Status: finished.

Shut Up & Take My Hand

What if you were the secret, and I didn't see it?

“Hey lovebirds, don’t think I didn’t see that.” I looked to my left, only to see a gorgeous little brunette. Jack left us to our squealing and our hugs. “So, you and Jack? Rian didn’t mention that.” I sighed and looked over to the lane where Jack was greeting the guys. “Uh oh,”

“I’ll tell you later, Cassadee. Let’s just say, nothing’s official. Don’t tell anyone.” Cassadee looked at me a little confused, but none the less she still nodded. “I’m sorry, I’m just really, really confused and- ugh!” I groaned and tugged on the ends of my hair.

“We need a girls night, asap.” I nodded and Cassadee grinned at me. Her and Rian are going to have children with such perfect teeth. “Let’s get over there.” She linked arms with me and we walked over to the boys. “Look who I found?” Alex looked up from Lisa, his eyes brightening up and his giant eyebrows raised high.

“Abbie,” he said cautiously. He jumped up and stole me from Cassadee. “Excuse us,” he mumbled dragging me away. He pulled me over to an empty booth, sitting on one side. I sighed and sat on the other. “Did you get my texts?” I nodded, he groaned and rested his head on the back of the booth.

“Alex!” I quietly exclaimed. He almost hit an old man seated by us with his head. He turned ever so slightly to see behind him, and then turned back to me. His cheeks were tinted red, and he let a small smile play on his lips. “I got them, but I was getting dressed so I never responded.” Alex nodded as his tongue darted out and licked his lips. “It’s fine. I forgive you, if you forgive me.”

“Thank god, I thought I was gonna lose my Abbie forever.” Alex huffed with relief, sliding out of the booth. He opened his arms, obviously waiting for me to hug him. I smiled and slid out of my side of the booth as well. I took a deep breath in his arms, the smell of booze, cologne and just.

He smelled like Alex, and- god, have I missed that smell.

Alex rested his head on the top of mine, and I let out a small sigh. “Wow, so not talking to you really fucking sucks.” I mumbled, his fingers gripped my sides a little tighter as he kept me close to his warm body. “Should we go back?” Alex sighed and I felt his chin push me down and then lift and then fall back down, he was nodding.

We pulled apart and walked back to our friends. Everyone but Lisa clapped loudly, Lisa’s face was contorted with obvious jealousy and unhappiness. I almost felt bad.

Bowling with my boys was the most fun I’d had in a while. Jack kept randomly holding my hand, the look on his face when I pulled away broke my heart. I felt so uncomfortable though. I didn’t want the guys to think things were more serious than they were, and I also didn’t want to be made fun of by anyone. And knowing the guys, they’d mock us for a week- like we did Rian and Cassadee.

“Okay, I’m going home and I’m getting a goodnights sleep.” I announced, after we’d all had fits of laughter due to Alexander Gaskarth’s bowling skills. Jack pouted and I rolled my eyes, pretending to slap him.

“Why what happened last night?” Zack asked, raising eyebrows. I glared back at him and turned forward. We were walking out of the alley as we conversed. “I was just asking, no need to be hostile.” I rolled my eyes and didn’t look back.

“I’ll see you guys later,” I muttered as I hugged myself and began walking to my car. I felt an arm around me and I looked up to see Jack. “Jack,” I mumbled looking back down.
“I don’t want you to leave a good day upset, Abs. What’s wrong?” I sighed and shook his arm off.

“I’m just,” I paused and searched for the right word. The look on his face screamed, ‘it’s me, isn’t it?’ He was frowning, and he looked like he wanted to cry. “No, Jack. It’s not you, I swear.” He threw me that famous Jack Barakat smile, but it wasn’t real. “Jack, seriously. I promise to you that I’m not changing my mind from earlier.”

“Prove it.” Jack challenged, obviously thinking I wouldn’t be able to.

“Fine.” I muttered through gritted teeth. I reached up, pulling him down a little by his neck. I let go of all my stupid pride and I kissed Jack. I kissed Jack in front of everyone. Jack almost immediately kissed me back, his arms snaked around my waist and pulled me as close as probably possible.

I heard cat calls and whistles from my friends, and I couldn’t help but blush and smile into the kiss. I pulled away from Jack, he barely let me get away. Quickly pecking my lips again, he grinned like it was christmas. I couldn’t help but be afraid of what may happen next. But that’s life right? Cause and effect, every move you make has a shadow of consequence. So we shall see what my consequence will be.
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I know it's short and i'm sorry, I'll try to write ten this week and update again.
i hope you love this chapter, because omfg I did. I was like smiling so big while writing it c:
please comment, subscribe, hey! tell you're friends c: