Born Under a Bad Sign

No One Like You

I was in Parker’s bed, his naked body facing me, his arm hung loosely around my waist. I smirked for a second, taking in all his beauty. Even when he was asleep, he was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen. I took a quick looked at the clock. It was bright and early, 9:00 in the morning. I got out of bed as quickly as possible, being sure not to disturb him. I quickly put on my clothes, since they were sitting in a pile, grabbed my purse, and promptly exited the apartment. I did my first walk of shame at Ohio University, and saw a couple other girls doing the same thing. I shrugged, because I honestly didn’t care. I finally arrived at the apartment at about 9:15 and went straight up to my room. I changed quickly into a large t-shirt and black running shorts before brushing my teeth. I laid down on my ever so comfortable twin bed and immediately felt the nausea rush to my head.
It was going to be a long day.
After what seemed like 5 minutes, the doorbell rang and I heard the door open and hit the wall behind it. I silently cursed whoever did that, because that would definitely be a deduction off our deposit if it made a dent in the wall. Then I realized that this mystery person who just walked into my apartment probably wanted to kill me, rape me, or worse, kidnap me. I got up quickly, and the nausea hit me full force. I grabbed my nearest weapon, which was my straightener. I could probably do some damage with this because it was slightly heavy. I reached my arm out to the closest wall and leaned against it. The only way I could walk was if I had my hand pressed up a wall. I slowly shuffled to the stairs and one by one, finally reached the main floor. I heard a male talking and an older female answering. It was probably my new roommate. I walked out to the kitchen and a guy about my age was standing at the kitchen table. He had long brown hair past his ears but not quite to his shoulder, and he was tall, probably about 6’4. He was wearing jeans, a green plaid shirt that was unbuttoned at the top with a white t-shirt underneath.
He had just taken off his tan jacket and hung it on the back of one of the chairs around the table.
“Hi, you must be my new roommate?” I walked toward him from the kitchen and he smiled at me.
“Yeah, I’m Sam.” He held his hand out and I shook it, he had huge hands that enveloped mine. His smile was breath taking.
“Lauren. It’s so great to finally meet one of you.”
He smiled back and nodded his head. His eyes were a deep brown, strong jawline. He was basically gorgeous. “Tell me about it. I thought all summer that you would be some kind of serial killer.” He chuckled to himself and a beautiful brunette woman walked in behind him.
“Lauren, this is my mom, Mom this is our roommate Lauren.” Our roommate? She set the box on the table and smiled warmly at me before hugging me. I didn’t expect it, which resulted in an awkward hug on my part. I heard Sam snicker.
“You can go ahead and call me Ellen. It’s great to meet you.”
“Likewise.” I smiled and looked back at Sam. “Well, I guess you can pick any of the rooms upstairs, mine is the closest to the bathroom.” I winked at him and he looked at his mom and they headed upstairs. Suddenly the door opened again and another very attractive guy, a little older than me, came in followed by an older man with brown hair and a beard.
“Sammy!” He yelled, dropping the box on the kitchen table. “I have another one of your boxes.” He rolled his eyes and looked at his dad, who pointed to me.
“Oh.” The boy smiled slyly at me and walked over to me. “And who are you?”
“Lauren.” I was immediately turned off from this boy. He seemed like an ass. It didn’t help that he wore a beat up leather jacket, jeans, work boots, and some kind of weird necklace.
“Well, I’m Dean. I’m Sam’s very handsome brother, and this is our pops, good ol’ Bobby Winchester.” Dean smiled at Bobby, and Bobby just rolled his eyes.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Lauren.” Bobby was polite, and shook my hand. His hands were rough. He was dressed in a plaid shirt, dirty jeans, and a trucker hat. He was obviously a mechanic of some kind. They didn’t look alike at all, though. I couldn’t see the family resemblance. I went to the kitchen and started brewing up some coffee.
“So, I guess we’ll be living together?” Dean questioned, his voice was deeper than Sam’s. Much like his father’s.
“I guess so.” I opened the fridge and was immediately disappointed. The only thing inside that was readily edible was fruit. I growled in disgust and shut the door.
“Well, if I can help you out with anything, let me know.” I rolled my eyes; I still had my back to him.
“Will do. Do you drink coffee?” I asked, as Sam came back downstairs and half-smiled at Dean.
“So, Lauren I see you’ve met my brother.” I turned around, Sam had a straight look on his face, and Dean winked at me.
“Oh, I sure have.”
“You got the family treatment.” Sam smiled at me and shrugged.
I laughed and turned back around, and grabbed 5 coffee mugs from the cabinet. I set them down on the table and turned around.
“So,” I began.
Sam and Dean’s parents were suddenly downstairs, standing across from them. They were talking quietly, and you could tell Dean was starting to get angry. I couldn’t make out anything they were saying.
Sam glanced over my way and saw me watching. He coughed and the family immediately stopped talking. Bobby and Ellen smiled at me awkwardly.
“Are you guys going to stay for coffee?” I asked, holding up mugs.
“We’d love to, but we really have to take care of some uh…business.” Bobby glanced at Sam and Dean, who simultaneously rolled their eyes. Sam folded his arms across his chest and Dean just stuck his hands in his pockets.
“Alright, well it was great meeting you.” This family was odd.
“Same here.” Bobby saluted me and started to walk out the door. Ellen came up to me and hugged me again.
“Honey, I’m sure you’ll see us again sometime soon.” She had a sad look in her eyes.
“Yeah, definitely.” She smiled at me and turned around, hugging the boys before she left.
“Please tell me you guys drink coffee.” I asked as I heard the door shut for what was hopefully the last time.
“Yes, of course.” Sam answered and walked towards the kitchen. He leaned on the counter next to me. Dean sat at the kitchen table.
“Sorry about that, our family is kind of…different.”
“No it’s totally fine, don’t worry about it.” Dean was flipping through the papers on the table.
“What’s your story?” Dean asked, looking at me quizzically.
“Dean, we just met the girl we can’t just ask her to just spill her life story.”
I laughed; this was going to be interesting.
“No it’s okay, really.” The coffee machine beeped at me and I grabbed the first mug, filled it, and Dean got up to take it from me. I pulled the cream out of the refrigerator and the sugar out of one of the cabinets. Sam was already pouring his own mug of coffee. Thank God, I thought I was going to serve these boys or something.
“Well, this is my first semester here and I’m majoring in Parapsychology.”
“Really!” Sam seemed excited.
“What the hell is that?” Dean asked.
“It is the study of people who experience paranormal activity of some kind. Whether it be ghosts, vampires, demons, anything like that...”
“Dude, could you be any more of a nerd?” Sam rolled his eyes and Dean half smiled and looked at me. “Well, maybe you can help us out more than we thought.”
Sam elbowed Dean so hard that he spilled a little bit of his coffee on his hand. They both smiled at me awkwardly.
“Well, this has been sufficiently awkward. I’m hungover and hungry. Mi casa es su casa, literally, so I’m going to go upstairs before I puke everywhere.” I nodded at them both, Sam had a confused look on his face and Dean had smug smile plastered all over his. I climbed what seemed like a million stairs before collapsing on my bed and finally closing my eyes.