Status: finished.

Shut Up & Take My Hand

That's all I know, you're all I know

“We should go back,” I whispered against his lips, and pulling my hand from his hair.

“Yeah, we should.” He mumbled before kissing me again. “Good god, what have I done?” He sighed and pulled away from me. “I’m sorry.”

With that as his last words as he walked away from me. I sighed and pulled on my hair. I wiped my eyes and followed him in. “Hey! Where’d you guys go?” Jack asked and hugged me.

“We kind of argued outside, but we’re fine now.” Alex lied expertly, a smile forming on his lips.

“Oh, good! I can’t have my best friend and my boyfriend hating each other.” Jack said with a laugh, “wait! I fucked that up. I can’t have my girlfriend and my best friend hating each other.” I laughed as his hand fell into mine. “Well, let’s sit down.” He said smiling.

I awkwardly sat down next to Jack, and Alex sat across from us. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had done. I had cheated. I’ve never cheated before, I’ve been cheated on and I know how much it hurts. Why would I ever let myself do that?

But hot damn, Alex knows how to work those lips.

“Abs?” I looked up to see Angie waiting. “Your turn to order, babe.”

“Oh. Um, can I just get two chocolate chip pancakes?” Angie grinned and nodded. “Thanks.” I muttered. I couldn’t keep my eyes from darting over to Alex. He was eyeing Angie. I couldn’t help but feel angry and jealous.

“I’ll get the right to the cooks.” She smiled over at Alex and then strutted away in her stupid boots.

“She doesn’t get a tip.” I hissed.

“Whoa!” Jack looked over at me. “Hostile much?” I rolled my eyes and sipped on my hot chocolate. “Alrighty then.” Jack mumbled and turned to Alex. “How you doin’ kid?” Alex shrugged and smiled. “Better I see?”

“Yeah, Abbie did what she always does.” I let out a stiff sigh and sat up. “Did she tell you? She came to my house and basically called me a hobo and said I smelled like balls.” Jack snorted and wrapped an arm around me.

“That’s my girl!” I chuckled and relaxed into him. The morning went on with awkward conversation, and me glaring at Angie. Jack graciously paid for the entire meal, for all three of us. I tried to convince him otherwise, but like most men, he wouldn’t have it. “My way or the highway.” He joked lightly, I let a small smile show.

“What’re you doin’ tonight Abs?” Alex asked with a sneaky smile. I swallowed and gathered the courage to look into his eyes.

“Having a night in, to myself. I work in the morning.” He let out a disappointed oh, and nodded slowly. “Why do you ask, Alex?” I asked, crossing my arms. Jack went to go start the our and Alex’s car, it was fairly cold outside.

“I wanted to hang out with my best friend.” Alex stated easily.

“You sure that’s a good idea?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. He sighed and looked away. “Didn’t think so.”

“Well sorry. I don’t know how I’ve kept my hands off you for this long.”

“How is it that all of a sudden feeling arise?” He groaned and rubbed his face. “Answer me. I’m not about to be another Lisa. Or hey, let’s bring Jasey into this. I’m not about to be another Jasey Rae. A notch in your bedpost, or a song on your next album.”

“Fine.” Alex hissed. “It’s something Lisa said. It just- just got to me. And then you said that Lisa’s not the one for me, and it made things click.”

“What did Lisa say?” I asked as I slid out of my side of the booth. I pulled my jacket on and Alex followed in suit, still stuck on his tangent.

“And- and you’re just so..” He sighed, trailing off. He ignored my question “Perfect. You’re just so perfect. You’re funny, and adorable, and you burn water. Yet, you work in a bakery. You’re goofy and I don’t know. Sometimes when you talk, you have this made up accent. It’s like your own little language, and it takes some time to decode what you’re trying to say and I love that. And sometimes when you blush, it rises to your high cheekbones and it’s cute. I dunno. You’re just so perfect and I want you.”

“You don’t always get what you want.”

“In this case, I will.” Alex took a step towards me.

“It will hurt Jack.” I shook my head.

“No it won’t hurt me.”

“Jack,” I sighed and looked down to my feet.

“Don’t freak out, Abs. I’ve loved these past weeks with you, but we’re better as friends. We’re a cute couple, yeah, but looking at you and Alex? You two have always been meant for each other, and I got into this knowing that. Plus, Alex?” Jack said, making Alex looked up. “Two things man, this is us even for what happened with Lisa and I in high school. Second thing, you are not subtle at all when you are jealous.” Alex chortled and nodded.

“When was I jealous exactly?” Jack gave him that best friends look and Alex nodded, understanding.

“So what now?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I told you guys Jack would not get his pretty little heart broken c:
hey look what I found!
okay, rumor patrol:
I heard that Jack and Lisa fucked in high school or something. I don't know if that's true or not, but in this FICTIONAL story it is. It'd be cool if you guys commented and let me know if it's true or not.
I love this chapter. I kept having to hide my smile while I was writing.
please, please, please, please,please comment on this baby!
and pleaseeee go check out my Alex Gaskarth vegas co-write: Make This Last, Take it Slow
I love them so much akljhdfa