Sequel: Burned at Both Ends
Status: IT IS DONE XD I get my life back... just kidding because I have a few other stories and the sequel to work on... -_-


Every single day not giving up, living up all my dreams

“Hey Devlyn are you still awake?” my friend Katie whisper yelled at me. We were staying in a little motel waiting for the next day to come when we would go to Warped. It was just another concert in my list but it was her first… we would have VIP passes and she hadn’t shut up about it since we got them three months earlier.

“No.” I growled and rolled over on my half of the bed. “Go to bed K or I'm gonna kill you and you wont be able to meet Andy.”

“You are mean.” she huffed.

“You’re annoying now let me sleep.”

“Fine bitch.”



WE ARE GOING TO WARPED!” was what I woke up to. Someone was jumping up and down on me screaming that repeatedly. I blindly reached out and threw her off of me and smiled when I heard a satisfying thump from where she landed. “Ow that hurt bitch.” she whined.

“Don’t care.” I replied and ran to the bathroom before she could stop me.

NO! Not fair! Why do you get to shower first?!” she whined and hit the door that I had locked.

“Seniority.” I said and grinned at myself in the mirror. “And you were to busy meeting the floor again.”

“You are so not that much older than me jackass! Only a year.”

“And! Two months!” I corrected her and started the shower. I ignored the rest of her complains as I got myself cleaned and then toweled off. I wrapped the towel tightly around myself and opened the door. Katie was sulking on the bed. “I’m done.” I chirped and sauntered on over to my suitcase. I had the perfect outfit for today.

“Alright while I am showering try not to break anything Dev.” she sighed and went into the bathroom. I snickered when she yelled about how cold it was.

That was how our relationship worked. I was the mean one and she was still mean but not as bad. I was just more brutal and blunt with my words. She actually cared about people.

I pulled on my ripped leggings and tight dark purple short shorts. I slipped into my little black tank top that stopped about two inches above my belly button and shrugged into my black vest. It had patches from everyone of the bands that I loved and the Motionless in White one was close to my face and the first one you saw. Yup I am undeniably a creature and proud to be so.

“You gonna do your face Devin style?” Katie asked and walked out of the bathroom.

“You know me so well.” I chuckled and went in to quickly shadow my eyes and place the black dots carefully under my eyes.

“You ready doll face?”

“Call me that again and you wont have a face.” I growled and put on my perfume then grabbed my bag.

“Alright ladies what are your names?” the tired gate worker asked us.

“Devlyn Snow and Katie Maykuth.” I said and we showed him our passes. “Alright ladies clip those somewhere where we can see them and enjoy your day.”

“We will thank you.” Katie said and pulled me in. Her long poofy pink hair got in my face and I started sneezing. She grabbed a schedule and looked at it as her face brightened. “BLACK VEIL BRIDES MAINSTAGE NOW!” she cheered and started pushing me. During the show I kept her out of the mosh pits and somehow managed to deal with the group of preteens next to us talking about how they wanted to fuck Andy or Ashley or how they were going to marry them. First of all ew.

THANK YOU FOR COMING OUT TONIGHT! BLACK VEIL BRIDES ARMY YOU TRULY ARE THE FUCKING BEST AND WE FUCKING LOVE YOU!” Andy yelled and the group of girls next to me started yelling ‘Andy I love you’ and I think I even heard a ‘I want to have your babies.’ I faked barfing and Katie laughed at me. I swear to god I saw Jake laughing at me.

“Hey Katie!” I yelled over the noise. “Guess what?!”



“I’ll stay here.”

“NO! You are coming with me! I sat through little kids fawning over Andy for you. You can deal with my show damn it!”

“Fine! Lead on!” she groaned. I grabbed her hand and ran to the stage they were playing at. “You are so lucky I love you!”

“I know! Hey when the music starts stay out of the fucking pits. I don’t want to have to fish your bloody corpse out.”


“You would be eaten alive and you know it. I got us to the front. Grab the barrier and hold on fucking tight.”

“Yes mom!” she said and then the stage lights went out and fog started pouring onto the stage. I couldn’t help my girly shriek when they ran out onto the stage. I loved these guys.

Half way through one of their songs Ghost fell into the crowd. I caught him and shoved him back over the barrier and onto the stage. He gave me a grateful smile before continuing to play. Someone grabbed my ass and I grabbed the person’s hand and pushed it away from me. The bad thing about these concerts are the ass grabbers.

“Hey you Devin look alike!” Ricky yelled into his mike and pointed at me. I looked around to see if I was wrong but shrugged when there was no one else. “Thanks for saving Sola’s ass!” I smiled and nodded before grabbing Katie and walking away from the crazy crowd since the show was over.

“Lets go to the back and meet people Dev.” Katie said and grabbed my arm. I sighed and let her drag me to a gate where we had to show our passes and then were let through.
♠ ♠ ♠


Title Credit: Motionless in White- Devil's Night