Sequel: Burned at Both Ends
Status: IT IS DONE XD I get my life back... just kidding because I have a few other stories and the sequel to work on... -_-


Oh well, Oh well, Guess I'll see you in hell

“Awwe this is so cute… take a picture!” someone whispered and I immediately woke up. Me and Devin were still in the cage but while we had been sleeping he had turned on his side and I had curled into a little ball against his chest and he had his arms wrapped around me burying his head in my hair.

“Fuck face you woke her up.” Ryan groaned and punched Ricky’s shoulder.

“Devin wake up.” I said and lightly shook his shoulder. He yawned before blinking his eyes open tiredly.


“No it’s just me… Devlyn… still in the cage.” I said awkwardly and his face fell a little bit but then was back to the sweet smile.

“Are you jerk offs gonna let us out now?” he asked our friends.

“Well since you said it like that… no.” Ricky said and walked out. Balz just laughed and undid the lock.

“I could kill you.” I growled at Ryan who was just smiling.

“Why would you wanna do that?”

“You-.” I was interrupted by a loud snap and looked back to where Devin was yanking at the cage. “Uh Devin whatcha doing?”

“Getting… rid of this… monstrosity!” he said through gritted teeth and kept pulling on it. “What? You wanna be put back in here?” he asked and looked at me.

NEVER!” I yelled and ran to his side and began pulling on it. We somehow fit it through the little doors and threw it onto the road. I went back inside and grabbed a butter knife. I saw Devin giving me a funny look and I shrugged. “I'm going to take that fucker apart.” I got to work on unscrewing every bolt I could see and throwing them in a random direction.

“Uhm what is she doing?” Chris asked and walked around the corner with a new person.

“Destroying this infernal creation forged from the fires in the deepest pits of Tartarus.” I said and threw the last bolt away. “Try sticking me in the fucking thing again Christopher.” I pointed to the messy pile of metal.

“That’s the cage?” he asked and looked at it funny.

“Uhuh.” Devin said with a smug smile. “It is and now it’s dead.”

“Wow Devlyn… I think you killed it and it wasn’t even alive.” Angelo clapped. “So Bob’s is Tartarus huh?”

“If that is where it came from then yes.” I huffed and started picking up the metal dowels. “Good fucking thing that today is an off day right? And uh hi person of whom I am pretty sure is named Kuza.” I said and waved at him.

“Hi Devlyn.” he smiled. “Want some help with those?”

“Be careful man. She’s taken.” TJ said and put an arm around my shoulders. I hadn't even known he was behind me. I growled and shrugged his arm off.

“By who TJ?” I huffed and picked up more sticks. “Grab my ass and I’ll shove these up your ass.”

“No not me even though I really wish you were and I still don’t get your issue with me.” he huffed but then looked back at Kuza. “By The ghost.”

“You know what TJ Bell?” I growled. “No. I’m not and I will never be yours or do anything you come up with in that sick fucking head of yours because I hate you.”

“To hate you must have once loved.” he smirked.

“Yeah once upon a very long time ago.” I hissed and pointed one of the pieces of metal at him and tapped his chest with it. “Before you fucked over the people you pretended to be friends with. Before you fucked over the band that saved my life. Before it was revealed to the world how much of a complete asshole you are. That is why I hate you.” I turned and stomped away to a trash can and dumped them in then I just walked off in a random direction and somehow ended up at a club.
♠ ♠ ♠
and thirty seconds later there it was :D


Title Credit: Mayday Parade- Oh well Oh well