Did You Know You'd Show Me Your Scars?

Chapter 5

Well I’ve been training for almost a week, and tomorrow we will set fire to the police station. I’m nervous but somehow a tad but excited. I’ve been working nonstop with my brother to get me ready for tomorrow’s plans. I haven’t seen much of the Joker, so it’s been rather relaxing here.

Right now I’m trying to find Mitch so he can practice shooting with me. I made my way to the kitchen since that’s where he always seems to be. I heard talking so I carefully hid my body against the wall. “So when do you think boss is gunna kill her off?” “I don’t know she seems pretty important to him…..for now” I felt my body got hot and my palms began to sweat again. I took a deep breath in and continued listening.

“I would hate to see something to her precious brother though.” “Yeah it would be a misfortune if he got in an accident or something.” The two men snickered and I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly ran back behind the corner and pretended I just got here. Just as I was about to go into the kitchen an unfamiliar man walked out winking at me.

I mentally gagged and focused on not punching him. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mitch sitting down drinking some coffee. “Hey Mitch how’s it going?” He nodded for me to sit down with him. “Ah little one I haven’t seen you that often where have you been?” I told him about my vigorous training with my brother and he gave me a small smile.

Mitch suddenly stood up and sprung over to the sink and got something out of the cabinet below it. He shouted for me to get down so I quickly obliged. Out of nowhere the whole building began to shake. I covered my head in case any debris was falling. I heard the door being kicked in and my fighting instincts took over. I felt for my blade that was against the side of my leg. I took a deep breath in and made my way to the door frame and I just as I was about to see what was going on I was being pulled by my hair

“What the fuck!” I screamed out loudly, and tried freeing my hair from the persons grip. I heard a grunt but nothing else I continued to struggle but they had a firm grip on me. Eventually I was outside and I that’s when I heard his maniacal laugh. He trough me into a van a drove off. “What the hell is going on! And where is my brother!?” He took off without a word, and once we were at a safe distant away he turned his head towards me a bit.

“He was planning to kill you and your brother. I blew the place up, your brother is safe but I can’t say the same for Mitch.” He let out a shrill laugh. How did he know Mitch and that other guy were going to…”How did you know?” “I know everything that goes on in my building. And plus I was getting tired of Mitch looking at you.”

I sighed knowing that any chance I had on leaving the Joker’s group was gone. But that wasn’t even the worst part. I might actually be starting to care about that twisted clown.
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im so so so sorry i havent updated in awhile, and honestly there is no good reason why. i know this is really short but i promise next chapter will be long :) thanks for the comments and subcribers

Listening to: Reckless and Crash by You Me At Six