
Chapter 5

I watched as the Guardians and Mr Carlos left the room. I was really curious, and I asked River, "Wanna find out what they're up to?" She immediately shook her head. "Not a good idea. The Guardians and Mr Carlos' secrets should never be known. If you ever find out any secret informations you're not supposed to know, the Guardians will be after you, and there's no way of escaping them." I cringed slightly at this. They're that great?

I was walking back to my room when I heard it. "What should we do now?" I heard a voice say, it's so genderless, I don't know who said that. Then a sigh. "Assasinate him. He's a threat to everyone. Do it as soon as possible. You and Ice can rest before that, though." Mr Carlos' voice. Ice and who? It must be Sky, then the person speaking before must be Sky. "I think that's not neccessary, Mr Carlos, both me and Sky can handle this without resting. And, there are people's lives on stake, we can't risk letting Black out for another day, he might kill others if we don't assasinate him soon." Another genderless voice. What's with these people and their genderless voices? I silently groaned and continued listening, until the sharp end of a knife nearly stabbed me right in the face. I yelped and jumped back. Then the door opened with Ice standing in the doorway, glaring coldly at me. I froze under her glare and shivered a little. I smiled awkwardly and the rest of the Guardians, along with Mr Carlos, stood with her. Mr Carlos sighed and said, "Well, what should I say? Curiosity killed the cat," then he tilted his head looking at me, "but this case is different. Lilium, since you need more experience anyways, I'm sending you with the Guardians on this mission. It's a great honor for most of the assasins here, but this mission is highly dangerous, so you might as well think of it as a survival game. Now get prepared, you're leaving with them. And remember, wear the outfit you chose the first time you entered the institute on your missions."

I still can't believe it, even as I'm on my way to the town. I, a new assasin in the institute, is sent on a mission with the best assasins of the institute. What- oh, forget it. Soon, we're back in the town in which I was once bullied, but not again. I'm not the girl those kids can kick around as they please. As I walked by with the Guardians, some of the people I used to know elbowed their friends and pointed at me, and as I walked behind the Guardians, they started messing with me again. I tried ignoring them, but then they started throwing things at me, and I snapped. With the guns I got from the training room earlier, I shot all of them in the head, sometimes hitting more than one in a shot, then I reloaded the gun and repeated the same process for a few times. By the time I finished, all of them were dead, and the Guardians were looking at me with bored stares. I felt small under their stares, and apologized for slowing them down, then we continued.

I have been told a little about the mission, and that it's to assasinate Black, former member of the Guardians. I was told that he misused our special right to kill people, since our institute and the police has formed an alliance. He was put in jail, but he escaped, and here we are, on a mission to assasinate him. The twins wore their trenchcoats which were buttoned up while Ice and Sky wore it like before. I didn't wear anything over my Goth Loli dress. As we walked into an alley, the Guardians suddenly stopped. Then Midnight and Moon took out their weapons while Ice and Sky got in fighting stances. I was suddenly alert of my surrounding and dodged a bullet that missed my left cheek by milimeters. I spun around to meet face to face with a guy with black and white hair, our faces inches apart.

I jumped back and nearly hit the wall behind me. Then he caught Midnight's nunchucks as she swung it at him and pulled it away from her, making it his weapon. I stepped away from him, then a silhouette went past me and as it stopped and started a hand-to-hand combat with him, I realized it's Ice, and Sky soon aided her in the battle, both of them dodging swiftly from his deadly nunchucks swings. Moon tried helping them, but Sky and Ice barely watches who they hit, and as their teamwork made them never hit each other, it's not a problem to them, but they sometimes hit other people, so Moon gave up in trying to help. Now she, Midnight, and I watched as their fight got more heated, and the guy, who I believe is Black himself, was starting to lose it, but then he pulled out a knife and stabbed the one nearest to him, Sky. He clutched his right side and staggered a few steps backwards, then he fell. "Sky!" Ice exclaimed, and nearly got stabbed by Black too, but as she glared at him with such intensity, he stopped, his knife inches away from Ice's side, then he laughed. "You've known how to use Haki better than last time we met, Ice." he said, then his face got serious, and he attempted to stab her again, but she jumped to the side easily and kicked the knife out of his hand and took the nunchucks and threw it back to Midnight, who caught it. "I'll kill him with my own hands." Ice said in a low dangerous voice, and Midnight nodded. I can feel the odd chill coming from Ice, and she engaged Black in a fight once again, this time gaining the upperhand quickly. As Black was overwhelmed by her power, he aimed his gun at Ice and he shot, dodged by Ice, but the bullet went through Sky, this time his left side. He let out a scream of pain, and this time, Ice didn't react. Ice merely glared at Black again, this time making Black back away in fear. "Time to get serious." Ice simply said.
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I lost a subscriber TT^TT
I know my story's getting boring, but I really don't know what people expect from this story, so please give me an idea.