Sequel: Burned at Both Ends
Status: IT IS DONE XD I get my life back... just kidding because I have a few other stories and the sequel to work on... -_-


A place we see only in our nightmares.

“Where were you?” Devin asked and hugged me. “I was- [we were worried and I didn’t- we didn’t think that you were coming back.”

“Awe you missed me darling?” I laughed and hugged him back.

“Y-Yeah we were worried!” Angelo stuttered. “You got into a fight with dip shit and then you disappeared and then he came back and said that he had found you but that you had been in trouble and that you would be around sometime.”

“What kind of trouble?” Chris asked me.

“It was nothing.” I grumbled and looked at my booted feet.

Nothing?!” TJ yelled and then threw his arms down to his sides and took a deep breath flaring his nose. “Nothing?” he asked quieter. “That guy... that freak was trying to force himself on you! How in the hell is that nothing?!”

“Again with this?! Why do you care TJ?!”

“The motherfucker is sooo lucky that I hadn't found you. I would’ve killed him.” Devin hissed. “No I wouldn’t have killed him. I would’ve slowly cut him to pieces with a rusty butter knife THEN sprayed him with some lemon juice rolled him in salt and laughed while he was screaming.”

W O W Devin.” I said and looked at him with wide eyes. He had gone passed ‘im angry’ to ‘im pissed and someone is gonna die and im gonna laugh on my way to prison and im gonna keep laughing even after they put me in a hug-yourself jacket’ and it kind of scared me.

“Where is he?”

“Top secret. I can't tell you.”

“Why would you protect him?!”

“I am not trying to protect anyone other than you.” I said in a shaky voice. “You- it doesn’t mean anything and it was nothing because TJ saved me and I am fine and I have all of my friends here with me and we are all okay… except you.”

“H-How am I not okay?” he asked. He still sounded scary but it was fading but not enough.

“You just said… you… Devin you aren’t a violent person and you sound like you want to be put in a prison cell or an asylum and- and they would eat you alive in one of them Devin and I am not losing you or letting them lose you because of me.” I said and pointed at the group of our friends who were just looking at us with wide eyes and open mouths. “You fucking scared me worse than the guy did.” I crossed my arms and shook my short black hair out. No one said anything we just stood there for a couple more minutes. I shook my head again and walked away. I staid in the area this time though.

I looked at my feet though so I wasn’t surprised when I ran into someone.

“Mother fucker.” I groaned and held my head that I had hit on a rock. It hurt really bad and I felt like I was spinning. “Mother fucker.”

“Nah I’m Jacky Vincent and you are?”

“In pain.” I grumbled and tried to stand up but fell back on my ass. “I down. Fuck they aren’t gonna let me leave the bus now.” I said and yawned.

“No you look at me kid. At me not the… I don’t know where you’re looking. Shit keep talking.” He said and picked me up. “Who can I call for you? I haven’t seen you around.”

“Nope I don’t really get out.” I giggled. “But when I do shit like this happens… where’s Dev?”


“Devin… you know Devin Sola. Awesome, sweet, guy that… has some issues but he is still pretty cool. They might be a liiittle worried about me.”


“And Dev.”


“What’d you do Jacks?” a voice asked.

“Ran into her and I think she has a concussion. Hey kid keep talking and keep your eyes open.”

“Shit man that’s Devlyn. Dev look at me. I texted Motionless and they are going to meet us at the tent. Keep your eyes open.”

“I-Is Devin gonna be there?” I asked.

“Yes he is going to be there.”

“Cool tell him I’m sorry and that I aint angry at him.” I yawned and leaned against Ronnie’s shoulder.

“Hey keep your god damned eyes open! God fucking damn it!” Jacky yelled but it was muffled. “Someone call 911!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I am not feeling this one either so I will update again... Three in one day... dunno if that is a good thing or not so hmm what ever it gets you lovely people up to date on what i have written.


Title Credit: Alesana- And Now For The Final Illusion