Did You Know You'd Show Me Your Scars?


I was checking the last customer out for the night, and sighed to myself that my shift was finally over. I don't mind working the later shift because, I've always admired the moon secretly. It's always so beautiful and it has a purpose in the world. The complete opposite from me. I was ugly both inside and out. Scars lined my body outside while inside there was a wall blocking anyone to actually get to know me. I made my way to the front of the store to change the sign to "closed" and locked the door, when I saw something happening across the street in the bank. I didn't think anything of it since it's Gotham, not much of a surprise if it were thieves. I shrugged my shoulders and when to count the money one last time and then pack up to leave. I grabbed my leather jacket and changed from my boots to my vans since I was going to be walking home. I set the alarm and made my way down the street.

I had the feeling like something wasn't right, but I ignored it. I made it home in one piece, and threw my shoes and jacket off. I changed from my work outfit to my pj's . As I brewed some tea, I put the news on. There was a special report about Arkham Aslyum, I quickly turned the volume up. It was probably about how the joker escaped once again. You'd think they would have learned by now that they really cant hold the joker there. As I predicted it was about how he escaped but with someone else this time.

As they flashed from the joker's photo to the accomplice. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that my brothers photo was there.
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I decided to pick up writing fanfics again. I've been on hiatus for about a year now and my friend Ashleigh convinced me to write again. My old account was AvengedSevenfold31 or ViciousLittleLies. The next chapter will be up soon :)
Listening to: La Dispute-all our bruised bodies and the whole heart shrinks
Also most of the chapters will be in Lyssandra's POV