One In A Million

Chapter 30

The next day, Pete was scheduled to arrive home. Ryan, Brendon, and I hadn't told anybody about the engagement or my pregnancy yet. We planned to tell, Pete, Jon, Spencer, Andy, Patrick, and Joe at the same time. No one seemed to notice the ring on my finger. We all gathered at Pete and my house to wait for Fall Out Boy's arrival, even Brendon. Ryan, Brendon, and I sat on the couch together, waiting.

"Hey!" Pete called, rushing in. Patrick, Andy, and Joe followed behind. We all said hello and I gave my dad a giant hug. "What's on your finger?" He asked, taking my hand. "Is that an en-"

"Well, we kinda have some news for everything," I said. "So, take a seat." Everyone sat down as I exchanged worried glances with Ryan and Brendon.

"Go on," Peter said, waving a hand.

"Ryan and I are engaged," I squealed. A roar of congratulations flowered across the room. "I'm not done yet," I beckoned. "Um..." Silence grew scary as I looked at Bren. "Don't freak out when I tell everyone this..but..I'm pregnant again."

"What did I tell you about fucking Ryan?" Pete shrieked.

" see....Ryan isn't the d-dad....B-Brendon is..." I whispered, my hands shaking. Shocked gasps surrounded me.

"What?" Pete yelled. "What the hell do you mean Brendon?"

"We...were...d-drunk," I cried.

"Oh My God, Brooke!" Jon said, pulling me into a hug. "It's okay."

"I thought you hated him! Didn't you get in that big fight?" Pete screeched.

"I did!" I said, trying not to sob.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Bren?" Pete sighed, glaring at Brendon. I bit my lip, hard.

"I'll always be here for the baby and Brooke. I don't hate her at all. I'm sorry," Brendon mumbled. We sat ther ein silence. I saw small droplets of water running down Bren's face.

"Don't cry," I whispered, wiping his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Brooke," He repeated.

"It's alright, Bren. Just don't cry."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back! It was awesome. If you want to read about it, I posted a journal entry. I'm just too lazy to post the link here. lol