Status: Active

Run From Me

Early Birds

Brian grabbed his shower equipment and headed inside the truck stop to purchase some shower time. It was a few minutes sitting on a bench before he noticed the willowy brunette that held such a keen interest in his mind. A gasp, sucked in brutally fast, caused him to have a coughing fit. This garnered the attention of Myra, who had been empty of thoughts. She wore a bikini and a see-through coverup. The soft curve of her milky thighs melded into the perfect, supple ass. Though her lovely body caught his attention, it was not the muscular abs or her thin, savory arms that caused him unrest.

The entirety of the right side of her body was mottled. It seemed that every color of the rainbow was represented in a dark, blotchy bruise as beautiful as it was horrifying. The very sight of her wounded, naked flesh set his loins alight, and his hands ached to caress every inch. She gave him a searching look, noting his roaming eyes. A man’s voice came over the loud speaker announcing that a shower was open for customer 14. Myra had been leaning against the wall, too weary from the long days of travel to sit.

She stood up straighter. Brian cleared his throat, the fit over, and glanced into her eyes. His gaze awoke a hunger in her, but she was decidedly against letting him near her. Customer 14 walked into the adjacent room, trying to ignore the warm spread of embarrassment from Customer 17’s blatant staring. The shower would relax her, she tried to tell herself. And she should be used to stares by now. Just that normally, they were from behind a camera lens.


The sun was still missing when Myra woke. Someone had thrown something rather hard at her, as her alarm was going off. She turned the small clack off and began getting ready. The bag for the trip had been packed the night before, but she still needed to get dressed. Her back ached from the van’s hard seats. They were lucky insomuch as they had longer seats to lay out on, rather than a single one to sleep sitting up in. But, still.. she wished someone had splurged for one extra tour bus for the remaining crew members. They drew lots for the sleeping arrangements. Myra had never been very lucky.

“Jimmy!” She banged on the band’s door. A body guard stumbled out, “Are you fuckin’ crazy? Go home, child.” She pulled out her crew ID, “Jimmy promised me a ride.” The sleepy-eyed man groaned, “Fine. Stay here.” A while later Jimmy opened the door, croaking out, “We have, like, two hours.” His shirt was missing and his hair suck out at odd places. “One hour, and it takes 35minutes to get there.” She moved her bag to the other shoulder. “Mmph. Well, come in and sit down while I.. find something..” He motioned her to follow him.

The bus was cleaner than she expected, but still.. There was a woman coming out of the bathroom that glared at the two before going towards the back. Jimmy rubbed his eyes and went the same way. She noticed the bodyguard on a pull-out couch. His eyes flew open and he sat up when a can skittered across the floor. “Sorry.” She whispered, trying not to disturb any more items as she moved to sit down on a chair. Waiting patiently came easily to her. Since childhood, Myra was able to empty her mind and just experience the life around her.

Slightly more put together, Jimmy returned jingling some keys with a squinty smile.