Status: I promise to try to maybe update every week.

Stole My Heart

Chapter 9

At first there was an awkward silence around the group. The girls took over the couch and the boys sat on the floor. Harry, trying to break the silence, wiggled his eyebrows at us and joked, “Your mom is no fun.” Katie blushed a light pink, and I swatted Harry on the arm saying, “Behave.” “Ow,” He complained, though we all knew that I didn’t really hurt him.

“Is your mum always like that?” Liam wondered. “Yup,” Katie replied. “Does she always feel the need to give awkward talks?” Louis asked. Brooke nodded and said, “Almost always.” “You guys can come onto the couch if you want, we don’t bite,” I offered, sliding closer to CJ and making room. Niall sat next to me and Harry next to him.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t anymore room. Zayn, Louis and Liam offered to stay on the floor. “Could you get a few blankets out of that closet please?” CJ asked. Zayn did as she asked and tossed us a few blankets and got a few for himself, Louis and Liam. Louis put in a random movie that was sitting on top of the DVD player. It turned out to be The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Brooke began to sing along to the movie, getting a few strange looks from the group. “What?” she demanded. We all decided to join in too. After a while Brooke got tired of sitting, so she got up and went to the kitchen to make cupcakes. The rest of us could still hear her quoting the whole movie from the other room.

“Dibs on the couch spot!” Louis called. “What? No way! It’s mine,” Zayn declared, getting up to go for Brooke’s empty spot. “NO! Mine!” Louis said, pulling him back. While the other two were distracted by fighting over who could sit on the couch, Liam took the spot. “CHILDREN BEHAVE! Or so help me I will ground you both!” CJ declared. Dejectedly, Louis and Zayn took their places on the ground. Liam looked over at CJ and said, “That’s my job!” “Well here it’s my job. Get over it.” Liam chuckled and said, “Okay, good luck with that.”

CJ nodded then went to join Brooke in the kitchen. Zayn and Louis scrambled for the spot on the couch, but Louis was closer and got there faster. With a defeated sigh, Zayn went into the kitchen.

“Why do you look like a grumpy puppy?” Brooke asked as he joined them. “Louis took my spot,” he said rather pathetically. “Would a cuppycake make you feel better?” She offered. “I HEARD SOMEONE SAY CUPCAKES!” Niall declared. “Oh for god sakes Niall!” Zayn said, shaking his head. “Are they ready?” I asked excitedly. “Yes, come and get them,” CJ said.

Everyone ran into the kitchen. Then they were shooed back to the couch so Brooke could clean up the newly emptied cupcake tin and other baking materials. They all decided to squish onto the couch. They were almost sitting on each others laps by the time Brooke sat down. It was then when Momma Lisa decided to walk by. She walked passed the hallway, backed up, made ‘I’m watching you’ motions with her hands, then continued walking.

They all curled up under the blankets, enjoying the movie. Katie shifted and accidentally bumped into Brooke’s arm, causing her to drop her soda. “God dammit,” Brooke swore. “CJ! watch your language!” Momma Lisa scolded from the kitchen. The rest of us laughed while CJ sputtered, trying to figure out what to say.

Momma Lisa came into the room. “Hand Check!” she called. The other girls and I held up our hands, and the boys hesitantly did the same. “Mom, really?” Katie asked. “Yes, really. Hands!” With an exaggerated sigh, Katie held up her hands. “Good,” Momma Lisa said when went back to her room.

Eventually we all got tired. The other girls and I made a nest of blankets on the floor next to the couch. Harry, Louis and Niall tried to sleep on the couch. Zayn and Liam made their own beds by our feet.

*3rd Person*

Brooke was the last one to go to bed. She looked at the large group. Harry and Louis had fallen asleep on the couch. They’d kicked Niall off, but even that hadn’t woken the cute Irish boy. He wrapped an arm around Melody. She was just as asleep as he was, and cuddled into his chest. Zayn and Liam subconsciously moved into the nest as well.

Being the sneaky little prankster that she was inside, she took out her beloved camera and snapped a few pictures, especially the adorable one of Harry and Louis. Not that she was going to tell them, but she totally shipped Larry Stylinson. She uploaded the picture and made it the cover photo for her very smutty fanfiction.

Someone groaned and rolled over, possibly waking up. Quickly, so she wouldn’t get caught by the waking person, Brooke sprinted back over to the nest and took the open spot next to Zayn.

Harry and Louis were the first to wake up. Brooke’s laptop lit up with a ‘bing’. They looked over to see a new notification. Someone had commented on Brooke’s story.

Oh my goodness! I love this fic! Keep writing please!

Louis looked over at Harry, who shrugged. They opened up the link leading to the story. It began to get graphic and they ended up closing the laptop before things could get too weird or dirty.

They left the laptop near Brooke’s head and waited for the others to wake up.

Katie was next to wake up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She gasped as quietly as she could when she realized that previous night had not been a dream. She looked up at Harry and Louis, who were sitting cross legged on the couch, watching her. “Hungry?” She asked. She carefully made her way through the maze of bodies to the kitchen.
*Melody’s P.O.V*

I woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. Niall had somehow ended up on the floor next to me. He had wrapped his arm around me again. When did that happen? I guess it felt natural to me.

I sneezed. My sneeze was cute, or so I’d been told. It tended to come out like a high pitched squeak. It woke up Niall, who removed his arm from around me and said, “Bless you.” “Thanks,” I said, sitting up and burying my face into a pillow. I then sneezed three more times. “Bless you,”
Katie said to the first. Harry and Louis then added their, “Bless you’s” to my second and third sneeze.

Grumbling, Brooke raised her head, hit me in the face with a pillow and said, “Stop that.” Then she went back to sleeping, as if nothing had happened.

“I wonder if we should wake her completely and talk to her now?” Louis asked. “No! No! Bad idea!” I cautioned. “Brooke is the grumpiest riser you’ve ever met. Trust me, you want to wait until she wakes up on her own and has a cup of coffee before you even say ‘good morning’,” Katie warned.

“Yeah, Brooke’s a bit of a bitch sometimes,” CJ said, getting up and stretching. “You’re one to talk,” Katie snorted, knowing full well what an angry morning CJ looked like.

“I’d be willing to bet that Zayn’s the meanest riser,” Harry said, leaning against the counter. “You’d lose,” I told him, getting up with a hand from Niall. “I’ve seen both of them wake up. Brooke is way meaner.” “No, Zayn was actually in a surprisingly good mood the mornings that you were there.”

A bet was made. We all put in a dollar. CJ, Katie and I bet that Brooke was grumpiest. Niall, Harry, and Louis all bet that Zayn was the grumpiest. The winners would split the pot, giving each person two dollars. Now all we had to do was sit and wait for them to wake up.
♠ ♠ ♠
I barely managed to get this written up before my laptop died again!