Stand in Girl

On The Way

I was proven wrong. They were just how I imagined them. Normal everyday people, with an accent I couldn't understand at times. I guess I'm not much of a fan after all. They told me of fans that would spend the night out side of their hotels and sing their songs to them, a few did this in New York and they even sang in German.

I was amazed by how much the fans had liked them. I asked them how hard ti was to speak German. They smiled and had me try to say a few simple sentances. I failed miserably. I had the accents in all the wrong places. Then they tried to have me read a sentance that Tom had written down.

I attempted to read it and Tom helped me as we leaned together over the tiny peice of paper. Hey had to help me sound them out, I felt like I was five and learning how to read. When I finally had the whole thing down I sad it outloud and they all started laughing.

"What did I say?" I asked Georg as he leaned back laughing.

"You do not want to know," he said and tried to control himself.

"Tell me," I begged him.

"Nah," he said.

"Tom what did you make me say?" I asked him. His face was red from laughing.

"Nosing," he said.

"Gustav? Bill?" I asked sounding desperate. None of them, not even Jayson would tell me. But Jayson did lean over to Sarah's ear and whisper it to her. She also began to laugh.

"Jou will hate us if I tell you," Gustav said.

"I'll hate you if you don't," I smiled.

"No don't tell her!" Tom said suddenly jumping up.

"I can just look it up online when we land," I said and smiled up at Tom.

"I will take the computer from jour room when we get there!" he said and smiled back.

"You're staying with us?" I asked.

"Jah, Jayson didn't tell you this?" he asked.

"No, he did not," I said and looked over at Jayson who was looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"He did not tell me ANY of this," I said and looked over at him.

"But he did say it was going to be hot there," Sarah said.

"Please tell me you packed shorts and skirts," she said. I blushed at the thought of wearing shorts while these guys were around. Imagine, them seeing my legs. I'm sorry no, not going to happen.

'No," I said.

"Niether did I," Bill said looking over at me.

"You and Bill are going to bake!" she said. Bill had a confused look on his face.

"You will be extremly hot," she said. Yes, yes he is. I laughed at my little dirty joke in my mind.

"Why is this funny?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said.

It would be morning when we landed in France. We only had a fwe more hours and my eyes were heavy. Once again we had all switched seats. I was in the middle of Tom and Georg. I pulled my balled up sweater up to my chest and tried to cuddle into the chair. It was uncomfortable.

I wanted to lean against Tom but I didn't. I did't want to make things awkward. I shivered, Georg was blasting the A.C and it was so cold. He must have blubber to keep warm. I looked over adn Tom was doing the sme thing I was doing. Our eyes kept closing but we fought to keep them open.

Bill over there was out. He even began to snore lightly. It reminded me of my cousins house. My cousin Andrew always had his friends sleeping over when I was. When we got tired we slept where we dropped and kind of cuddled up with anyone who was also asleep.

But I didn't cuddle up wiht anyone, instead I climbed over Georg, practically kicking Tom in the face.

"Got damn you have long legs," he says and slaps my leg as I try to bring it over Georg.

I ignore his comment that could have been an insult or a compliment and go lay down in an empty row of seats. Everyone was asleep and it was stil cold against these brown leather seats. I shiver as I pull my legs to my chest and close my eyes.

"Beth," Jayson whispered as he gently shook my arm.

"Oui?" I asked.

"We are here," he said. I got up and looked around, everyone was gone. They must have all left and forgotten about me. My stomach kind of sank at the saddening feeling. I guess the band was to good to wake up the little American girl sleeping in the corner.

I reached up and Jayson helped me get my bags, carrying my duffle bag for me. I was glad he did, that thing was fucking heavy. As soon as we got out the airport was buzzing with people that were speaking all kind of languages.

We walked over to where The guys had on sunglasses and hats. I laughed. Wow that's not obvious, jackets zipped up, sunglasses on and hats tipped as far down as they can go.

Bill looked at me and brought his finger to his lips.

"So Bill!" I yell out.

"Bill..." I pause at his last name. His mouth fell open and he practically lunged at me, his hand covering my mouth

"Bill Garcia!" I yelled.

"I will throw you on a flight back to America!" he hissed into my ear. I smirk at him and look down at his arms. There was no muscle that I could see.

" I dare you," I whisper to him.

He looked over at the rest of them and says something in German. They nodded in agrement. He went to go back to sit down, but not before giving me a glare. I couldn't help but to smile, he did look cute when he got mad.

We had to go pick up our luggage but big mistake! As I turned the corner I could hear yelling and pictures being snapped. People were speaking French and German. They began to yell at me and pointing microphones at me and taking pictures of me. I backed up and tripped over Sarah's wheel chair.

I fell back, my eyes still on all the people.Someone stepped on my fingers and I yelped out in pain.

"Sorry," I heard Georg say as he helped me up.

"Let's get out of here, I thought no body knew!" Sarah yelled to Jayson.

"Our stuff," I said and stepped to the back of Jayson.

"We will have them send it to us. We get out of here now!" he said and began to push Sarah the other way. I stood there watching as air port security help back the paparazzi.

"Beth," Georg said as he pulled my arm. I snapped out of it and began to walk as quickly as they were.

Everyone except for Sarah and I began to talk quickly in German. I walked next to Sarah and shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea there could be that many people who wanted to get a picture of Tokio Hotel. Jayson pulled out his phone and began to quickly speak in french.

"Merci bercoupe!" was all I reconized.

"We have a limo to fit us all," Jayson said and walked out of the air port doors that lead to outiside. Sarah was right. It was hot. Very, and extremely hot. I sighed a sigh of torture Sarah looked at me.

"I told you," she said as we rushed into the limo beofre the paparzzi realized we were back here.

"I've never been to Europe before, you can't blame me!" I said and climbed into the limo sitting next to Bill. He smelt very good. Was he wearing perfume? Not colone, but perfume? Maybe Jimmy, my friend, was right, maybe Bill is gay and he just hasn't come out yet. I shrugged the thought away as Jayson lowered Sarah into the limo.

He practically dove in and shut the door behind him. The limo driver practically floured the car, making me knock my haid against Tom's

"Damn!" we both say almost instantly.

"Sorry," I sighed as I rubbed my head. Ouch he had a thick skull!
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comments = a not soo moody person lol