Status: I promise to try to maybe update every week.

Stole My Heart

Chapter 2

Emily came up and said in a voice that was practically a whisper,” Um, Melody, I have some more tables for you.” “I thought that this was my last one for the night?” I said, more as a question than a statement. “Sorry, but we just got a lot more customers,” she said. I looked around. The place was packed. There were even people lined up outside. A camera at another table flashed as it took a picture of the boys and I. They boys! Of course! All of these people were here to see the boys! “How did they find us so fast?” Liam asked. No one knew, but I got busy waiting on other tables. Soon Emily had to start sending people away because It would be way past closing time before they could even get inside.

I circled around the restaurant, trying to make sure that everyone had what they needed. I stopped to refill Niall’s glass. “How long do you usually work?” he asked. “Almost every day until closing time. I’m trying to save up for college,” I answered. At least tonight would be a good night for tips. Cameras flashed and people began coming up to the One Direction boys and asking them for pictures and autographs. I ended up taking a few for people and being in many more than I could count.

Eventually, it became time for them to leave. I brought them their check. “How mad do you think Paul’s going to be this time?” Louis asked. They all said goodbye to me as they left. As I cleared up their table, I found a napkin with Niall’s name and phone number with a cute smiley face on it saying, ‘text me if you find this’. When I brought the dishes into the kitchen and was out of everyone’s view I texted the number that Niall had left, ‘This is Melody. I found your note.’ I was worried at first, that maybe the number belonged to someone else and it was only a prank, but almost immediately after I sent my text he answered, ‘Great. Hope to see you again soon!” I smiled, texted back ‘Okay,’ and was happy as I finished my shift.

Even as I rode the bus home I was sure that there was nothing that could ruin my mood, but I was wrong. Alexa’s shift had ended before mine, so she beat me to our apartment. She was sitting on her bed, holding a sheet of paper in her hands. I could tell immediately that something was wrong. “Alexa, what’s the matter?” I asked. “Oh Melody, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think this would happen,” she sobbed. “What happened?” Instead of answering me, Alexa just sobbed and handed me the paper. I took it from her and read it. It was a letter from our landlord, saying that we had until the end of the week, which was only two days, to move out. Apparently we hadn't been paying our rent, which was ridiculous because I always gave my half of the rent to Alexa so she could give it to.....

"Alexa, you've been sending in our rent, right?" I asked. She didn't look at me and continued to cry. "Alexa, what did you do?" I demanded. "I d-didn't mean to," she sniffled, "I was just a couple bucks short for the outfit that I really wanted really really bad." "I can't believe you," I said angrily, but in a steady voice. I turned my back on her and stalked away so that I wouldn't scream at her. How could she have been so careless and stupid? She could just go home to her parents and be welcomed with open arms, but I didn't have that luxury. My parents died in a car accident about a year ago. I was starting my senior year when it happened. I barely managed to graduate before I needed a full time job just to get by.

I angrily stormed into my room so I could calm down. A while later Alexa poked her head in, saying, "Melody? I really am sorry." I sighed, calm again. "I know." "What are we going to do?" she asked. "I don't know. You'll have to go back to your parents' house and I, well, I'll figure something out eventually," I sighed. Alexa nodded and said, "I'll leave you the car. It is in your name after all and I figure that I owe it to you because of all of the trouble that I've caused." "Thanks Lex," I said. She nodded and left, closing my bedroom door behind her. It didn't take me long to fall asleep. It was a great relief from all of the stress.

The next morning I got up and made a pot of coffee, as I did every morning, but unlike every other day, Alexa was awake. I could here her arguing with someone on the phone. "What do you mean that I can't go? .... But that's not fair! .... But I worked hard to get those tickets! .... You can't make me! .... FINE! Make sure Dad meets me at the airport. .... Yeah goodbye." Grumbling to herself, Alexa entered the kitchen. "Who was that?" I asked. "My mother. You won't believe what she's doing to me! She says that if I want to come home I have to catch the next flight, and that means that I gave to miss the One Direction concert!" she complained. "Sorry Alexa. I wish there was something I could do," I said. "Could you give me a ride to the airport before you go to work?" she asked. "Sure," I answered. She nodded and went to pack.

I then began packing my things. It wasn't hard. I didn't own much. I left my blankets in an easily accessible box. I would probably be sleeping in my car. I packed my clothes next, which was mostly superhero t-shirts, a few hoodies and skinny jeans. My one brown leather purse held my wallet and my mp3 and a few other little things. I packed my guitar, one of my most prized possessions.
My other most prized treasure was a simple silver necklace that my parents had given me. There was a little star charm that my parents had gotten me, a simple little guitar charm that my brother got me, and a cute little puppy charm to symbolize Max, my German Shepherd that had passed away a few years ago. I also had a few mismatched charms from friends. They were cute little silver charms that went together on a thin silver chain. It didn't seem like much, but they meant a lot to me. Each one contained happy memories and feelings.

I packed my few belongings into the car that was now mine. Yeah, I had plenty of space to sleep. Then I helped Alexa cram her things into the car and drove her to the airport. With a hug and a final wave goodbye, I drove to work. Because of the car, I didn't have to worry about being late.
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TaDa! Two days, two chapters! I'm awesome! =D