Stand in Girl


The whole day was really spent not doing much. The only class we really had to do more work was in math. This new teacher really liked math. And I'm sure it's not healthy.I sat starring out the door watching the tree's leaves sway to the summer breeze. I began to day dream of France. Sarah said we were going to the beach house in South France. But it gets extremely hot, but I don't mind. I would do anything to go to France.

"Beth?" Sarah said. I blinked and looked over at her.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"You're doing it again," she said.

"What?" I asked.

"Day dreaming," she said and mentioned to the board. The teacher had put a whole mess of new problems up there. I groaned but picked up my pencil.

"I can't help it," I sighed and began to solve the tenth problem.

"I don't blame you. You're gonna love it there, I promise," Sarah said smiling.

When the bell rang I helped Sarah into her chair. Sarah was handi capped. When she was born she didn't get enough oxygen to her legs but that hasn't stopped her. No not at all.

Sarah and I had been talking non stop about this trip. Ever since I was a freshman and she was a sophomore, Sarah was a year older than me.


Back at home though things haven't changed. I had to on my best behavior. I knew my parents wouldn't hesitate to take this trip away from me. I did everything they asked me to, sometimes cursing under my breath. But as long as they didn't hear me it was okay.

I went straight to my room and continued to packing. I didn't have the best and most fashionable clothes but they would do. I didn't have any shorts or jean skirts. The one I was wearing was one of my friends and I couldn't take that to France with me. Besides I don't think I have the legs to wear skirts and shorts all the time.

Time began to fly by as I packed and day dreamed about our adventure ahead. I prayed Jayson's English was well enough for me to understand him as well as his friends. I dreamed about drinking coffee in little cafes, playing in the water, perhaps meeting a nice french guy.

But it was going to be a while away and all I can do is dream about it.


I sat in sixth period staring at the clock, waiting, just waiting. Tomorrow morning, five A.M I would be leaving here and on my way to France with Sarah and Jayson.

"Hey, bitch," Fabian, the kid next to me whispered. I hated him, hated him with a passion. He called me emo, would pull my hair and steal my pencils every chance he got.

"What fag?" I said as I gave him an icy glare.

"What the fuck. This hoe needs to calm down," he said.

"Your mom," I replied and turned around to focus on my paper. I knew that would wind him up, it always did.

"What did you just say, emo?" he said his voice getting louder.

"Bite me!" I said giving him another icy glare. Thank goodness I was wearing my black eyeshadow. I could look demonic with that stuff on.

He looked at me, trying to give me a glare of his own. Then turned back around and looked down at his paper. I smiled. I won.

When the bell rung I practically shot out of my seat not caring that I almost bowled my crush over, Eddie.

"Sorry!" I called out to him as I quickly walked down the halls to shove my books into my locker.

"Excited to go to France?" My friend Brandon asked.

"Completely," I said and shoved my science book into my locker into really caring that I had totally smashed a project that I had just gotten back with a pretty good grade. I slammed it close and went to look for Sarah.


Now I'm staring up at my ceiling in bed the lights off with my clothes on to save time. I knew sleep wouldn't come I was just so excited. I wanted to be there already. I don't know how Sarah can stand this anticipation.

When my clock finally came to 4:00 A.M I shot out of bed and plugged in my ipod and began to do my hair, put in my contacts and put on my makeup making sure everything looked great. Hey, Europe has great looking guys and I'm single and I have nothing else to do.

I sat again on my bed waiting to hear my mom out of bed to drive me to the airport. When she finally did get up and into the shower I took that as a sign I can go out into the kitchen and the living room. I grabbed a bowl and made myself cereal. My stomach was doing flips so I didn't finish it all.

The last thing I need is to get air sick.
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It will get better trust me!! JUST STICK WITH IT!!!!