Status: finished.

Shut Up & Take My Hand

I'm sick of sleeping alone

Lisa ruined the show for me, I didn’t want to be around her. I’ve never really liked Lisa, and for a lot of fair reasons. She was one of those girls who played nice until you did one thing wrong, and then she’d twist every situation into it being your fault. In my case, I didn’t do anything wrong. She was dating Alex his junior year, and they’d had a fairly steady and stable relationship. Alex was really into her, and I mean that in two ways. Things began to change for them when I transferred from Zack’s high school, Townson, to Dulaney. I met Alex, and the other guys, and we all became fast friends. Alex and I were the closest though, and Lisa did not like that.

Lisa made it her mission to ruin my senior year, Alex first broke up with her when she hit me and told me to stay away from Alex and to go back to Townson. They’ve been on and off ever since, and I truly feel bad because Alex deserves better and she deserves to have a relationship where she doesn’t have to constantly feel insecure.

After the guys came offstage and drenched Lisa and I with sweat, I made my way out of the venue. Multiple fans stopped me and asked about me being Alex’s girlfriends. Every time they did, I mentally murdered Jack. I got in my car, not thinking twice, and drove home. Back in high school, after every show the guys and I would hang out and celebrate the good show, but with Lisa back in the picture I really wasn’t interested.

Once home and settled on the couch with wine and pizza, classy I know, my phone blew up. Not literally, just with calls. First Alex, and I wasn’t in the mood. Alex called three times, and then Jack called me. I couldn’t ignore Jack-O. “What do you guys want? I’m watching NCIS, and it’s getting spicy.” I heard Jack’s contagious laughing and smiled to myself. I’ve always thought Jack was kind of adorable.

“Well, we were kind of confused as to why you left so quickly.” He said carefully, as if a gun were to his head. I sighed.

“Well, if you look at Alexander you will see a tweak blonde on his arm.” Jack snorted and then began to laugh obnoxiously. “I see what you’re saying, I’m not happy about it either. Anyways, can I come over and watch NCIS with you? Alex and Lisa are all over each other, Rian’s trying to get Cassadee out here so he’s on the phone, and Zack’s picking up chicks.” I laughed, knowing that wasn’t true. “Actually he’s working out, so.” I laughed again.

“Now that’s plausible. I’ve gotta get you and Zack a girlfriend.” Jack laughed, as if to say ‘yeah right!’ I rolled my eyes at him, darting them over to the screen just to see Tony smirking. God he’s gorgeous. “Yeah, you can come over.” Jack cheered and then quickly said goodbye. He hung up before I could respond. I got up and made some nachos while I waited for Jack. I had plenty of alcohol, so I knew he’d survive at my house.

When Jack got to my house and bounded right in. “You should really lock your door, you’re going to get raped.” I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen. “Ooh, this is a good one.” He plopped on the couch. It was the one where Dinozzo get’s the plague and Kate fakes it for his sake. “Thanks babe,” Jack joked when I handed him a beer and sat down with the nachos. “Wow, I ought to come over more often.” He mumbled through a mouth full of chips and cheese.

“Wow, you’re so attractive Jack. Please just do me right here.” I monotonously mocked him.
“Fuck off, I like nachos.” He said, again, through a mouth filled to the brim with nachos.
I scrunched up my nose and he laughed. “You’re super gross, no oh my god!” I yelled when Jack got into my face and started chewing loudly. “No! Oh my god, Jack get!” I dodged him and laughed. I jumped off the couch, I ran to my room and I heard Jack laughing maniacly behind me.

“Get, satan!” I yelled making a cross with my fingers. “Back off, I’m not afraid to-to use this!” I grabbed my sisters huge, old philosophy book. Jack then surrendered by putting his hands up and swallowing the food in his mouth. “Good, now go that way and I’m bringing the book with me.”
“Yes ma’am.” Jack responded and spun stiffly. “Hut, two, three, four.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him forward. He laughed and ran back to the couch.

“I really love this movie.” I mumbled into Jack’s junk. I was laying on the couch with my head in his lap. I wasn’t facing his crotch but still. We were watching Home Alone.
“Ugh, me too. Finally someone who doesn’t scream no at me whenever I bring it up.” I chuckled and shook my head. “Thanks Abs, for an awesome night. I should get home, though.” I groaned.
“Just stay here, as long as you don’t try to fuck me in my sleep tonight, you can stay.” He smiled down at me and shrugged. “I’ll make you pancakes tomorrow morning.”

“I’m in.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm updating twice in one day because this one's short lawl
I love Jack&Abbie's friendship. they're adorbz
Alex will be in the next one c:
please comment you guys, it's important.
I love you all