Status: Active

Run From Me

Dating Games

“Yeah.. yeah.. Okay.” Myra stood in a telephone booth at a trucker stop. “Thanks, Danny.” She stuck the small note with the photographer’s number on the wall as she hung up with her roommate. Most people had cell phones, so she didn’t foresee privacy as an issue. Leaning against the side of the booth, she sighed and rubbed her eyes. While she dialed the photographer, a man got in line behind her. “Hello, Carlos? Yes, hi. This is Myra, you called my home to schedule an appointment for tomorrow?” Her voice remained steady, almost pleasant, but her shoulders slumped and her eyes remained closed.

“Right. Just tomorrow from 7am to 2pm. But, listen, I’ve had a bit of a problem. There was an on-site accident- no, I’m fine. Just heavily bruised. Will that be a problem?” The man behind her coughed. She turned slightly and noticed his stature and status among the tour. “That’s great. Thanks. Just send me an email with the location and I’ll be over in the morning. Bye.” Myra slammed the receiver down and began a brisk walk away. “No, wait!” Myra stopped, apprehensive of the man. He moved in front of her, “Hey, uh, I just wanted to apologize for what happened the other day.. Since, you know, it was my fault.” Jimmy’s hand scratched the back of his head, looking everywhere but her face.
“It’s fine. Just an accident.” She replied, stepping aside. “But it’s not fine, and I feel real bad. I’d like to make it up to you.” He had put one of his large hands on her shoulder. Myra cocked her head to the side, curious,“Like how?” She stepped back to let his hand fall away, and finally he looked her in the eyes with a smile. “I was hoping you might have an idea, actually.” She laughed and bit her lip, “I was going to try and figure out a bus schedule for this photo shoot tomorrow. And if you have access to a car you’re welcome to join me. It would be a big favor, as I don’t like going alone. A girl is never sure what she’s getting into, meeting random photographers off of the internet.”

A truck pulled up in the parking space beside them. Jimmy put a hand behind her back to propel her towards the tour site. “I don’t right now, but I can get one for tomorrow.” They walked slowly toward the buses. “I’m Myra, by the way.” The man hit his head with an open palm, “Duh. Sorry. I’m Jimmy. I’m with the band.” Myra laughed, “Yeah, I knew that much.” They stopped in front of the van she was staying in, “Well, I’ll come find you in the morning, then? Is 6am too early?” Jimmy blanched, “Er. I don’t-”

“You can sleep on the way there.” He paused and cracked his knuckles, “Alright, then. You may have to wake me up though, I’m pretty good at ignoring alarms.” She smiled widely, “I’m pretty good at waking people up. So, it all works out.”


“Hey, Matt? D’you know where someone in charge of the vehicles would be?” Brian looked up from his phone, “Why?” Jimmy crossed his arms with a stupid grin on his face, “I’ve got a date.” Matt punched his arm with a small amount of force, “Awesome, bro.” It had been a long while since Jimmy had done anything remotely like relationship-seeking. Brian’s eyes narrowed in mock contempt, “Who’d wanna date a slimy fellow like you?”

“Dude.. I don’t kiss and tell, but.. she’s totally a model.” The other two burst out in laughter, “A model? Like for Gucci?” Jimmy shoved Matt, “No, dude, like.. well, I don’t really know. But I’m going with her to a photo shoot tomorrow morning. Sucks, though, ‘cause it’s at six.” Brian looked at him in disbelief, “In the morning?” Jimmy nodded. “Man, the last time you saw 6am you were in fuckin’ diapers.”

“I know! I know! But she’s hot, dude.” Matt scratched his neck, “Uh, I think Johnny borrowed a car once, you might ask him. Or the tour manager- what’s his name, again?” Jimmy looked around, “Where’s the short shit?” Brian shrugged and stood up, “Think he’s in the showers. I was heading there, anyway? Want me to send him your way?” Jimmy nodded, “Thanks. I’ll be here.”