One In A Million

Chapter 2

"Wh-What aobut Bailee?" I whispered. Ryan pulled me closer, wiping the stray tears from my cheeks.

"Well...I don't know," Pete answered, briefly.

"Can Brooke and Baille come with us?" Ryan asked, shyly. His own tears were also clearly visible. Bailee watched us, unsure and scared. She hated it when anyone yelled or cried; She was exactly like Ryan.

"I don't think so, Ryan. What will she do when you're doing shows? I mean...." Pete started but trailled off, shaking his head.

"Dad, I could actually go if I wanted to. You can't make me do anything. I'm n-nineteen," I remembered, trying to sound brave.


"What?" Bailee asked, flaunting her confused face. Ryan stroked her hair and shook his head. "Daddy, no cry," She brushed her fingers across his cheeks. Ryan gave her an apperciative smile.

"You can go with if it's alright with everyone else," Pete mumbled.

"Seriously?" I asked. Pete nodded, giving in.

"It's fine with me," Brendon stated. "I'll ask Spencer and Jon even though I'm sure they'll be happy," He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Yay!" Ryan said, eagerly. "Oh Bailee, you're going on tour with Panic At The Disco!"

"Tour?" Bailee questioned, not quite understanding. Ryan nodded.

"And you are too, Brooke!" Ryan hugged me close. I smiled at his joyful face. Brendon hung up the phone.

"They said it's fine," Bren concluded. Ryan's face lit up. I knew that this was a dream come true for him. His family and music colliding together. He was ecstatic.

"When do we leave?" Ryan inquired.

"Um...about two weeks," Brendon answered, smirking.

"Two weeks?" I asked, startled at how soon it was.

"Yeah, two weeks. I know three peoples who need to pack."

"What?" Bailee repeated her favorite word.

"Daddy, mommy, you, Uncle Bren, Uncle Spee, and Uncle Jon are going to...take a trip!" Ryan informed her.

"Where?" She wondered.

"Lots of places, sweetheart! We're going to have loads of fun!"
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I'm writing another because I love you guys so much. By the way, ignore the sucky layout. I just liked the picture and I'm really bad at making anything graphicly. lol