Status: Work In Progress

We Are The Fallen Angels

The Beginning

“Jamie, wake up!” she heard her mother’s slightly muffled voice. Jamie groaned before slowly opening her tired eyes. She started to hope for something new, something interesting to happen today. To her, life was boring. Every day started the same and ended the same, almost like a story read over and over again. The only thing she was looking forward to was going to the Escape The Fate concert next week with her best friend Laura.
It was Friday which meant school today. Jamie hated school! Sighing deeply, she rolled off her bed, only to face-plant on her cream carpet. “For God’s sake!” she cursed as she picked herself off the floor. Jamie stumbled towards her black wardrobe, rubbing the side of her neck. She flung the doors of the wardrobe opened, revealing mountains of clothes that have been carelessly thrown inside. ‘What to wear?’ she thought as odd pieces of clothing were flying over her shoulders and meeting the carpet. Deciding on her usual combination of skinny jeans and her Escape The Fate t-shirt, Jamie pulled on her black converse boots, brushed and straightened her long mousy brown hair and headed downstairs, grabbing her ‘Death Note’ messenger bag in the process. Collecting her lunch off the side and made sure that her sketchpad was safely in her bag. Jamie ran out of the front door, saying goodbye to her mother and headed on her journey to school.
The canal was peaceful. The water shimmered as every ripple made the reflections disorientated. The grass swayed peacefully in the warm breeze. Jamie slowly walked through the scenery, taking in every detail. Her mousy brown hair lay neatly down her back. She hated the speed she walked at! She walked too fast for her liking. She would be at school in another 5 minutes at this rate! Sighing deeply, she carried on with her journey.
“I can’t wait until next week dude! Max is just plain awesome!” Tai squealed, bouncing on the front of her feet. Tai was just a little younger than Jamie, their birthdays a month between. She had short black hair, pale skin and her eyes were an icy blue shade. The teen wore a Green Day t-shirt which was from the concert that she went to, a pair of black skinny jeans and big military boots.
Jamie just rolled her eyes. Tai had been talking like this for the last month or two. Jamie couldn’t complain though since Tai had brought both tickets.
“Stop talking will you?!?! You have been talking about Max for the last 2 weeks!! Ronnie is the best, no questions asked!” Jamie laughed. She had been a fan of Ronnie Radke for as long as she could remember. So for about 2-3 years! The bell echoed off the walls, indicating the beginning of Art. Out of all the useless lessons that this school gives, Art had to be one of Jamie’s and Tai’s favourite lessons.
They entered the classroom and took their usual spots at the back. The teacher had just told them to carry on with their project. The project was your favourite person. Tai had seemed to pick Rei, a character from the popular anime, Beyblades, while Jamie had decided on a Korean singer who no-one seemed to know except her.
"You do realise that the person has to real, don't you Tai?" the mousy-brownette chuckled lightly, recieving a glare from the other.
"You do realise that people have to actually know the person, right?" Tai retorted back before continuing the sketch of the character, focusing more on his eyes at the moment
♠ ♠ ♠
Basically just explaining about the two of the three main characters in the story! Both my OCs.

Enjoy and please comment with what you thought.