Sequel: Burned at Both Ends
Status: IT IS DONE XD I get my life back... just kidding because I have a few other stories and the sequel to work on... -_-


I feel lost in the world of the blinding lights

“I am Bryan Stars sitting here with Motionless In White and Vampires Everywhere. How’s it going guys?” Bryan asked and held out the mike. He was pretty cool but way to happy for how early it was.

“Fucking awesome.” I yawned and leaned my head on Michael’s shoulder.

“Can you guys introduce yourselves and tell us what you do?”

“I’m Chris Motionless. I do vocals for Motionless in White.”

“I’m Ryan. I do guitar in Motionless.”

“Ricky… guitar in Motionless.”

“Angelo Parente and I am the drummer for Motionless in White.” Angelo said and he was another way to awake person.

“I’m Balz and I play the Keys for Motionless.”

“Ghost… I play bass.” Devin yawned and leaned on my shoulder.

“DJ guitar for VE.”

“Aaron Graves and I am a guitarist in Vampires Everywhere.”

“Phillip Kross and I am also a guitarist for VE.”

“And I am Michael Vampire the lead screamer for Vampires Everywhere. This human growth I have on my arm is my-” Michael started to say but I snatched the microphone out of his hands.

“I’m Devlyn Snow. I am the merchandise handler for Motionless in White and this freak is my brother. Now shush Michael good pillows don’t talk.” I handed the microphone to Bryan as we waited for the laughter to die down a little.

“Devlyn… so there has been a lot of talk about you. What is and isn’t true?”

“Hmmm… well I am not a whore. I am in a faithful relationship with Devin.” I said and sat up. Devin smiled and grabbed my hand lacing our fingers. “I am not a Satanist and yes like my brother I am a vampire and I don’t care what people think about me because I know that we don’t go around killing people. Oh and nothing ever has or ever will happen between me and TJ or Ricky. They are good friends and that is all.”

“They call you a Satanist?”

“I have heard it yeah.”

“How did you get into this? You kind of appeared out of nowhere at the beginning of Warped.”

“Uh well… the opportunity kind of fell on me.” I laughed and poked Devin’s side causing him to blush like mad.

“Yeah we were on stage doing a set and then Devin practically eats shit and little Dev threw him back on stage.” Ryan laughed. “I am sure that there is a video somewhere. It was so funny. She looked so shocked and then when we finally met her Ricky decided it would be fun to mess with her. He was harassing her about touching Sola’s ass and they even had a chicken wing eating contest to settle it.”

“Which I won by the way.” I said and looked at the camera.

“How has this tour been for you guys?”

“Fucking insane.” Michael laughed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“It has at that.” Chris agreed.

“Okay so now some traditional questions.” Bryan said and shuffled his papers. “Who were you and what did you do in a past life?”

“I still don’t know.” Chris laughed.

“I was a cat.” DJ said and we all looked at him. “Well it would be cool.”

“I dunno but I hope I wasn’t a bug.” Michael said.

“I am pretty sure I was in the Salem Witch trials on the wrong end of the stake if you know what I mean. And I don’t know if it was this life or another one but I am terrified of the dark because I get a feeling like I am going to die… unless I’m with someone.” I said and shrugged.

“Then why do you like taking night walks?” Balz asked.

“Because I am confronting my fears… and it is the best time to think. I don’t like people and there aren’t many out then. I don’t have to make sense Balz.”

“But you like us right?” Aaron asked.

“I don’t like you guys. You’re family and I love you. Plus you don’t even count as people. You’re my crazies.” I laughed.

“Do you like me?” Bryan asked.

“You’re pretty cool.” I nodded.

“Awesome. Anything embarrassing happen this year?”

“No not really.” Phillip said. Me and Motionless just sat there and looked at eachother thinking.

“Fuck yes!” Devin yelled. “Those bastards locked me and Devlyn in a fucking cage and left us there over night!” he said and pointed an accusing finger at Chris.

“You did?”

“Yuuup.” Angelo laughed and I glared at him.

“Then I took the mother fucker apart and threw it away.” I huffed and crossed my arms.

“Wow.” he laughed. “What are you guys about?”

“Self expression.” Phillip said. “We get a lot of fans telling us how they are bullied at school and stuff like that and I think that we are all proud to know that our music helps them but guys you should be happy with who you are no matter what.”

“Yeah and even if you don’t like our music stand up for yourselves. If someone says that you are wrong for liking a band or something like that tell them to go fuck themselves.” Balz said and I nodded in agreement.

“Something I see at a lot of the shows is people that make fun of other fans because the person likes a band and they don’t or a person.” I said. “Like this girl punched this one guy because he kept ragging on VE and I wanted to jump over the table and hug her because seriously people if you don’t like a band then shut the fuck up and move on.”

“I bet that was interesting.”

“It was. I think Kuza fell in love for about ten minutes.”

"Do you guys have any interesting texts that you have received lately that you would be willing to read out loud?”

“Yes actually.” Ricky said and took out his phone. “Alright so out TM isn’t with us on this tour and we are free styling it but he sent me this text last week because he stopped by mine and Angelo’s place to take care of Angelo’s cat. ‘There is a demon in your house man. I walked through the door and it attacked me on the foot and now there is hair everywhere. I won’t go back in there.’ Now you have to understand that this is a cat that is less than five pounds and it attacking was probably just it yelling like a banshee because he was hungry.” I was laughing because I could see that happening and Angelo was laughing to because he had seen it happen.

“I got one from DJ asking me where he put his tiara.” I said and everyone burst out laughing as he glared daggers at me.

“I was drunk.” he huffed when everyone was quieted down.

“You guys have an interesting life don’t you? If you could change something what would it be?”

“Nothing. I regret nothing because it has made me who I am.” Angelo said and most of us agreed with him.

“If I could change something I was change how I used to let people’s words affect me in the past. I used to starve myself and now I just… if I could go back in time and talk to the younger me I would tell myself that they are all full of shit and to keep my head up because it’ll get better eventually.” I said and Devin tightened his hand on mine comfortingly.

“What would you tell people with the same problems as you had?”

“It’s not worth it.” I said and looked at the camera. “Whether you self harm, have an eating disorder or something else I promise you that it is not worth it. And to the people who have tried to commit suicide or think about it I promise that no person’s words or thought are worth killing yourself and if they are hurting you then get fucking help. Even if the person is your parent they don’t have the right to abuse you. Trust me I know what it feels like to be backed into that corner but you are strong enough I promise. Even though it feels like you don’t have the strength you do and you have people that are there to support you.”

“Wow I can definitely see why people are starting to love you.” The camera girl said and I smiled.

“On a lighter note… What is the worst job you have ever had?”

“I worked at Wendy’s.” Ryan said.

“I used to work in a tattoo shop.” Chris said. “It was pretty cool but I had to listen to some of the most ridiculous people ever.”

“I worked at Wal-Mart. I got fired from Wal-Mart.” I laughed. “I told this lady to keep track of her kids or put leashes on them and then she got pissy with me because they apparently weren’t her kids sooo… I asked her if she could return them for a refund.”

“And your boss fired you for that?” Aaron laughed.

“Yup… I guess they were his kids. Woops.”

“Do you guys think that you’d be good parents?”

“Well my wife is pregnant so I hope I’ll be a good parent.” Ryan said.

“Congratulations man. Is it going to be a boy or girl?”

“We don’t know. Allie wants to keep that a secret to the world until it is actually born but god I hope it isn’t a girl.” he groaned and put his head in his hands.

“Why’s that?”

“Because when she is older and a teenager I don’t want to have to worry about my little girl being in trouble with guys.”

“I agree with him.” I said. “I don’t know if I would be a good parent but if I ever do have kids I want to only have one and I want it to be a boy and its first word will be dad. For a few different reasons. When it wakes up screaming dad I won’t be its dad. When it comes time for the talk that will be left to the dad. When it gets into high school I won’t have to worry about it getting pregnant and if it is gay then I won’t have to worry about a baby mama.”

“What do you think of this Devin?”

“Why only one?” he asked me.

“Because if there is only one it couldn’t fight with its nonexistent sibling. Also the kid would have these guys and you know as well as I do that they are little kids in adult bodies.” I said and gestured to our friends.

“I take offense from that.” Angelo huffed.

“Ange you tried killing Ricky for eating your left over chicken wings.”

“They were mine and I regret nothing.”

“What do you guys like most about girls?”

“Boobs.” I said at the same time that Devin said “Devlyn… wait what?”

“Well I’m bi and I like boobs.” I shrugged.

“I love you!” Balz cheered. “Devlyn will you marry me?”

“Sorry I’m taken.” I smiled and Devin pecked my lips.

“In the Halloween spirit… have you ever seen a ghost?” Bryan asked and we all turned our heads to look at Devin. He sat there a couple of seconds before he noticed the eyes on him.


“Ghost the question was ‘have you ever seen a ghost?’ and we live with one.” Balz snickered.

“Oh ha ha very funny guys.” he huffed and crossed his arms.

“What do you guys do for Halloween? Do you have any traditions?”

“We usually just watch a bunch of horror movies.” Chris shrugged.

“We get drunk.” Phillip said.

“I don’t know what I’m doing this year.” I said and sat back. “In past years because I was going through some shit it was just like every other day and I would drink myself almost to blackout and I would pop pills. I don’t do that anymore since it almost killed me and I don’t know what I’m going to do. I have never really done anything on my birthday. I remember one year I was so out of it the walls were singing Toby Keith to me and god that was worse than the sickness afterwards.” Michael and Devin put an arm around me and I smiled.

“Wait today, Halloween, is your birthday?”

“Yeah. I was actually born on Halloween.” I smiled.

“That’s cool. Happy Birthday. I hope that it is a good one for you this year.”

“Thank you Bryan. Me to.”

“It will be even if I have to forcibly make you do something.” Devin said.

“And we will help him.” Chris said.

“Describe Devlyn with one word.”

“Small.” Angelo said.

“Short.” Chris said. Everyone said a variation of that except Devin and Michael.

"Strong.” Michael said and I smiled.

“Why strong?” Bryan asked.

“Well some pretty serious shit has been happening that I am nut sure that I am supposed to talk about and she has remained calm for the most part.” he said and patted my head.

“Calm? Dude I didn’t really do much of anything but stare at my feet for weeks and write her letters.” I snorted.

“Could you give us a little hint?”

“Yeah I guess that would be good.” I said. “A good friend of mine recently tried to commit suicide and it almost pushed me over the edge. I guess that is a little more than a hint but when I said earlier that it isn’t worth it and that I knew what it was like I meant it. I know what it is like to be on all ends of that subject.”

“My word to describe her is perfect.” Devin said and side hugged me. “She isn’t to strong but she is independent and beautiful and smart and I love her.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo i was wondering if anyone could make me a layout for the next story? If you could that would be awesome and i would be forever in your debt and i would love you.

I love watching Bryan Stars interviews. He is so awkward sometimes but people love him and so many of his interviews are fucking hilarious. My personal favorite is one he did with MIW.



Title Credit: Crown The Empire- The Fallout