One In A Million

Chapter 32

"Hi, Brooke. Hi Ryan. Hey Bailee!" Brendon squealed when we all walked into band practice a few weeks later. We all said hi and sat down, Bailee on Bren's lap. While we were waiting for Spencer and Jon to arrive, I thought about everything.

The way Brendon treated Bailee...was great. He was always amazingly sweet to her and she wasn't even his kid. I could only hope he treated our baby the same way or better. I always thought he would be a good father. But, he was still pretty childish himself. After worrying about that for five minutes, I decided that Brendon Boyd Urie would be a great father and that I shouldn't worry.

But what would we tell the kid? Who would they call 'daddy'? Who would keep the child most of the time? Those thoughts - or questions, whatever you want to call them - scared me. I wanted the baby ot know that Brendon was their father, of course. But I didn't want him or her to completely ignore Ryan. Ryan would still be myboyfriend husband and he should play even the least bit of a father figure in their life. Right? Would they call Ryan just...Ryan? Or...stepdad or something?

"what are you thinking about so hard?" Brendon asked me, as if he could almost read my mind. I shrugged, delicately. "How are you and the baby? You're growing some, I can see."

"We're good," I mumbled, looking at my belly. He was right; I was getting bigger.

"Cheer up, Brooke. It's okay," Brendon told me. I looked up at him. Even though he was shorter than Ryan, I felt so little compared to him, always. It was almost scary to me.

Suddenly, Jon burst into the room, noisily. "Sorry, I'm late. I h- Where's Spencer?" He scanned the room. We all shrugged, lifelessly. "How are you, Brooke?" Jon looked at me, not going to push the Spencer question anymore.

"Fine," I grumbled.

"Well, good," Jon commented. "I guess we'll just have to wait for Sp-"

"I'm here!" Spencer called, running inside breathlessly. "Don't even ask what happened."

"I'm not sure if I want to know," I said, looking at his obvious bad case of 'sex hair'. Brendon snickered, quietly.

"Whoot! Spencer got some action!" Jon said, laughing. Spencer gave him a look and I tried not to laugh too.

"Shut up and let's practice!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Mwhahaha. Spencer. hahaha.