t want to be late I suggest that we leave now” I gave him daggers and he back away and headed for the door and grabbed my keys.
“ Come on dude~” he smirked and my face went red. But I decided to follow him anyway hopefully this meeting isn’t going to be too terrible.
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~~~i do not own hetalia and in the character page i did change their ages a bit~~~~