Status: finished.

Shut Up & Take My Hand

The good die young, but the great will always last

“What in the fuck are you doing here, Lisa?” I asked, getting her her stupid fucking face. I could not contain my anger. She stood up straight and raised an eyebrow.

“Seeing Alex.” I slowly shook my head, gritting my teeth. “So move, blondie.”

“Excuse me?” I pushed her back lightly. “I told you that if you hurt Alex, I would come after you.”

“Whoa, ladies, ladies.” Coloussy jogged over to us. “Abs, don’t. Bitch isn’t worth it.” I swallowed and glared over at Lisa. “And you need to leave.” Lisa’s jaw literally dropped.

“Let’s see what Alex says.” I offered. I knew that would end up being a terrible idea and situation, but I wanted to know whether what happened at Denny’s was as real for him as it was for me.

“Abbie,” Coloussy sighed. “Fine. Good luck girls.” He led us sidestage and we waited in silence. The show was basically over by now, they were playing Dear Maria.

Rian and Zack ran off stage once they’d finished their set, the both of them shot weird looks at Lisa and I. Jack and Alex were throwing picks in the crowd. “This is going to be fun,” Lisa said with a smirk.

Jack hugged me when he came off stage, and glared at Lisa. I couldn’t help but feel satisfied with the situation. “Hey Abs,” Alex breathed out as he came off stage. He quickly pulled me in and kissed me slowly. I felt very powerful in that moment. “How was the show?” Alex asked, resting his head on mine.

“Amazing, I loved the cover songs. Especially True Colors, although I have to say Cyndi Lauper is better than you simply because Cyndi Lauper is better than basically everyone.” He grinned impishly and kissed me again.

“Opinions, opinions.”

“Hey Alex,” Lisa said after obnoxiously coughing. “Great show, love.”

“What are you doing here Lisa?” I could basically see the lump in his throat as he tried to swallow it down. She laughed and reached for Alex’s hand, I took pleasure in seeing him jerk away from here.

“I came to see you, Alex. I, I took my week to think and I decided I needed you. I missed you, Alex” Lisa smiled in a sickly sweet way. I wanted to fucking punch her face in. “Don’t you miss me?”

“No, it was practically a fucking month Lisa. You left me, tore my heart the fuck. I’m tired of this happening over and fucking over. Stay away from me, I don’t want you anymore. Leave.” I felt Alex squeeze my hand, he might as well have squeezed my heart. Slowly, a smile formed on Lisa’s lips.

“Good. You are over me,” she was genuinely smiling. “I told you, didn’t I? I said, you would see it someday. You see it now, and you’re going to be happy. Finally.” Lisa gently touched Alex’s arm, and then smiled at me. She spun on her heel and walked away.

“What the fuck was that about?” I asked, turning to Alex. He merely flashed a lopsided grin at me, and lightly pushed me against the wall. Slowly, he turned around and checked for witnesses.

“When Lisa left me a couple weeks ago, she said- and I quote ‘You love her more than me, I know you do. Maybe you don’t see it right now, but wait and you will’.” I swallowed thickly and slowly nodded my head. “And, I’m not sure if I love you right now. But, I do adore you. And I think we should try this, because everybody is telling me how perfect we are and would be together.”

“You’re very illiterate today, you’re usually quite articulate.” Alex took a small step closer, his hand resting dangerously on the wall behind me. He shook his head as he leaned in close.

As his lips rested against my ear, he took a moment before whispering, “I’m not inarticulate because of today, more because of this position.”

A moment after Alex pulled from my ear, his lips we on mine. I couldn’t help but lose my hands in his hair, I also couldn’t help but consistently pull him closer and closer to me. “We should stop,” I nodded, but after taking a breath I pulled him back to me.

“Should, could, would, but we probably wont.” I murmured against his lips.

“That’s enough you horny freaks!” Matt yelled. I quickly pulled back, hitting my head on the wall. They both laughed maniacally.

“You okay, Abs?” I held my head and smiled weakly. “Aw,” Alex cooed, and kissed my forehead. "How about I take you out to eat, make your head feel better?" I smiled and kissed him again.

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