Stand in Girl

Sleepy Sleepy

I had worn a pair of skinny jeans that I had borrowed again from one of my friends because I like the way they made my legs look. I admit, I'm shaped weird, I have an okay torso figure, the whole hour glass curve is going on with my waist. But I have hips and a bit of a butt. However I've been told it works out really grate by both genders but I just don't believe them.

I had also worn a belt my friend had exchanged with me for my studded belt. This one had a few studs with buttons on them. To go through the security I had to yank it off and take off a necklace I had thrown on at last minute along with my shoes.

When security was done I took out my phone from the gray plastic bin and dialed Sarah's number.

"Bonjour!" A man with a deep voice said. I raised an eyebrow and looked at my phone to make sure I had the right number. I did, maybe it's her dad.

"Salut?" I asked. Which was another way of saying "hi" in french. The guy laughed and then with a very thick french accent he asked.

"You are knowing who this is?" I smiled. Jayson was already here and was going to fly with us to France.

"Oui! C'est Jayson Keirnan!" I said using my best french accent.

He laughed at it.

"You're accent was wrong when you said my last name," he said.

"Well I'm only a quarter French," I said and began to walk with my bags to the food court. Maybe they were there. I had seen a picture of Jayson before and he looked like a scene kid, lip piercing and all. So according to that picture and how Sarah described him, I have to look for a tall scene kid with a lip piercing that had a french accent and was talking on the phone.

"Where are you two?" I asked slowly trying to remember his English wasn't the best in the world.

"Quel?" he asked.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"We are at," then I heard him ask something in French to Sarah. I was jealous of Sarah, not in a bad way, but she could speak French fluently.

"The food court, by Burger King?" he asked trying to make his accent go away. Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Alright," I said and hung up.

I put my phone back into my pocket and began to look around for Burger King. When I had found it I stood there like an idiot trying to find them.

"Beth!" I heard Sarah's voice yell. I turned around, scanning the crowd of busy people for Sarah.

"Over here!" her voice called again. Damn it, where are they!?! I turned around again in the sound of her voice. A guy who seemed around my age was running over. It must have been Jayson. He really was pretty tall, and pretty...pretty. I began to blush even though he was Sarah's boyfriend and I had no reason to.

"Salut!" he said and enveloped me in a hug.

"The French are weird," I said as he squeezed me tightly.

"Hey! That is not very nice," he said and let me go.

"I was only kidding," I smiled at him. Now I could see Sarah limping her way over, holding onto chairs for support. Jayson ran over and picked her up as gently as he possibly could. I smiled, now these two have to make it to the alter.

"So when do we leave exactly?" I asked.

"When ever we want to be going," Jayson answered bringing over Sarah who was blushing a violent red. Anyone could make Sarah blush, a tree could make her blush, but the same goes for me.

"You mean you rented a plain for us?" I asked shocked.

Jayson looked up and seemed in thought, saying what I had said to himself.

"Oui!" he said and smiled.

"But not, rent," he said.

"What?" I asked, his accent was really to thick to hear what he was saying at times.

"My parents, own flight company. They fly us home," he said and went back over to there table, I followed carrying my duffel bag and rolling suitcase thing that came in handy.

"Let's leave now, it'll take a long time to get there," Sarah said. I nodded in agreement. I really wanted to leave, I wanted to be in France already.

"Oh but, we have to pick up some...FRIENDS, in New York," he said and gave a sly smile to Sarah, his lip piercing sticking out even more.

"Strippers?" I asked. Sarah burst into laughter she is the easiest person to bust up. Jayson gave a confused look at us. Sarah tried to tell him in French. Then he began to laugh.

"Non, just friends," he said and smiled over at Sarah again.

"I missed the memo or something because I have no idea what's going on," I said and looked over at Sarah.

"Just chill, in a few hours you'll know," she said.

And with that we went to the very back of the airport where the last gate read "Royal International Airlines" I guess his parents were in there already because Jayson took out his wallet and showed something to the flight lady. She nodded then took Sarah ticket and then mine.

We walked in and it was like a regular plain but there were only three of us. Five, including Jayson's parents. Did Jayson know a whole plain full of people and was taking them?

I ran all the way down the plain then back. I didn't even put my bags in the compartments above the seats.

"It's big, non?" Jayson said with a smirk.

"It's bigger than my house," I said clearly. Jayson always waited a while before answering, I guess trying to make sure he knew what to say back. But I didn't mind, he could speak four languages not including French. I only knew English and bits of Spanish and French.

"Then you will love my houses." he said. Jayson being as wealthy as he was had owned big houses, one in which Sarah and him had bought together. Sarah contributed ten dollars. Okay so Jayson bought it, but they both signed their names on the paper.

"I will be even content to sleep on the floor." I said and sat down.

"There is no need for this, we have mo than enough room." he said and walked over to Sarah, gently putting on her seat belt. Then gently pecked her lips with his.

Right then two adults walked in. I was guessing his parents. His mother was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She looked very young but she was close to forty. His dad seemed handsome but his hat covered his bald head, he was still growing his hair back from the bout of cancer he had. Thankfully he fought off that vicious disease so well.

"Sarah!" he said and outstretched his arms. All I could catch after that was "Cherri" which meant love, or dear. I sat quietly on my seat waiting for the reunion to be over. I felt so awkward.

They then looked over at me and spoke in french.

"Salut," I said and smiled.

"Desole, Parlevou Engle?" I asked.

"Oui of course," Jayson's mother smiled at me.

"I'm Beth," I said and tried to unhook my seat belt to greet them properly.

"Hallo Beth," Jayson's father said. They said my name funny but I tried not to be rude and laugh.

After the awkward introductions they got to the front and we all had to put our luggage back into the compartments above our seats. I sat next to Jayson and Sarah. Jayson and Sarah were in their own row, Sarah next to the window, Jayson next to her and I in the middle row next to Jayson.

At first we sat around and made fun of each others accents. Jayson insisted that our accents were funny and he was the one who spoke normally. All the while Sarah and I argued back that he was the one who talked funny.

A few hours after that I became tired from staying up all night. And I am positive I looked it as well. So I took off my sweater and put it on the other seats and lifted up the arm rests and took off my seat belt then layed across the seats. If we began to go down, I don't think that seat belt will save me. Unless it suddenly adorns a cape and comes to life and has super powers or something.

I closed my eyes and I was out. As if the plain crashing wouldn't wake me up. I only woke up when Sarah shook my arm.

"Mmm?" I asked sleepily. Oh crap, I was drooling. I sat up and wiped it off my face. Oh hello smeared makeup on my hand.

"We're in New York," she said to me.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Three hours," she said.

"Crap," I said and tried to take out my duffel bag where my makeup was.

"You're gonna wanna stay here, Jayson just went out to get his friends," she said and that smile appeared on her lips.

"Fine," I said sleepily and laid back down on the seats.

I tried to go back to sleep but I began to hear voices. From what I could hear there were no girl's voices so they must all be guys. Oh well, it's not like one of them was going to be a future boyfriend or something. I would like to see my boyfriend every so often and be able to hold a decent conversation with them.

They came in and everyone's voices quited down. Sarah shook my leg.

"Beth get up," Sarah said to me.

"I will, just as soon as we land in France," I said and placed my sweater over my head.

"You won't want to wait for then," she said.

"What's her name?" A guy asked with a thick...German accent?

"Beth." I heard Jayson reply.

I heard someone walk over and sit next to my head.

"Hallo., I heard him say.

"Hi," I said.

"Are you that tired?" he asked.

"I haven't slept since yesterday., I yawned.

"That's nothing compared to us," he said. I had to wait a little while and try to rethink what he had said because of his accent, but it was clearer than Jayson's.

"Why?" I asked and began to sit up. I guess I had no choice but to get up. But someone was going to have to drag me out of this plain when we land. I looked over at him and gasped.

"Because I have not slept in three days," a beautiful guy with weird hair said. He smiled at me and his eyebrow piecing went up. Holy shit, Bill Kaulitz is sitting next to me. I looked down at myself and realized how bad I looked.

"Bastards!" I yelled at Sarah and ran into the bathroom. Alright I take it back, I do mind that I look like crap. I do mind that I was drooling and I do mind that Bill's first impression of me is this crappy looking, drooling girl!
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ahahahha i had fun writing this

Oui! C'est Jayson Keirnan=Yes! This is Jayson Keirnan!