Status: I promise to try to maybe update every week.

Stole My Heart

Chapter 32

Over the next few days, I did my best to keep calm. Did what I could so that the fans couldn’t get to me, but I could feel the wall inside myself slowly crumbling down.

I sat down on her laptop and emailed Katie, CJ, and Brooke. They, Eleanor, and the boys were the only ones who knew the email. The girls wanted desperately to come and get me, and tried to convince me that everything would be alright, but their parents weren’t exactly happy with what articles had said they’d been doing. So until they got that sorted out, I was on my own.

It was taking a toll on my boys too. Their management had suggested that they send me back home, saying that it would be better for everyone. Less expensive for them, less stressful for the boys, and less dangerous for me.

As I sent a message to the girls telling them that I would be okay, I noticed an ad for a magazine with me on the cover. Something about me doing something scandalous. At this point, I wasn’t even surprised.

I sighed, shut the laptop and slit it away from me. Then I folded my arms onto the table and set my head on them. I was just so tired. So tired of everything, but what could I do to make this better?

Then I thought about what the 1D management had said about everyone being better off if I was gone. I looked to the side and saw my boys on the couch and how tired they all looked.

Mike looked over at me with pity in his eyes. Unable to handle it, I hid my face back into my folded arms.

Maybe everyone would be better off if I left.

I shoved the thought out of my mind. I couldn’t just leave.

But why not? People would just forget about me. They boys would be fine. Mike could just become the permanent guitarist. I could go back to Brooke, Katie, and CJ, and the boys could come and visit us every now and then...

My heart squeezed at the thought. Niall. I couldn’t bare not seeing him for that long. Or the rest of the boys for that matter.

I stayed up the whole night arguing with myself, and ended up mentally strangling the other me. I managed to fall asleep somewhere around 5 in the morning.

= = = = =

The boys got up early and went to do some sort of photo shoot, so when I woke up I was all alone.

I sipped on some coffee and looked out the window. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and there was a great view of the ocean from there. I’d been so out of it lately I hadn’t even realized how close we were to the water. I wondered if the boys would want to go swimming later.

Then I became extremely guilty. How did I not notice this? Of course the boys must’ve been really excited about coming here. The Louis and Liam loved to surf, and the others liked the beach, so how on earth did I not hear them talking about it?

I found a post it note on the fridge saying where the boys had gone and when they’d get back. If it was right, the boys would be home soon. Maybe they’d want to go to the beach then. The thought made me hopeful and I changed into a tank top and jean shorts.

I cleaned the room a bit while I waited. Some of the boys were really messy, but Mike was a bit of a neat-freak. They must’ve been a little late this morning, seeing that he didn’t have time to clean.

I was surprised when I heard a small knock on the door. I opened it cautiously, expecting a rabid fan or some sort of prank. Instead, there was a small girl and a teenage girl standing there. They were obviously related. They had the same golden hair and shining green eyes.

“Hi, can I help you?” I asked.

The younger, probably only twelve blushed and kind of hid into the side of the older, who looked to be about sixteen.

“Yes, are you Melody, the guitarist for One Direction?” The older girl asked.

“Yes I am, or, I guess I’m not playing guitar right now...” I said, “What can I help you with?”

“Well, my little sister, Sunny wants to be an interviewer, and we were wondering if it would be okay if she could interview you and the boys for a few minutes?”

“Please?” Sunny asked, giving me the most adorable set of puppy eyes I’d ever seen.

“Um, they boys aren’t here right now, but they should be home soon. Would you like to come inside while I call them and ask them if they’ve got time for an interview?” I offered.

“Yes please!” The girl said excitedly. I opened the door and let them step inside.

“Sorry for the mess,” I apologized, though there wasn’t much of a mess left.

“It’s not a problem,” the older girl said, obviously excited just to be in One Direction’s hotel room.

“Sorry, but I didn’t catch your name?” I said, turning the statement into a question.

“Oh! Sorry, it’s Cassie. Wow, you’re a lot nicer than people said you would be,” Cassie said, then clapped her hand over her mouth and looked as if she’d just sworn really loud in church.

“It’s okay, I know people are saying a lot about me. Not all of it is true you know. Some people have a habit of twisting a few words and stretching the truth a bit,” I said, “Would you like anything to drink before I call the boys?”

“No thanks,” Sunny and Cassie said together. They were so cute.

“Okay, I will be right back,” I said, picking up the cell that the boys had left for me and walking into the bathroom.

“Mel, are you alright?” Niall asked worriedly as he answered the phone.

“Hello to you too. I’m fine. Do you know when you boys will be back?” I laughed.

“We’re on our way now.”

“Great! Hey, there are two girls here wanting to do an interview with you when you get back. Are you up for it?”

“What are they like? Can you handle another interview?”

“Well, I don’t think they want to interview me, but they seem trustworthy enough. I think one is twelve, and the other is sixteen. They seem really nice,” I assured him. I heard Niall talking with the boys about what they wanted to do.

“Who is it?” Harry asked.

“It’s Melody,” Liam said in a tone that had an unspoken ‘obviously’ added onto it.

“HI MELODY!” Louis shouted.

“HI LOUIS!” I shouted back.

“Someone’s finally in a good mood,” Zayn noted.

“You didn’t see, but I just stuck my tongue out at you,” I told him.

“That’s the Melody that we all know and love,” Niall laughed.

“So what about the interview?” I asked, not wanting to keep the girls in the other room waiting for too long.

“Yeah, sounds like fun,” Liam said, and the others agreed.

“You guys want to go to the beach after?” I asked.

“YES!” They shouted.

“Ouch! Okay, okay! You guys are going to shout me deaf,” I laughed.

“SORRY!” they all shouted. Then they all shouted their goodbyes, and I hung up and met the girls back in the main room.

Cassie was holding the camera funny and saying, “I don’t know if it’s working! I told you we should have asked mom and dad first.”

“Sorry,” Sunny immediately apologized, probably because it was her fault that they’d left in a hurry.

“It’s already on,” I laughed, helping the girl set it on the stand that they’d set up.

“Do they always shout like that?” Sunny asked me.

“Not that we meant to eavesdrop on your call,” Cassie quickly added.

“No, it’s okay. Yes, they are pretty loud sometimes, and they said they’d be happy to do an interview with you. They’ll be here in a few minutes,” I said.

“Yay! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” Sunny squealed, hugging me.

“You’re welcome,” I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sunny was inspired by an adorable little girl I saw in church the other day. She is absolutely adorable.