Status: I wasn't living... I was existing♥

A Nightmare? Or a Dream...?

It's Time to Let Go

My church pastor, who was like my brother, led everyone in prayer.
The Carrie Underwood music in the background stopped. (She's my idol and obsession)
I sat down by my teacher, and held her hand like I always do
I keep control as the prayer ends.
A few people say a few words about me
But it didn't make me wish I was still alive
The funeral ended. It was time for me to go.

I walk out of the church
My hand still in my precious teacher's
I never wanted to let go...
She was my absolute heart and soul
And I couldn't live without her...
No pun intended.

I walk her down to the graveyard...
My pastor says a few more words before they lower the casket into the ground
I feel her gentle hands shake as I see tears fall from her eyes.
My mom is a wreck. I try my best to avoid looking at her.
And just like everyone else, I couldn't believe what was about to happen.

The ropes lower my body into the ground
My teacher keeps crying
And even I shed a tear
To see this happening... It's unbelievable...
But it's what I wanted.
I sit in my sweet teacher's lap and kiss her one last time..
Before I see something...

I see... a light.
I think.
I cannot tell what it is...
But I feel as if I should... go to it
It looks like a sign to me...
And then I know
It's my afterlife.

And with that... The dream ended. And I couldn't see anymore of my future.