Status: Co-write. Up and Running.

I Know You Well but This Ain't a Game


Tay stood in the crowd peering at the stage where soon the Reaping was to begin. Her sisters and a few friends were chattering amongst themselves.

“Look Tay! There’s Alex,” her sister cooed pointing to the light brown haired boy that stood beside his skunk haired friend. Tay’s face turned a slight shade of pink. 
She had a bit of a crush on Alex. He was handsome, had a nice personality too. His reputation was the only problem.

“I don’t like him.” Tay told her sister firmly.

“Like your face says the opposite,” her sister laughed.

“Shut up Lindsey,” the short girl didn’t like being teased. She liked someone, and she obviously had the right to.

Tay’s eyes skimmed the crowd and recognized a few familiar faces from her District.

“Welcome to the Reaping!” A voice boomed into the crowd. Tay had to stand on her toes to see over the sea of heads, the only disadvantage, in her opinion, of being short.

“Today two of our tributes will be chosen for our annual Games!” The voice kept talking.

Tay couldn’t stand the heat from the sun that was pounding down on her. She made her way to the crowd to the back. There was a bit of shade from a few trees. Leaning against one she squinted. The sun was bright and Tay mentally kicked herself for forgetting her sunglasses.

The announcer droned on and on about something Tay was not interested in. The chance of her being picked were slim.

“Hey Tay!” a voice said beside her. Looking up her eyes met those of a tattooed man.

“Austin!” she exclaimed. I haven’t talked to you in a long time,” she gave him a hug. “How have you been?” she inquired. Austin and Tay had known each other for what seemed like forever to them. He was there whenever, she needed him, and vice versa. They’re friendship grew day by day. Particularly when Austin’s mom passed away as well as Tay’s dad. The two would sit and comfort each other.

“I’ve been better,” he answered, knowing Tay was asking about his heart. He really wasn’t up for anything today. He got out of the hospital a few days ago because his heart was acting up again. Tay had visited him but could never stay with him seeing she wasn’t family as much as Tay argued with the nurses and doctors.

“And now for the tributes!” The announcer’s voice interrupted the short conversation.

Austin wrapped his arm around Tay’s tiny frame.

“Our female tribute is... Ella Johnson!” the voice boomed. Tay let out a sigh. Austin squeezed her shoulder and smiled looking down.

“And the gentleman that will be our second tribute is... Austin Carlile!”

Tay froze and looked up and him. He went pale, but let go of Tay.

“You can’t go Austin! Are you crazy? “I can’t let you do this!” Tay looked at her best friend.

“They called my name. I can’t just not go. It wouldn’t be fair.” Austin replied as he hugged her. He pulled away and started to walk. Tay looked at him from the distance.

“I present you our 2 tributes!” The announcer called out.

You only live once. So go fucking nuts

“Stop!” She heard herself yell as she ran past everyone to the front.
Austin looked down at Tay with confusion. The other girl beside him also was confused and teary eyed.

“I volunteer as tribute.” She called out. If Austin was going to go into this, he wasn’t going alone.
The announcer was startled.

“I uhm… Uh…” He muttered and looked at the petite girl standing in front of him. “What’s your name?” He asked.

“Taylor Jardine and I’m volunteering in the place of her,” she indicated at the girl.

“Alrighty,” the man nodded and let the other go and brought Tay up on stage.

“What are you doing?” Austin asked.

“We’re going to go together. We’re gonna kick ass.” Tay informed him and looked out into the crowd. She saw Alex and his friend stare at her. Fuck him. Best friends are more important than stupid crushes.
Her mom would probably be annoyed but Tay didn’t care. Okay she cared a bit but she needed Austin to come back home.

The two tributes shook hands and grinned at each other.
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