One In A Million

Chapter 5

"How did they find out?" I asked Bren a few mornings later. We were looking at People Magazine where Brooke, Bailee, and I were photographed on the front cover. I know it's unbelieviable but it was the first time anyone suspected anything about us. It seriously worried me.

"I dunno, Ry," Bren answered, sighing. "This isn't good."

"I know. I bet they'll ask during out interview tomorrow," I groaned, louder than I should have.

"Who's having sex in our kitchen?" Jon asked and walked in. "Oh. 'Sup, Rydon? Why the long faces?"

"One, don't call us Rydon. Two, look," I held up the magazine, trying to ignore the 'Rydon' comment.

"Oh sh- Wait, what's wrong with that?" Jon was so stupid.

"The press isn't supposed to know, dumbass!" Brendon told im. Even Brendon realized it. Just then a sleepy Bailee walked out.

"Daddy," She whined, sitting on my lap.

"Good morning, darling," I whispered to her. Bailee laid her head on my chest.

"What do we do?" Jon asked. "I mean, they were bound to find out soon enough, right? Bailee is two. I'm surprised you've hidden it for so long, already."

"I know. But, I'm scared for her. I don't want anything to happen," I explained, sighing.

Brooke's POV

I stood out my the kitchen, silently listening to their conversation. They knew about Ryan, Bailee, and I. I was honestly scared. I started to make my way back to the bedroom when Jon rounded the corner. "Brooke, were you listening?" He whispered. There was no point in lying to Jon. He always found out anyway. I nodded. Jon pulled me into a hug and whispered comforting words in my ear. Just then, Ryan walked out, carrying Bailee.

"What's going on? Did you...hear us?" Ryan asked me. I nodded as Jon left us alone. "It'll be okay, Brooke. You don't have to worry."

"I knew they would find out soon, Ry," I said. He nodded, kissing my forehead.

"We'll just have to tell them the truth, I guess."
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I didn't like this one for some reason.