Stand in Girl

English Please?

I could hear everyone laughing. And I couldn't help but smile. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyeliner was smeared but I could fix that. My hair was a little messed up so i ran my fingers through it and shook it out until it looked decent. I then wiped off the smeared eyeliner and it looked okay. My light brown golden eyeshadow was alright and so was the eyeliner on the top eye.

When I was satisfied I came back out. Everyone was in a seat stretched out saved for Sarah and Jayson who were cuddling.

"Are we better now?" Sarah asked as she turned around.

"Yes," I said beginning to blush. Everyone turned to look at me. I tried to shrug it off and went back to my seat, or bed. Bill had moved and was a few rows up, his legs stretched out and was leaning against his duffel bag, his hat over his sunglasses.

Tom was just the same his hat was tilted over his eyes and he used his own arms as a pillow. Georg was playing with a P.S.P he made funny faces as the sounds erupted from the little console.

Gustav was in the middle row behind Bill, which was right in from of my row, laying on his belly trying to sleep. I quietly went over to my row and sat down. And I thought I felt awkward when I had met Jayson's parents. Now Sarah was making out with Jayson and everyone else was either asleep or playing with a P.S.P

I'm usually outgoing but now I don't think I will talk until this plain thirteen hours. Thirteen long...awkward hours. I had been a fan of Tokio Hotel and I actually thought Tom and Bill were pretty cute. I had no taste clique wise, I would date anyone from any clique but I'm not a whore about it.

I admit I was kind of starstruck but I tried my best not to show it. I layed back down on my back as the plain began to take off. I guess we also stopped here to refuel. Now it's off to France. France, when I get there I'm going to run out into the ocean, just how Sarah said she liked to do. Well Jayson helped her but you know what I mean.

I didn't know if they were staying with us or if we were just dropping them off in France. It was so awkwardly quiet. I looked up, I could see Tom peaking all around from his little hiding place in his hat. I couldn't help but to giggle. He reminded me of a little kid.

"What is funny?" he asked.

"You," I said and sat up.

"How is this?" he asked. I couldn't help but laugh again. He did speak English like the stereotypical German.

"You talk just how we Americans think you would talk," I said.

"It's you Americans who talk funny," he said and pulled his hat up.

"How is this?" I asked trying my best to impersonate his accent. I put my head in the seat trying to stifle my giggle.

Bill asked something in German. All I recognized is when Tom said "Nien" then said something else. This is why I wish I was bilingual, I would love to say something and no one would understand what I'm saying. But everyone on this plain spoke English. I gave Tom a questioning glance.

"He asked if I was the one giggling," he said. I laughed again.

"Are we to loud for you?" I asked wondering if we were also disturbing Gustav. I didn't want them to think I was just some little pest. I was the youngest one on the plain. But what ever, I'm the youngest out of all my friends. I was only turning seventeen in July.

"No, I was just wandering," Bill replied. I laughed again.

"Are they always like that?" Tom asked and nodded towards Jayson and Sarah. Look who's talking! Mr. I Slept With Twenty five Women!

"They haven't seen each other in a long time." I said and looked back at him. I preferred to look at him because well, look at him! That, and I don't need to watch another couple suck face for thirteen hours.

"Besides, look who is talking," I said being careful not to use to much slang.

"Me?" he asked.

"Twenty five girls?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hey I don't count," he said lifting his arms innocently.

"Man whore," I muttered under my breath.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing!" I sang quickly.

"So how was America for you?" I asked.

"Nice," he said.

"It gets tiring after a while," I said.

"You lived there for most of your life?" he asked.

"Yeah. But I'm leaving when I turn eighteen," I said and smiled to myself.

I wanted to be a photographer for bands. Or models. I had poster ideas for both.

"You don't like it there?" Gustav asked.

"Not really. So I'm going to see how they do it in France," I said.

"Do what?" Tom asked after a while. Crap, I need to lay off the slang.

"I'm going to see what France is like. I'll move back with my people," I said and laughed to myself.

"You are French?" Georg asked.

"And so many other things," I said and sat up.

"I'm also German," I said.

"A lot of fans say that to us," Tom said and rolled his eyes.

"Who said I was a fan?" I said and raised an eyebrow.

"You looked like it when you ran into the bathroom," he said.

"I am a fan. But I think I'll stop being a fan if you treat us like that," I said with a glare.

This is what I was scared of. This is why I sometimes would say no to meeting bands. If they were like this I didn't want to know. If they really were just a bunch of singing brats then screw this.

Tom said something to Bill and Bill laughed. Then Bill said something else to him, which made all of them, and Jayson laugh. Note to self, learn German.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," he said.

"You didn't hurt me," I said.

Then Tom said something else which made them laugh. I only caught the word American this time.

"English please," I said.

"Not to many people say things like that to us," he said slowly as if choosing his words carefully.

"Well, we Americans speak our minds," I said.

"We have noticed," Georg said and finally threw his P.S.P to his side. Bill sat up as well, his hat off but his sunglasses were still on. His hair was messed up. I couldn't help but laugh again. He tried to put his hair back up.

"Now I see why everyone thinks what they think about Bill," I said over to Sarah.

"That he's a girl?" Sarah asked pulling away from Jayson.

"Yeah," I said.

Bill looked over at hearing his name.

"Hey!" he said after a short pause. I laughed again.

"Be glad a few people know about your band. Not to many know about you where I live," I said. And to be honest I like that fact. I loved seeing bands that were good but weren't all that popular. There was no fighting to get to the front all you had to do was really wait your turn. There was good music but you weren't squished with a bunch of sweaty fans.

"I am knowing about this," Bill said. I laughed again.

"This flight provides its own entertainment," I said quickly to Sarah. She laughed as well.
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See when I wright this stuff I talk to myself.
And my friend is watching me talk to myself as I write this.

She has concluded that I need therapy