Status: I promise to try to maybe update every week.

Stole My Heart

Chapter 16

CJ called me the next morning. I groaned and picked it up out of my bag.

“Hello?” I groaned.

“Get everyone up and get over here!” She said excitedly.

“What? No, too early,” I mumbled.

“We were going to make the cards before Katie got up.”

“Who’s dumb idea was that? I’m not motivated enough to make a decent birthday card. Besides, that means that we’d have to get Brooke and Zayn up.”

“Oh, right,” CJ said.

“When everyone gets up we’ll make a plan,” I said, rolling back over.

“OK. Loves you,” CJ told me.

“I love you too,” I said tiredly, hanging up and dropping my phone back to the floor. Because I was on the couch, I was closest to the kitchen. I rolled over to see Liam making tea.

“How long have you been there?” I asked, slightly surprised because I had no idea that he was even up yet.

“Longer than you’ve been awake,” he replied.

“Thats kinda creepy,” I told him, making him laugh.

“What’s creepy?” Niall asked, yawning and stretching.

“Liam was watching me sleep,” I said pretending to be upset.

“Was not!” Liam pouted, making Niall and I laugh.

“Was not what?” Louis asked sleepily, not bothering to lift his head.

“Nothing, hon, go back to bed,” I told him. He had already passed out anyway. Niall and Liam made breakfast. I could not cook to save my life, especially in the morning. So I sat there and chatted quietly with them, trying not to wake the others.

Eventually everyone got up and ate, except for Zayn.

“Who gets to wake him this time?” Harry asked.

“Nose goes!” I declared, touching my finger to my nose. All of us put our fingers to our noses, even though it looked like some of them had no idea what they were doing. Louis was the last one to touch his nose.

“Louis has to!” I laughed.

“What? Why?” He asked.

“You lost,” I said.

“Lost what?”

“You know, when someone yells ‘noes goes’ you have to touch your finger to your nose and the last one to touch their nose has to do whatever it is everyone doesn’t want to do,” I said, explaining to the best of my ability.

“Anyway, you lost. Sorry lad, it was nice knowin’ ya,” Niall said, patting Louis on the back.

“But I didn’t know,” he pouted, “Can we take a vote this time? Please?”

“Fine, but next time you can’t get out of it,” I said.

“Thanks. I vote Melody!” he shouted.

WHAT? I demanded. “I let you go and this is how you thank me?”

“Wait, just listen. See, you’re well, you. Zayn wouldn’t hurt you, but me, he’d eat me,” Louis said.

“What do you mean i’m me?” I asked.

“Everyone here loves you. And Zayn is less likely to hurt you than me.”

“Less likely?” I grumbled.

They gave me a group hug and Niall said, “Well, It was nice knowing you. I’ll miss you.”

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing love, just go wake Zayn up,” Louis said.

I walked closer to Zayn’s bed and turned to look back at them. Some gave me encouraging smiles, and Niall gave me a sad wave goodbye.

I reached out at tapped Zayn’s shoulder lightly and jumped back, but nothing happened. Someone giggled at my pathetic attempt. I shook Zayn’s shoulder a little harder and he muttered something in his sleep.

“Zayn, you have to get up,” I said, as gently as I could so I wouldn’t make him mad. I went around the bed and sat near him. I rubbed his shoulder and said louder, “Zayn, you need to get up now.” I took his hand and shook it.

Still sleeping, Zayn grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my sitting position. He wrapped an arm around me and pinned me to his chest, still asleep. I couldn’t wiggle out of his grasp.

“Help?” I asked the other boys, but they were too busy laughing. “Thanks so much,” I grumbled at them. I tried to squirm out of Zayn’s arms but couldn’t, and the other boys just kept laughing.

“Zayn, wake up,” I said louder, but he still didn’t . I poked him in the stomach, which made him stir a bit. Knowing he would fall back to sleep if I didn’t do something quick, I licked his face.

“Gah! What was that?” he said, waking up immediately.

“Good morning sleeping beauty, can you please let me go?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure,” he said, releasing me, “When did you get there?”

“About a minute ago when I tried to wake you up. I sat down and you kinda attacked me,” I explained.

“So you licked me?”

“Well you did have my arms pinned to my side with that bearhug of yours, so I couldn’t hit you.” I stretched and cracked my back. “Next time, Louis will get you up. Right Louis?”

“Nose goes!” Louis shouted. We all put our fingers to our noses, but Harry was last.

“Harry gets to do it next time,” Liam laughed.

“No Niall was last,” Harry complained.

“Was not,” Niall said.

I hit Harry playfully on the shoulder and said, “You liar.” He shoved me into Niall, who shoved me back into Harry, who shoved me right back to Niall.

“That is quite enough! Let’s not break Melody, guys,” I said, wrapping an arm around them both.


A little while later CJ texted me saying that Katie had been sent to run some errands, and that we should go over to their hotel and make the cards quickly. So Brooke came and picked us up in Esmeralda, her beloved truck.

They had everything laid out. Construction paper, markers, glue and... glitter?

“Who let Brooke have gitter?” I asked fearfully.

“Um, us?” Zayn asked.

Brooke let out an evil cackle. "You know what this means! Glitter war!!"

“Brooke, don’t even think about-” I warned, but was interrupted by a handful of glitter to the face.

“Oh, it is on!” I declared, grabbing one of the many containers of glitter. I opened the top and flug some glitter in Brooke’s direction, covering, not only her in green glitter, but Niall and Harry as well.

“Oi! You got me full of glitter!” Niall complained.

“I am not apologizing!” I laughed, attacking him with more glitter.

“Oh really?” he asked, getting his own container of blue glitter. He poured some into his hand and then threw it at me. Of course, I wasn’t going to let that go, so I took the top completely off the container and threw some in Nialls direction, making him a beautiful sparkly green from head to toe. I also managed to get Louis. Harry and Louis each grabbed a container and joined in. Eventually getting Zayn into the mess too. CJ picked up her own container and added to the fun.

“Alright, take it easy. Some poor person is going to have to clean this up...” Liam said. We all turned to face him. He gave us all a horrified look. “You wouldn’t-” We all threw glitter at him. Glitter was everywhere and all of the fifteen or so containers of glitter were empty. We were all different colors and sparkly.

Katie chose to walk in the door then. “What the bloody fuck is going on here?” She demanded.

“Glitter fight!” We all cried happily, scraping glitter off the carpet and throwing it at her. After she too was completely covered, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in!” CJ answered. The cleaning lady walked in and looked around. Then she began to curse in another language. She scolded and we all knew she was swearing. She just left the room. The girls got their things and CJ left a generous tip for the poor soul that had to clean the room.

As we left the hotel in the rented van, Liam got an angry phone call from Paul, demanding to know where we were.

“Yeah, sorry, we’ll be back soon. We’re on our way,” Liam apologized.

“What’s up?” Katie asked.

“We have a show soon and they didn’t know where we were,” Liam explained.

CJ gave a sort of evil grin and said, “We kidnapped One Direction!”

When we got back the boys cleaned up the best that they could. Glitter was a bitch to get rid of. I sat there trying to shake it out of my hair, but only some of it came out.

“Your head looks like a disco ball,” Brooke laughed.

I glared at her and said, “You’re grounded from glitter. FOREVER!”

She gasped in pain like I’d stabbed her with a knife. “No! you can’t do that to me!”

“I just did,” I said, sticking my tongue out at her and she pouted at me.

“CJ, am I really grounded?” she asked, eyes looking like a defenseless puppy.

“Yes,” CJ growled, trying to get pieces of glitter out of Liam’s hair.

Unfortunately, the boys had to go out on stage like that. Harry flipped his hair and sparkles fell down.

What’s up with Harry? Why is he shedding sparkles One fan asked.

I stood close to Niall, talking into his mic., “Harry is secretly a pixi. If you catch some of the dust and think happy thoughts you can fly away to Neverland.” A lot of people laughed and Harry gave me a look.

“It’s not just me,” he said. The other boys and I shook our heads and sparkles of every color fell onto the stage.

What happened to you guys? A fan asked.

“Well, we were tryin’ to make a card for a friend’s birthday,” Niall said, but Harry cut him off saying, “Oh! We almost forgot! It is a friends birthday, and we would like your help to sing happy birthday to Katie!”

I walked towards the crowd, grabbed Katie, and with the boys’ help, plus a push from CJ and Brooke, managed to get her onstage. She turned almost as red as I usually did when the boys and the crowd all sang Happy Birthday to her. After the crowd cheered, everyone on stage gave her a hug and then we let her go hide in the crowd again.
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Here's a longer chapter to make up for some of the shorter ones! =D