Did You Know You'd Show Me Your Scars?

Chapter 6

The Joker led me out to the van and threw me in the back. I looked up to see Chad in the front seat smiling at me. The Joker pulled out of the driveway while the building was up in flames. I mentally started to prepare myself for tomorrows debut. Suddenly the car came to a stop and peeked out the window to see where we were. The old toy store on 54th street. Chad hopped out of the car, and opened my door for me. I slowly got out and took in the huge building.

Chad and I walked in together while the Joker was talking to a group of men. Chad told me to go up the stairs and that the second door on the right was my new room. I nodded and started walking to the stairs. I looked back to Chad and saw he had a sad look in his eyes.

I avoided his stare and put my head down. Skipping every other step I got to the top of the stairs and went to my room. I opened the old wooden door and stepped inside. The room was cold and had an eerie feel to it. My bed was pushed against the wall, and I had a closet on the other side of the room.

I slipped my shoes off and went to my bed. I plopped down and covered my body with the blankets. Slowly I let sleep overcome me....


I couldn't move, my body frozen in time. I heard the door open and heavy boots walk towards me. My breath hitched in my throat and I felt the bed dip down and the covers lift off of me. Cold hands roamed my body and all I could do was lay there. I squeezed my eyes shut wanting this to stop. When I reopened them I was in my old room as a kid, and I wasn't laying down I was standing off into the corner of the room. Just then the door opened and my father walked in. I saw my younger self in the bed, my back facing the door. The only noise I could hear was the sound of my fathers heavy boots. I tried to move my legs but they wouldn't comply. All I could do was scream at my father to stop. Once he left the room I went over to younger self and wrapped my arms around her. Her sobs were so powerful that I could feel her chest vibrating. I whispered softly in her ear and rocked her back and forth trying to calm her down. Suddenly pieces of her skin were chipping off and loud screams emanated from her body. I released her while her body continued to decay. I sat in shock while the rest of the room started to crumble around us. I let out a small cry as I saw my younger self die right in front of me.

-----end dream-----

Joker's P.O.V.

I saw out of the corner of my eye Chad whisper something to Lyssa and she nodded. I continued talking to the group of men I had hand picked to help with the job tomorrow. After they had all understood their jobs I dismissed them. They all went their separate ways and I walked over to Chad.

"So do you think your sister is going to be ready?" He looked confident but I could still see a small sense of doubt in his eyes. "Well of course. I trained her." He said with a smirk. "I hope so, I would hate to get rid of your sister if she messes up tomorrow." I said with a shrill laugh. I saw him visibly gulp and nod. I just walked away laughing at how I made people squirm. As I was making my way upstairs I heard Lyssa's voice coming from her room.

I quickly made my way to her room and I saw her body tangled in the blankets and she was sweating profusely. I walked over to her and gently shook he awake. She awoke with a pained look on her face and once she saw me she jumped into my arms.

I took her in my arms and held her. Although its something I normally wouldn't do, she seemed like she genuinely needed this. We just sat there while I held her fragile body rocking her back and forth as she cried.
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Guys I am really sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile, school has just been intense and I couldn't think of what to write about. Again I'm so sorry :( I hope you guys like this chapter. <3

Listening to: Enter Shikari-Warm Smiles Do Not Make You Welcome Here