Status: Fast read

Come Home

chapter 1

I crossed off another day on the calender. I sighed. A week left. A week left till he comes home.
I sat on the couch and opened up my notebook and started to write another letter to him when there was a knock at the door.
I opened the door to see bradley and kendall.
"Can we come in moo?" Bradley asked
I nodded "of course. What are you- whats going- why are you here?" I finally got out.
Kendally cleared his throat and rubbed his hands on his legs "lets sit." He nodded to the couch.
I nodded not knowing what else to do.
we sat down and bradley started "moo, there is no easy way to say this. But-" his voice cracked. "Jesse is lost."
"Lost?" I asked tears building up my eyes
"We left three days ago and we came back he was gone. We are looking for him moo. We will find him." Kendall said.
I buried my face in my hands.
"We came back early to tell you. They are going to find him we are flying back to keep looking." Bradley said his voice full of emotion.
I shook my head and hugged them. "Please find him" i said.
"We are going to try our best." Kendall said and his voice finally cracked.
After they left i ran into our room and his scent still lingered here. I thew my self on his side of the bed and buried my face in his pillow and cried
"Please come home jesse." I cried