Status: active

Be My Escape


Dani's POV-

"Are you sure about this? Because you don't have to do this. You can stay, you know that right?" My mom asked being over worried as usual. Which I guess was understandable considering why I was leaving.

"Mom we're already in the airport. I'm sure about this. Anything is better than going back there." She nodded and I saw the tears start to flow from her eyes.

"I'm sorry you have to go. It's my fault. I should have payed more attention. None of this would have happened then." she grabbed my wrist looking at the bracelets that covered the scars I put there.

"None of this is your fault," I pulled my wrist away feeling self-conscious "I promise you. I should have told you what was going at school in the first place. I was to scared though. I thought it would of made it worse, but I know better now and I'm going to have to live with that." I felt the tears beginning to go down my cheeks. "You're the best mom any daughter could ask for. I just need to get away, don't blame yourself."

She grabbed me into a bone crushing hug "Okay, I understand. I love you and take care of yourself. Please don't give your father and Joyce a hard time, okay?"

"I never give them a hard time." I chuckled.

I took a step back from my mom to give my step-dad, Dave, a hug. He's been really good to me through this whole thing. He's the one who actually suggested I live with my dad. I think he could tell I hated being home schooled and not being able to face going back to my old school.

"Take care of my mom okay?" I whispered.

"I will. Take care of yourself though. We love you. You know that, right? I don't think your mom could take it if anything ever happened to you again. I couldn't take it either." he whispered back.

"I love you guys too. I'll take good care of myself." I pulled away wiping the tears from my face and putting a smile on my face. "Okay, well, I've gotta go. I love you guys. Don't worry about me too much."

"I'm your mother. I'll worry about you all I want." My mom stated pulling me into another bone crushing hug. I chuckled as she pulled away and brushed my bangs out of my eyes. "Remember to call as soon as you get there. I love you and take good care of yourself."

"I will mom, I love you too. I'll talk to later." I gave them one last hug and went to go get on my flight.

I was so happy when I realized I had gotten a window seat and even happier when I saw that no one was sitting next to me. I had been dreading what kind of person would sit next to me. It was roughly an eight hour flight from New York to England and I'm very shy and awkward. I have always hated flying because I somehow always get to sit next to person who wants to talk the whole eight hours to England.

I settled down in my seat fiddling around with my bracelets. I sighed content with my decision to live with my dad. I knew it wouldn't be that bad. I love the summers I spent with him in England every year. I missed his wife, Joyce, and my eight year old little sister. She was my half sister, but I never looked at her like that. I loved her with all my heart.

I'm not the greatest role model for her though. Hell, I'm not the best role model for anybody. I'm practically pathetic. Running away from your problems makes anyone look pathetic. I just couldn't face going back to school after everything that had happened.

I let out another sigh and grabbed my iPod out of my pocket putting the headphones in my ears hoping my music would block out my thoughts.


The next thing I knew the flight attendant was shaking my shoulder and telling me that we had landed. I smiled politely at her and hurriedly grabbed my carry on and got off the plane. I stepped into the airport looking around for my family as I made my way to the conveyor belt to receive my bags. When I spotted them I quickly hurried up and grabbed the three huge suitcases I had brought.

"Daaaaaaaaaaannnniiiii!" I heard my nickname being yelled as I turned to see my little sister running as fast as her little feet could carry her and my step-mom and my dad chasing after her.

"Lily! My baby girl!" I exclaimed as I dropped my bags to run up to her and scoop her up in my arms.

"I missed you so much!" she said cuddling into me.

"Not as much as I missed you I bet."

"Nu-uh! I missed you this much!" she exclaimed spreading her arms out to show how much.

"Well," I put her down. "I missed you this much." I put my arms out the same way she did to me.

"That's not fair! You're bigger than me!" she crossed her arms over chest and pouted. I laughed and knelt down beside her.

"How about I make you a deal," She looked at me suspiciously. "How about we agree the we missed each other equally as much?"

"Okay!" She smiled and hugged me.

"Well our we ever going to get a 'hello'?" I heard my dad say.

"Oh I'm sorry. Hey, I missed you!" I said with a fake enthusiasm but a big smile on my face.

"I really feel the love." My dad said sarcastically putting his hand on his chest.

"You know I'm just joking with you dad!" I pulled him and Joyce into hug. "I really missed you guys. I'm glad that you're letting me live with you."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Because you know if you're not sure about this we don't mind sending you back to New York." Joyce stated softly grabbing my hands and looking me into the eyes reassuringly.

"I actually got told the same thing before I got on the plane to come here. Don't worry you guys. I'm sure about this."

"Well, good because we're excited to have you here." My dad commented.

"But, I'm the most excited!" exclaimed Lily as we all laughed.

"Have you gotten your luggage, yet?" Joyce asked.

"Oh yeah.. um I kind of just dumped it all over there when I heard Lily call me." I laughed looking at the little girl next to me. I started walking over to where I left it and Lily rushed to grab my hand.

"How much stuff did you bring? I thought you sent all your stuff before you came here?" My dad commented when he saw the three huge bags I had.

"I sent most of it. This is just what was left over." I chuckled as my dad groaned. Me, Joyce, and my dad all grabbed one and started to roll it out of the airport, while Lily kept chatting away about how happy she was that I was living with them now and how much fun we were gonna have.

We finally pulled up to my dad's town house. I quickly got out of the car grabbing one of my bags out of the trunk knowing my dad and Joyce would get the rest. I heard everyone laughing at me knowing why I was rushing. I ran up to the door and grabbed the hidden key we kept in this fake rock thing that we had by one of the bushes. I just left my bag by the door and turned left going down a very short hallway to probably my favorite room in the house. The music room, well, that's what I call it because it had my dad's baby grand in there even though I called it 'my baby'. The room also had my guitars and drum-set in it now though, oh and my synthesizer and my loop pedal. I have to say I was shocked when I had gotten my synthesizer and loop pedal for Christmas a couple years back. My parents said they had gotten for me so I could pursue my dream of becoming a music producer slash song writer. That was probably the best Christmas ever.

I gently brushed my hands across the keyboard of the piano smiling to myself. My mom had said I had a love for music ever since I learned my first note on the piano. She also said I had gotten it from my father who had taught me the first note, so it makes sense. My dad had also shared my huge love for music even though he said it wasn't nearly as close to mine. I kept messing around with piano transitioning to different songs not quite sure what I wanted to play.

"So I see you have reunited." My dad commented walking into the room siting next to me on the piano bench.

"Yes, we have." I smiled widely still playing absentmindedly.

"Can't decide what to play?" I shook my head. "How about... some Little Richard?" my dad said stroking his hands across the keys and I just smirked at him. "Or you can do a little Ray Charles? Maybe some Jerry Lee Lewis?" he continued to transfer through artist on the piano and saying random old artist that we both love. I swear because of my dad my taste in music was so random and weird. I could go from playing something like the old artist he was saying to someone random like Blink 182, My chemical, or Anarbor. There's a lot more but just the fact that I can go to playing someone like Ray Charles to Blink 182 I think shows how random my taste in music is.

"So did you decide yet?" my dad asked when he finished going through about twenty artist.

"Yes, I did." I smirked.