Status: unknown

When We Were Lost

stay away sweet misery.

“What the hell was that?” John said, slowly turning his head from the door to Claire.

Claire shrugged “I wish I could tell you, I’ve only known her a couple of months but that happens a lot.”


“You said you went to school with her, right?”

“Well, we went to the same school, she’s a couple of years younger than me so that explains why I can’t find her in my year books.”

“Isn’t Ross the same age as her?”

“You know my brother?”

Claire smiled “I like your band, I know things.”

“That’s a little creepy.”

She laughed “excuse me, you’ve been trying to stalk Aimy via yearbook.”

“Ok, you have a point, you’re also onto something with Ross.”

“Let me know how it goes, I have to get back to work.”

He nodded and they both stood up, Claire collected up the mugs and took them into the kitchen, John straightened out his hat and made his way home.


“Ross!” John called as he shut the front door to his parents house

A muffled “Hold on!” came from upstairs, a few seconds later Ross appeared “I thought you were Dad, man.”

“Do I want to know why that worried you?” John smirked

His younger brothers cheeks flushed “I have a girl up there.”

“girlfriend?” John smirked “is it a bad time to ask if I could borrow your year books?”


“to which?” John asked


“Can you just get the books? I’ll take them with me.”

“why do you need them?” Ross said walking to the cupboard under the stairs

“I’m, ugh, looking for someone.”

Ross raised his eyebrow as he passed John a box “who?”

“a girl.”


“don’t you worry. Thanks, I’ll see you soon.”

“Bye.” Ross said running back up the stairs

Before John left he shouted “use protection!” chuckling he left the house with the box


He dropped the book back into the bottom of the box with a sigh.

“No luck?” Jared asked, not turning his head from the TV.

“Nope.” he picked up the next book

“This might sound crazy, have you checked every page?”

“Why, her last name’s Jaymes, she’d be with the ‘J’s”

“Nothing to say she hasn’t changed her last name.”

John looked back down at the book, “I’ve found her.” he said looking at the photo, the girl looked like a younger version of her but had dark hair.

Jared looked at the page “that says ‘Leah Knox’”

It did, John sighed “it looks just like her though, man.”

“You’re right, it does.”

“Weird. I give up.” he said slamming the book shut and dropping it in the box with the others.

Jared chuckled “I don’t know why you’re so bothered anyway.”

“You’re not even a little bit curious?”

“Not really.”


Aimy knocked on the Kirch’s front door, it opened seconds later to reveal a middleaged tan woman, “hey, Aimy right? Can I help you?”

She nodded “yeah, that’s right. I was wondering if Tim was available to talk to?”

“Sure, come on in.”

Aimy followed their mom into the house and was led up to Tim’s bedroom “I apologise about his mess.”

Aimy laughed “no worries.”


The door opened “What mom?” he looked past her “oh, Aimy!”

“Thank you Mrs. Kirch” Aimy smiled as Tim pulled he into his room, shutting the door behind them.

“What’s up, Aim?”

She sighed “I don’t know how I can be friends with John and everyone else.”


“John mentioned my mom and dad earlier and I left, I just went.”

Tim gave her a sympathetic smile “tell him what happened.”

“I don’t know him, I don’t trust him yet.”

“You don’t know me, I know what happened”

She laughed lightly “not by my choice.”

“I still know.”

She nodded “but the fact you still want to talk to me makes me likes you.”

“John is a very understanding guy, he’s the best guy I know. He’s trying to get to know you but you have your walls built up so high, it‘s impossible for him to even get a glimpse into your past.” Tim smiled again “and that’s the best part, it’s your past. You weren’t even directly involved, he shouldn’t change his opinion of you.”

“It’s just a really shitty situation.”

“I know, but it wasn’t even your dad’s fault either, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I pretty sure everyone has realised by now he didn’t do it.”

She bit her lip “I’m not sure I want him to think of me as Sam Knox’s daughter though, even if he believes my dad was innocent.”

“Knox is just a name, it’s not even yours anymore.” he smiled encouragingly “think how much easier life will be when you’re comfortable telling people.”

“it was national news, Tim, I’m not sure you realise how big that is.”

He nodded “of course I do. I just think it’d be a weight lifted off your shoulders.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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