Status: finished.

Shut Up & Take My Hand

Merry Christmas, kiss my ass

I tied my hair up in a bun, in Alex’s bathroom. “Baby! Hurry the fuck up!” I smiled to myself and toyed with my hair again in the mirror, before heading out. “Babe! Oh, hey.” Alex hugged me and kissed the top of my head. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be. Let’s go,” I laced my fingers with Alex’s and headed towards the door. He followed along chuckling softly. “You’re dick isn’t that off put, y’know.” I randomly blurted out as I got into my car.

“ Whoa! What?” He asked, surprised. Alex slid into the drivers seat, clicked his seatbelt and started my car.

“I’m just saying, like you always say you’re dicks weird and like, to the side or whatever.” I gestured awkwardly, trying to explain. “It’s a lovely penis, it works quite well.”

“I don’t know if I’m uncomfortable, or extremely flattered.” I couldn’t help but throw my head back and let out a loud laugh. “I’m flattered, thank you baby.” I smiled over at Alex, he quickly shot me a wink.

“Oh my god,” I said covering my mouth. “You’re adorable.” I couldn’t help but chew on my bottom lip as he grinned over at me.

“Oh my god!” Alex mocked. “I know I am! But you’re more adorbs.” I chuckled and looked away. “This is going to be fun,” I rolled my shoulders back, working my back. I let my head fall lightly on the car seat, turning towards him.

“What’ll be fun?”

“Us. This relationship. We are going to have fun. No stress, alright?” I nodded with a smile, and propped myself up so I could reach Alex’s face. After pecking his cheek, I fell back into my seat.

“I think I’m actually going to miss you today.” Alex threw me an odd look. “What?” I asked with a small laugh.

“Don’t pretend you don’t miss me every single day.” I chuckled softly, and allowed my eyes trail over the features on his face. His small mole-thing on his chin, and the stubble that rested on his jawline. “What’cha lookin’ at boo?”

“You,” I said in a small voice, I wasn’t even sure he’d heard me. “You’re handsome.” Alex bit his bottom lip, as his cheeks burned red. “Aw, you’re blushing!” He laughed and looked over at me as he parked my car in front of Ellie’s Place. “You comin’ in?.” Alex shrugged and unbuckled.

We made our way into the bakery, our hands intertwined. “Hey, wait.” He pulled me back and softly pressed his lips against mine. “Will you be my girlfriend?” Alex asked as he pulled away, but still staying close. His hands held onto my hips, as he rested his forehead to mine.

“Fuck yes I will.”


“Merry Christmas ‘Lex!” I exclaimed, hugging his middle. We were in my apartment, around a small tree. The rest of the boys were expected any minute, but I wanted Alex to open my gift first.

“I’m excited,” He smiled, holding the red and green wrapped box. “Drum roll, please.” I began to quickly drum my hands on the coffee table. He tore the wrapping off, to reveal a leather bound notebook. “What is this?”

“It’s for anything. Lyrics, thoughts, ideas, plans, feelings. Anything you need out of your head that you don’t think you can say to me, or Jack or anyone.” Alex looked over at me with glazed over, tired eyes. He leaned over and kissed me hard on the lips.

“Thank you,” He mumbled against my lips. “You are very close to the best girlfriend I’ve ever had,” I smiled, and kissed him again. “This is so amazing, and thoughtful, and god- you know me better than anyone else.” I smiled and pulled away. “You’re turn,”

I picked up my small box, and chewed on my bottom lip. “I’m excited.” I said, smiling widely at Alex. I pulled the Santa print paper off the box, showing a black cover that read ‘Tiffany’s’

“You didn’t.” He shook his head and smiled widely. I opened the box, and couldn’t help but widely grin. “Oh my god,” I laughed and looked over at Alex. In the box was a messy bracelet, that was obviously homemade. There were white beads that spelled out Abigail, and around them were green and blue beads.

“Let me tie it.” Alex grabbed my wrist, and the bracelet and loosely tied it on me. “Merry Christmas Abigail.” Alex leaned over and kissed me slowly.

“Whoa there, horny kiddo’s. Put your penis away, Alexander.” Jack announced, causing me to pull away from Alex and laugh. “Merry Christmas, lovebirds.” I hopped off the couch and greeted the guys.

“You guys ready to open some fucking rad gifts?” Rian asked, his pearly whites shining away. In his hands were two bags filled with gifts.

“You beautiful mofo.” I grabbed his face, and left a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

“Hey, quit mackin’ on our drummer. Band whore.” Zack scolded, pulling me from Rian and into a hug. “How are you, Abs?”

“Speaking of,” I joked, poking Zack’s abs. “Okay, let’s open gifts.”

“Jesus, Alex! I told you not to drink too much egg nog!” Matt yelled from the kitchen, I giggled and shook my head.

“That was me!” I announced, and skipped back to Alex, who was still seated on the couch. “Matt, get in here!”

Minutes later, we were all seating in various parts of my living room and were opening our gifts to each other. Rian got a scarf I’d told Cassadee I wanted, Matt and Colussy got me a joint gift, it was the new Monopoly where you have credit cards. Zack got me a skateboard, and a stack of ‘coupons’ that he made himself. Some of my favourites were, free skating lesson, free make-over, free photo shoot. Jack got me a couple of candles. Vinny and Danny couldn’t make it.

“May told me that I can’t go wrong with candles, because bitches love candles.” Jack explained with a goofy smile.

“Tell May she’s a brilliant woman, bitches do love candles.” I winked over at him. “So you all liked your gifts?” They all chorussed an excited yes. “Good. Merry Christmas, boys.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry, it's been so long! I'm really really sorry.
It's been so long, and I've been struggling and I didn't know what to write and ugh I'm sorry. I'm going to try to keep my updates coming quickly. Please don't hate me!

I'm not entirely sure if I spelled Colussy write, let me know if I didn't. I'm too lazy to look it up d:

Give me some love guys!