Status: active

Be My Escape


Harry's POV -

"I'm running out to get a coffee! Do you want anything Lou?" I asked as I was putting on my jacket.

"A coffee will do fine mate, thanks!" and with that I left to the little coffee shop that was just up the block from mine and Lou's house. It was awesome having a coffee shop so close to us. It was quiet and small. I walked a few houses down and noticed Mr. Wilson and his daughter, Lily leaving the house as well. I saw Lily's face light up when she saw me walking over towards them.

"Well how's my favorite girl doing?" I asked Lily kneeling down when I came up to her.

"I'm good." she giggled. She was probably the cutest little girl you could meet. She had bright blue eyes and curly brown hair and was wearing a pretty dress with flowers on it.

"Good Morning, Harry." Her father smiled at me

"Morning, Mr. Wilson. How's everything going?" I replied standing up to shake his hand.

"It's going fine thank you."

"Oh Harry! Guess what?" Lily exclaimed jumping up with excitement.

"What Lil?" I laughed.

"My sister just moved here from America!"

"Oh really?! Is that the one you couldn't stop talking about?" I asked. Lou and I had stopped by the other day and Lily couldn't stop going on about her older sister and how excited she was that she was going to live with them.

"Mmhm." she nodded her head excitingly. "You and Louis have to promise you'll come over to meet her soon. I just know you'll be the best of friends."

"Oh yeah? and how do know that?" I asked smirking at her. In the back of my mind I wondered if her sister would know who Louis and I were and if she would freak out. Lily told us that her sister usually only visits for the summer and we've been in a band for about a year now, so I wouldn't be surprised if she knew us. I just hoped the girl wouldn't flip out if she sees us.

"Because she's my big sister, and the best person you will ever know in the whole wide world!" Lily said as if it was the most obvious reason.

"Oh and what about your mum and dad?" Mr. Wilson asked faking shock.

"You guys too," she answered quickly looking up at her dad and then back to me. "But Harry do you promise that you and Louis will come by for a visit?" she asked giving me puppy dog eyes. " My sister's very pretty too." I laughed really loud at her comment. She was too cute really.

"I'll come if it's alright with your dad and mum of course." she smiled brightly at me and then looked up at her dad.

"Daddy can Louis and Harry please come over to meet Dani? Pretty, pretty pleeeeeaaaase?!" she begged jumping up and down with her hands folded and giving him the classic puppy dog look.

"Well, of course they can." He smiled "You guys can come over for dinner tonight if you like. That is if you don't have some One Direction thing to do tonight."

"No we don't. We'd love to come, but um.... do you think your daughter will know who we are? Or will freak out or anything?" I asked awkwardly scratching the back of my head. I just wanted to be prepared if I'd have some screaming fan in my face.

"Ummm... I'm actually not sure, but even if she did she wouldn't let on that she does. She's a very shy girl and very to herself. She'll be fine once she gets to know you guys though." Well that was good to know. I hope she isn't so shy that it would be hard to talk to her.

"Well, that's good I guess. What time should me and Lou swing by?"

"Um... six-thirty will be fine."

"So you and Louis are gonna come and meet my sister?!" Lily exclaimed jumping up and down with excitement.

"Yes we are and we're gonna meet her tonight." I smiled widely at her. "But right now I have to go get me and Lou some coffee from the shop down the street. I'll see you tonight though, okay?"

"Okay," She smiled widely. "Bye Harry. See you tonight!" I leaned down so she could me a kiss goodbye on the cheek and a hug.

"See you later Harry." her dad smile at me grabbing Lily's hand and taking her to the car.

Dani's POV

The sunlight peeking through my curtains sadly woke me up earlier than I wanted to. I groaned and looked over seeing that it was nine-thirty. Why couldn't I just stay in bed all day? I thought rolling out of my bed. I might as well go to the little cafe down the street since I'm up so early. I made my way to the bathroom right across from my room. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and put some mousse in to control my frizzy wavy hair, and walked back into my room to pick out an outfit.

I dug threw my drawers for a couple minutes before deciding on wearing my white Ramones t-shirt and some light blue skinny jeans with my black vans, and put on my bracelets that covered up the mistakes of my past. I checked the time and saw it was little after ten and grabbed my iPod, phone, and wallet off my night stand and made my way downstairs.

"So where are you off to?" Joyce asked as I grabbed my leather jacket out of the coat closet.

"Oh I was just gonna go to the cafe down the street. Do you want anything?"

"No I'm fine. Thanks."

"Where's Lily and dad? I'll ask them if they want anything."

"Oh they went out. Your dad had to get something from the shop and Lily wanted to tag along."

"Oh well then." I shrugged. "I'm gonna stay there and have my coffee and probably muffin or something instead of coming straight home. Is that okay?"

"Yeah it's fine." and with that I gave Joyce a quick goodbye and left.

I starting making my way down the street and pulled out my iPod looking for a song to listen to not really paying attention to where I was going when I felt my body crash into someone, and felt something extremely hot making it's way down my shirt. My iPod dropped to the ground and so did the person's satchel causing everything to fall out of it. I quickly bent down to pick up the person's stuff feeling so stupid for running into them.

"I am so sorry. I should of been watching where I was going." I quickly stated hoping that whoever I bumped into wouldn't flip out on me. I took a quick look at my shirt and saw a brown stain realizing that it was coffee that was split on me. "Here let me pay for your coffee." I said standing up to hand back the person's belongings realizing that they actually had two empty coffee cups on the floor. "I mean coffees." I quickly stated correcting myself and getting my wallet from my pocket.

"No it's fine really." I heard a low husky voice reply as I started to grab the money out of my wallet. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either. I feel bad for the mess I made of your shirt."

"I can wash my shirt, but you can't replace the money you spent on your coffee." I replied finally pulling out the right amount of money from my wallet. I looked up and instantly blushed realizing that I had knocked into a really cute curly haired boy.

"It's not like a coffee cost a lot. Don't worry about it. I would really like to replace your shirt though." He said flashing a gorgeous grin.

"Um... I" I stuttered getting distracted by his greenish blue eyes "Um it's nothing. I can wash it. Just please take the money so I won't feel bad about spilling your coffee, and plus you had two cups, so now I have to feel bad about your friend not getting his cup either." I looked up at him and saw he was about to protest, so I just grabbed his hand and stuck the money in it and quickly walked away feeling like a complete idiot. Which, I knew that was a stupid thing to do. It's just that I didn't want to feel bad all day about me knocking over his coffee and not repaying him back for doing so. It was a stupid argument anyway. I could wash my shirt, he can't get his money back. I just shook my head at myself as if it would shake the memory from my head. I zipped up my leather jacket concealing people from seeing the now huge stain on my shirt.

I had finally gotten to the coffee shop and eagerly made my way inside. I quietly waited in line debating what kind of muffin I wanted and looking around to see where I wanted to sit. There wasn't really a place left. It was pretty packed. It was finally my turn in line and I decided to get a tea instead of a coffee and chocolate chip muffin. I waited a few seconds for the lady behind the counter to get my order and then turned to hunt for a place to sit. I quickly looked around and saw that the place was packed and that there wasn't any place for me to sit down.

"You can sit here if you like?" I turned and saw a gorgeous girl, like she could be model or something. She had tan skin and bright green eyes with light brown hair that came to about the beginning of her ribs. It actually surprised me she offered me a seat. The only pretty people I knew were normally mean to me. I know it's unfair to judge someone like that, but it's the truth when it comes to my expeirence.

"Um... thanks." I said unsurely. I was so awkward in these kind of situations. Am I suppose to talk or not? Should I introduce myself? I saw that she had one ear phone in already and looked like she was reading a book. I should hurry up and just eat my stupid muffin and leave.

"I like your jacket." she smiled at me. " I'm Ivy."

"Dani" I replied tucking my hair behind my ear nervously. "I like your Pink Floyd shirt."

"Thanks. I'm like in love with them."

"I'm not that crazy about them but, I can't deny that they aren't good."

"I don't know. There just so trippy that's why I love them." I chuckled at her statement. She couldn't be more right when it came to Pink Floyd.

"I know what you mean."

"So what kind of music are you into?" she asked.

"Um... all kinds. It depends what kind of mood I'm in."

"Well, what mood are you in right now." I sat there and thought for a second, what was I in the mood to listen to?

"Um... I'd have to say Bob Dylan. I'm in a really chill mood right now, must be this cafe. I love it here."

"Same. It's nice and cozy. So now that we know we both have a mutual understanding and appreciation for classic rock. What else do you like?" She smiled. I began to start picking at my muffin and nibbling on it. "Hey, what kind of muffin is that?" Ivy asked staring at my muffin weirdly.

"Chocolate chip. Why?" I asked feeling self conscience. I hope she doesn't call me fat or say something like "should you really be eating that". I really hope Ivy isn't like that but, then again the girl did look like she could be a model. She probably eats like a little bird.

"Oh I though so. I hate chocolate." I chuckled in a relieve that she didn't make fun of me.

"How can you hate chocolate? I have met people that are allergic to chocolate but never anyone who hates it."

"I don't know. For some reason I just don't like it. A lot of people think I'm weird but I don't care." I chuckled again, it was kinda weird she didn't like chocolate but if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it. Who am I to judge?

We probably had the longest conversation of my life. It was weird to talk to someone especially a stranger. Normally I'm really quiet and can't keep up the conversation. It was probably because it was about music. We talked about a whole bunch of artist that we loved all the way up from Chuck Berry to someone modern like the Foo Fighters. Ivy was surprisingly really easy to talk to. She asked me about home since it was obvious from my voice that I was not from England. I told her about how I was from New York and living here with my dad and stuff, I didn't go into much detail. I found out we actually would be going to the same school too which was completely awesome. She also told me that I would be meeting her best friend, Shay, at school also. I had been so nervous about starting a new school and not knowing anyone. Then again, it's not like I talked to anyone back home either. I was nervous about meeting Shay though, Ivy said she was very hyper and loud, but also very nice. I just hope we'd get along. I can't go through what happened back home again.

"So I know you like Mcfly, which I'm not this biggest fan of them, but I know a lot of their fans like this band, One Direction. Have you heard of them?

"Um... no. I haven't. Why? Are they any good?"

"Well, I like them and I will warn you, they are a boy band." I gave her the 'are you kidding me face'. "I know they're not something I would ever listen to, but there really catchy and have really good harmonies. It does help that they're really fit too."

"Oh so you like them because they're good looking?" I laughed. "I didn't take you as that kind of girl Ivy." I shook my head in fake disappointment at her.

"No! They are actually really good. I just said that they were really fit too." she stated defending herself.

"No, you said that 'it does help that they're really fit too.'" I laughed mimicking her english accent.

"Hey don't you mock me and my englishness! Here just give 'em a listen." she said handing over one of her headphones. I could tell just by the intro that they were really catchy. I started to bob my head a little bit to it and saw Ivy mouthing the lyrics. I glanced at her iPod real quick to see the name of the song, it was called, What Makes You Beautiful. I have to admit they had really nice harmonization like Ivy said. They weren't what I normally listen to, but they were okay. The song ended and I took the headphone out of my ear.

"So what do you think?" Ivy asked eagerly.

"They're okay.Not what I'm normally into but catchy."

"Do you want to see what they look like?"

"Sure." Ivy looked down at her iPod and started to flick through pictures on her iPod touch and then put it up to my face to show me. My jaw literally dropped and I saw Ivy's face light up, but my jaw didn't drop because of the reason Ivy thought it did. It was because of the curly haired one in the middle. I swear he looked just like the boy I ran into this morning. In fact I'm positive they were the same person.

"I know. They're really fit right?" Ivy asked right after she saw my expression.

"Um yeah.... sure. Um Ivy, do you know if any of them live around here?" I asked slowly trying to remember exactly what the boy's face looked like that I had ran into this morning.

"Well, Louis and Harry are rumored to, but I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"Which one are they?" she flicked through her pictures and pulled up one of the curly haired boy and one who had straight brown hair.

"This is them. Now why do you need to know this exactly?" she asked as confusion spread across her face.

"Um well..." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "Um... I ran into a kid who looks just like the curly haired one this morning and he spilled his coffee all over me."

"Wait, wait, wait..... Hold on on a second." she rushed. "You mean to tell me." she pointed at herself. "That you ran into to some who looked just like Harry Styles?" She then pointed to the picture.

"Well, I'm actually pretty sure it is him."

"So you mean to tell me that you ran into Harry Styles?!" she exclaimed. "How exactly did it happen?"

"Well, so I was walking and not really paying attention to where I was going because I was looking for a song to play on my iPod. Then, all of the sudden I was bumping into someone and I dropped my iPod and then his satchel fell off his shoulder causing everything in it to fall out. I quickly bent down to grab our things and then..." I began to trail off and patting my pockets. "holy shit.... my iPod." I mumbled.

"What... what about your iPod?" Ivy asked confused.

"It's gone. I must of shoved it in his bag by mistake when I bent down to get his stuff."

"So Harry Styles has your iPod!" she exclaimed fangirling a little bit.

How the hell did I do that? How could I be so stupid? Some stranger has my iPod! Not only is he a stranger, he's a famous stranger! Some famous stranger that I don't even know has my iPod. My iPod has all my music, all my recordings, all my demos. Everything. Sure all the stuff is on my computer, but what if he listens to it and hears all my recordings and stuff that I made myself. Oh my god, he'll think it's horrible. What if he shows to the rest of his band mates? That iPod meant so much to me.

Harry's POV -

"Where's our coffee?" Louis asked as I was walking through the door.

"Oh some girl bumped into me and knocked them over....." I replied getting off track. I couldn't get her out of my mind. I felt so bad. She didn't have to pay me back or anything. We both weren't paying attention. It was just an accident. She's the one who got her shirt ruined. She looked so shocked and kind of scared when it happened too like she was scared I was gonna do something to her.

"Why didn't you go back and get some more then?" Lou asked with a confused expression.

"I don't know...." I said trailing off again and putting my bag on the floor to take my jacket off.

"Harry, what's the noise coming from your bag?"

"What noise?" I replied confused. Why would there be a noise coming from my bag? I picked it up and put it up to my ear. "What the hell is that?" I said once I heard the mumbling coming from my bag. I started to dig through my bag looking for the noise. I finally found it at the bottom my bag. "It's an iPod." I said pulling it out.

"How did that get in there?"

"The girl that bumped into me must of by accident put in my bag when she pick it up." I replied looking down at what was playing on it. It was Pinhead by the Ramones which isn't surprising considering the fact that she was wearing a Ramones shirt. I turned it over in my hand and noticed it was engraved.

All your quirks and all your problems,
even your depressions and your failures,
that what makes you, you.
-Gerard Way

"Hey, doesn't an iPod only have two lines for an engraving?" I asked.

"Usually, why?" Louis replied walking over to me and looking at the engraving.

I reread the quote with him. There had to be a way to get this iPod back to this girl. With an engraving like that it had to mean a lot to her.

"Do you know who Gerard Way is?" Louis asked.

"I think he's the lead singer of the band that does the song Sing." I replied still deep in thought.

"Oh... so what are you gonna do with the iPod?"

"Find a way to get it back to the girl somehow." I shrugged my shoulders.

"What did she look like?"

"She had wavy brown hair that came a little past her shoulders, and bangs that came straight down on her forehead, and big brown eyes." I said remembering what she looked liked perfectly. "Oh and she's American." I added as an after thought as I thought of her voice.

"It sounds like you fancy this girl Harry." Lou replied raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"What makes you think that?" I snapped.

"Oh getting defensive are we?" he joked.

"No, I'm not. Look I'll admit she was really fit, but it's not like I'm going to see her again. So there is really no point in me fancying her." I lied. I may have know ther girl for less than two minutes of my life but she just seemed really cute. I couldn't forget the way she blushed when she saw me after grabbing our things.

"So you're not gonna try to get this girl back her iPod? Lou asked interrupted my thoughts.

"Obviously, I'm not going to keep it Lou. It has to mean a lot to whoever she is. I mean the quote on the back can tell you that much!"

"So that means you're gonna see her again." he smiled knowingly at me.

"Oh shut up, Lou. We're having dinner tonight at the Wilsons' by the way." I said walking away from him.

Dani's POV -

Right when I got home I took off my now sticky, stained Ramones shirt and threw it in the wash. I took another shower because I felt icky because of my shirt. When I got out, I didn't even bother with my hair and put it into a messy bun. I put on a Jack Wills hoody with some basketball shorts and my bright colorful knee high socks.

I laid down on my bed thinking about whether or not I would ever got my ipod back. I thought about the quote on the back. I knew my dad had spent a lot of money to go past the two line limit on it. I remember when he gave it to me on my last birthday, and how surprised I was that he knew that was one of my favorite Gerard Way quotes. That guy's quotes has practically saved my life.

Ivy promised me that she would get her friend Shay to help her ambush Harry's twitter until he responded, and that we would go to the coffee shop everyday until we ran into him. Even though I only knew Ivy for like a day I already see her as a friend. She seemed like she really cared when she saw how upset I was about my iPod. A lot of people would probably think it was really stupid to get so worked up about an iPod, but she seemed to understand right away. She said sorry so many times for being so inconsiderate and stupid for not realizing how upset I was. I understood though, I would be acting the same way if someone told me they just bumped into a celebrity I love, and they have their iPod.

To make myself stop thinking about my it I decided I might as well look up the guy who has it. I grabbed my laptop off my desk across from my bed. I looked up the song Ivy had showed me before and about halfway through I looked them up live. I wanted to see how auto-tune they were. I don't know why but I always do that a lot with a lot of pop artist I like. I typed them into youtube and started to scroll down until I saw this song Gotta Be You that they performed on X Factor. I clicked on it and then after a little while of listening to it I opened a new tab and went on tumblr. I wasn't really paying attention to it until about the end when I noticed them start to hit these really high notes. I clicked back on to the tab, and the camera was focused on the curly haired one, Harry, and then the camera went back out as he bent down to reach probably the highest note in the song. Once they hit that note I fell in love with them. Their harmonization was just so epic within that one note that I had to listen to the song again. I couldn't believe I was actually admitting to this, but this boy band was actually really good, and just like Ivy said, it did help that along with great voices they were really fit. After the video was done I went on itunes and downloaded their album and laid back down on bed and just listened to it.

I don't know how long it was, but the next thing I knew was that I was waking up to my step-mom calling me down for dinner. I quickly called back down saying that I was coming, and redid my messy bun since it had became lose in my sleep and pulled back up my knee high socks. I quietly made my way downstairs humming along to Gotta Be You. About halfway down I stopped dead in tracks and gasped. The curly haired boy and the other band member of One Direction was in my foyer. They quickly turned at my gasp and Harry shared my shock expression for moment and then turned it into a smile. The other one looked like he was suppressing a laugh. Joyce and Lily both gave me apologetic looks seeing my shocked face and my dad just smiled obliviously.

"Glad to see you have made it down for dinner, Dani. I would like you to meet our neighbors, Harry and Louis." My dad said introducing me. They were about to take a step closer to probably shake my hand, and I shyly put my head down. When I realized my bangs didn't fall into my face like normal and saw my colorful socks. I bolted back upstairs. How could nobody tell me we were having company?
♠ ♠ ♠
Dani's Outfits -

Okay so I just put these two chapter up as an intro. I hope you like it so far. I'm not the greatest writer so I mostly do it for fun, and I suck at editing so please bear with me. I also have my friend, Dana, helping me with chapters on this so don't give me all the credit.

I have eleven chapters for this story pre-written so I'm probably going to update once or twice a week. Maybe even more depending on the comments and stuff I get.

please comment, rate, and subscribe :)