Status: Active

Run From Me

You Deserve Flowers II

“Do you want to keep a picture?” Luther asked Jimmy, “If that’s alright with you, Myra.” She consented, pulling back her long hair. “The bathroom is nasty, hijo.” Myra wrinkled her nose as the photographer looked up from his laptop. “You could have used the dressing room.” Jimmy tore his eyes away from the photo set printing off for him. Wallet-sized nudes on a first date. He wasn’t sure what to think.

“I didn’t want to bother him.” She nodded her head to Bastian tying his shoes across the room. “Besides, a girl can save a little modesty.. somehow.” Luther laughed a deep laugh, from the gut. “The guy practically razed your bare ass with that flogger, and you care about modesty.” His dark chocolate hand fluttered to her arm. Jimmy’s eye brows rose, “It’s just a job. You can be one thing on set and another in real life..”

Luther squeezed, “Of course. A joke.” He smiled sincerely and let go, returning to his work. “I’ve already made the check out, dear. It’s with your shoes. Let me know if you’re going to be in town again.” The two voyeurs left the artist, crossing to the door. As Myra laced her black canvas shoes she bit her lip, “Thanks, Luther. When will the photos be up?”

“Later this week.” He did not bother looking up. Myra grabbed the precious envelope and left Jimmy to trail behind her to the car. They both entered the car in silence, with her in the driver’s seat. “Ready?” She asked, when he had fastened his seatbelt as well. He nodded, still mulling over the morning. “What did you think?” Myra hedged. Her throat bubbled with questions and qualifiers. She wanted to justify her passion, her blossoming career as a model.

Jimmy looked out the window. “It wasn’t what I expected.” He took a breath. Then another. Hesitating to speak his mind. “I thought maybe we were more compatible than we are, I guess.” Myra’s face reddened. He quickly interjected, “Not that what you do is weird or wrong, or whatever. Just that, it’s not my thing. I’m, like, not kinky at all. And from the looks of things, you.. like or need or.. yeah.. that.”

She let out a sigh. “Yeah. Okay. I can respect that.” He laughed, spurring her to let out a nervous one as well. “Some first date, eh? Friends, then?” Jimmy sat straighter, “Of course. You’re a cool little miss, Myra.”