Sequel: When Two Become One

Breaking Away

Excited Much?


I ran over to my balcony and looked over to see Liz and Kourt by our car three floors down.

“That’s my name and who used it?” I replied to someone’s demand to see me.

They both gave me a look that said if I wasn’t down in ten minutes that I won’t be going to California. Running into my room I grabbed my three large bags that I was bringing with me. I took one last look around the apartment before I locked it and slowly made my way down the stairs trying not to fall over. By the time I reached the car I was breathing deeply and dropped my luggage in the trunk.

“I swear to all that’s holy Sierra Sanders that you take so long! Don’t you remember we had to be outta here a half an hour ago?” Liz questioned.

I blew off her question and sat in the passenger seat waiting for Liz to take off. Turning around in my seat I looked at Kourt who seemed to be sitting on a spring because she was just bouncing around.

“So Kourt, are you excited?” I asked her, even though I knew the answer.


Liz and I looked at each other and smirked, trying to contain our laughter. Kourt was never a person to keep her emotions or thoughts bottled up. That’s why we loved her. Making sure that we had everything, Liz took her place in the driver's seat. She turned the key in the ignition and we were on our way to California.